Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, May 29, 1985
14 arrested, 10 hurt at MSU festival
Fourteen people were arrested and
10 were injured last week during
Michigan State University's annual
Cedar Fest, a block party that erupted
into a rioting mob.
More than 6,000 students attended
the party that East Lansing Police Lt.
Richard Murray described as living
up to its reputation. "It was bigger
and badder (than last year). The
crowd was much more vicious and
The injuries occurred when party-
goers began hurling beer bottles into
the crowd causing head lacerations to
seven people.
A plainclothes police officer was cut
by broken glass when he fell trying to
make an arrest. Another man suf-
fered a broken leg after falling from
an apartment balcony.
Police said most of the arrests were
for drunken driving or disorderly
conduct, but a 19-year-old man was
arrested for possession of cocaine.
Cedar Village apartments
sustained an estimated $2,000 in A spokesman for the university said
damage from broken screens and win- the new residents will probably
dows. Police reported that trees all remain there until July.
along Cedar St. also were damaged. The Chronicle of
The mob was also responsible for Higher Education
stealing street signs and breaking
lights within the area.
-The State News Officer tries trading
ficers from the investigation unit. to test the fruit of their knowledge.
"You can't tell what country a wine
-The Chronicle of if from, but you can tell what kind of
Higher Education grape is used," said student Robert
Drinking for icredit
Temple U. offers aid ticket for term paper at-e-aul University
tMOVEfirerictimsat DePaul University
to MOVE fire victims State trooper Augusto St. Silva of
Boston has been fired for offering to Students at DePaul University in
Temple University in Philadelphia tear up a speeding ticket in exchange
has become the new home for residen- for a term paper from a University of Illinois are now receiving four credits
ts left homeless in the fiery aftermath Massachusetts at Boston student. for their participation in "academic"
of the police assault last week on the The student, whom police would not drinking.
headquarters of the radical group identify, was stopped last October by
MOVE. St. Silva for speeding. While writing In "The World of Wine," a new
The fire, which began after police the ticket for speeding, the officer geography class given at the univer-
bombed the MOVE headquarters, learned that he and the motorist were sity, students study and taste wine
engulfed 53 houses in a two-block taking the same law class at the from countries all over the world. Up
area, leaving 250 residents homeless. university. to 10 different wines are tasted during
Temple University's president, The trooper then allegedly offered each class.
Peter Liacouras, called Mayor W. to tear up the ticket he was writing if
Wilson Goode the following morning the student would write a term paper Students learn to sniff red and white
and said the university would provide for him. wine to determine its bouquet and how
free lodging in dormitory rooms and The motorist immediately reported to swirl it around the inside of a glass
three meals a day to those whose the incident to state police, who to see if it has "legs," residual sugar
homes had been burned down. notified the state police internal in- that lines the glass.
The 60 people who quickly accepted vestigation unit. When the two men
the university's offer were also given were supposed to make the exchange, Budding wine connoisseurs come to
full access to university facilities. the student was accompanied by of- class with tulip-shaped glasses ready
Students must attend regular lec-
tures and films and are graded on a
research paper about wine produc-
tion, a final exam testing their
knowledge of wine history, and their
ability to identify wine by taste.
Forty-five students - all over 21 -
are enrolled in the class, and "The
World of Wines" is gaining
popularity. "Geography has never
been a discipline that couldn't stand a
few more students," said Prof.
Because DePaul is a parochial
university, it can serve wine on cam-
pus, unlike many state universities.
-The Daily Northwestern
Colleges appears every Wed-
nesday. It was compiled by staff
writer Janice Plotnik.
Language Institute attracts a diverse student body
(contnuedfromPage1) achieve the needs of a particular in- understanding the language when it sponsors a variety of activities such scarier," she said. "The streets there
for entrance to the program are that dividual or a particular class." comes to speaking and understanding as square dances, picnics, and spen- are very narrow and many go only
the student be at least 17, have an All levels of the spoken English. ding time with American families, to one way. Here, there are highways.
equivalent of a high school diploma, taught in English. Fraser saidara Sometimes "they get here and can't acquaint the students with American There is not as much traffic."
and the financial resources to cover student's native language is used only understanda syllable," Fraser said. culture.
the cost of the program. Anulark Techanitisawad, 22, said Khodabandeh said the religious and
FRASER SAID financial aid is not in emergency situstions. TO VIDA Khodabandeh, a 22-year- the United States seems to be a bit cultural differences between this
available to cover the $1,000 cost of To mee a diverse old student from Iran, who has been in more orderly than her native country and Iran are particularly
the program which includes tuition, student group, Fraser said instructors the U.S. since February, that Thailand. She said that here, for striking. She said that although she
fees for social activitites, health fees, are trained to deal with fundamental phenomenon sounds familiar x wears normal street clothes hereshe
anda tsa Rombordan boksproblems common to for henomnn sud aiir example, people are somewhatwernomlsetcohshrse
and a visa. Room, board, and booksoreg Although she studied English for nine neater. "You throw things in garbage was 'covered' in Iran. Women there
are an additional $1,060, Fraser languages. For example, Spanish- years in her homeland, she said that cans here. There, people throw things cover all but their eyes, she said.
estimated. speaking students tend to put ther ad- "Three months ago, I couldn't speak anywhere," she said. Climate is another change that
Students participate in the program aetale p ir nouns, which is an one word. She also said that foreigners don't Techanitisawad who has been in
for a variety of reasons, Fraser said. languae "When I came here, it was very dif- receive as much attention here as in Michigan for eight months, has had to
The most common are to enhance language. ficult for me," Khodabandeh said. "I Thailand. Some Americans think adjust to. "I don't like it in winter. It's
professions in their homeland and to FRASER ALSO said that using a could say 'Hi,' but when I wanted to foreigners aren't special, because very cold," she said. Although
climb the ladder of success in completely different writing script buy something, I couldn't." She said there are so many of them here, she Techanitisawad said she likes a
business, hesaid. and learning to read from left to right that being in classes and receiving said. "In Thailand, (foreigners) are variety of sports, she has yet to ven-
he ititute, ecause of the diver- are common obstacles. help from one of her neighbors made special." The attitude that foreigners ture into Michigan's notorious cold to
sity of native languages in its studen- Upon arriving here, some students it easier for her to improve her aren't unusual makes it difficult to
t, uses a variety of techniques to are quite proficient in English whiles speaking abilities. makefriends, she said, try anywinter sports.
tsehnsh.vreyoftcnqe tothersuknowprvirtullnthingsf he Adjusting to a completely different
language, Fraser said. Fraser also culture, however, can prove to be just KHODABANDEH said that, despite ALTHOUGH Techanitisawad is
"WE'RE COMPLETELY eclectic pointed out that although students as challenging as mastering a foreign her expectations to the contrary, from a different land, she also has the
in our approach," Fraser said. "We'll may have studied English previously, language. driving here is much easier than she problems common to students native
use virtually anything that will they may still have a difficult time FRASER said that the institute had thought. "Driving (in -Iran) is to the U.S.' It's really hard to study,
she said. "I have to study here all the
time. In Thailand, I didn't have to
study as much," she said.
Techanitisawad said that, in addition
to her classes at the institute, she is
also pursuing an MBA degree at
port Group, 1p.m., 3100 Union. Rights and Rythms," a women's affairs show Eastern Michigan University.
H- toriginating from the WCBN studios, 6 p.m., 88.3
gh ghtSpeakers FM. Despite the obstacles, most studen-
ts seem to think that their time spent
Those with IQ's higher than the average Computing Center - Deb Masten, "Introduc- Microcomputer Education Center - here is a positive experience. They
Wolverine can mix intelligent conversation with tion to Microcomputers," 10 a.m., room 3113 workshops, "Intro to Microcomputers with agree that their experiences here will
dinner at Ann Arbor's MENSA's monthly eatout. School of Education Building. MTS", 10 a.m., "Word Processing with Mac- continue to help enhance their per-
Digest food and deep thoughts at Kana, 1133 E. Write", 1 p.m., room 3113 School of Education sonal and professional lives in the
Huron, beginning at 7 p.m. Chemistry Department - Amparo Lago, "Use Bldg. future.
of Samarium and Other Lanthanides in Organic "I came here to learn about a dif-
Films synthesis," room 1300 chemistry building. Student Wood & Craft Shop - Power tool ferent culture for my profession,"
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology - safety class, 3 p.m., 537 SAB. Techanitisawad said. (My experience
Michigan Theater Foundation - Barry Lyn- Don Fawcett, "The Cell Biology of a Parasitic W
don,7:30 p.m., Michigan Theater. Disease," noon, room 5732 Med. Sci. II. Washtenaw County Metropolitan Planning here) is good, she said.
Comm. - workshop, "The Role of Higher
Meetings Miscellaneous Education in Washtenaw Co., Rural and Urban "I find that our students are always
Economics," 8:30 p.m., Chrysler Center and very happy when they finish here,"
Union Counseling Service - Dissertation Sup- Campus Broadcasting Network - "Women's North Campus Commons. Fraser said. "They hold a very soft
spot in their hearts for Ann Arbor."