Community services faces reorganization ' By CHRISTY RIEDEL the recommendation because he The Union will undergo more thought it would improve student ser- reorganization beginning the first of vices as a whole. July in what Director Frank Cianciola called an effort to "make the Univer- CIANCIOLA stressed that "it isn't sity a more human place" for studen- an elimination or reduction of the ser- ts. vices. This is a reorganization," and . A staff member from the offices of said he is optimistic about the student services, who spoke on the reorganization's overall effect. condition that she not be identified, Cianciola said that because the said the Office of Community Services University is so large, the will be disbanded in early July. The bureaucracy is decentralized and can office, which falls under the office of bean obstacle for studenta. He said he student services, is an umbrella hopes that the reorganization of the studenztin serives ofis. various student services will "reduce organization for five offices. for the students the bureaucracy" at the University. COMMUNITY Services currently According to Cianciola, the consists of Minority Student Services, reorganization will be an im- which offers counseling and programs provement because it will better ar- to minorities; Project Community, an ticulate the opportunities and services B outreach program to hospitals, available to students. Cianciola used prisons and schools; Disabled Student Project Community as an example, Services, which provides counseling, saying that currently there are two !equipment, and transportation for different places a student can go for Associated Press handicapped students; Trotter House, information about becoming involved Fatal crash a center for minority activities; and in the program and that the students Ethics and Religion, a coordinating must also find out where to find the in- Workers hose down smoldering wreckage 60 miles east of Sacramento, Calif. A semi-trailer truck group for religious groups on campus. formation. sideswiped another rig then ran into a freeway work crew and burst into flames killing two in the truck and two Vice President for Student Services of the freeway work crew. Henry Johnson was not available for THE reorganization, he said, would comment, and Ellen Offen, assistant make student opportunities more ac- director of community services, i ol h House aids students sdn buo i mt reorganization, more ai s t de s in bg t would not comment on the mat ion po ints and making publicityegaztonmrefiin. Under the plan for reorganization, Cianciola also said the Minority Student Services and reorganization would help the staffs of By KERY MURAKAMI These resolutions, however, are just "The enthusiasm of the American nProject Community would be over- the organization work together and with wire reports ceilings of what can be spent for each people was just not there with regards seen by Student Organizations and draw upon the variety of resources The U.S. House of Representatives yes- program, according to Charles Saun- to his policy and his budget," O'Neill Programs, the office which also over- from each staff. terday passed a Democratic budget ders, vice president of government af- said. sees the Student Organization Responses from the staffs hve been which means good news for students fairs for the American Council on The Democratic budget freezes the Development Center, Cianciola said, favorable overall, Cianciola said. He but sets up a bitter fight with the ad- Education. Pentagon budget at $292.6 billion, said he has yet to hear student reac- ministration and the GOP-controlled AFTER THE resolutions are es- while the Senate's inflation-related THE STUDENT Services office will tion. Senate over freezing defense spending tablished, the House Appropriations increase allows it to rise to $302.5 administer Disabled Student Services Michigan Student Assembly and increasing Social Security. Committee and the Senate Ap- billion - a $9.9 billion difference. and Ethics and Religion, while Trot- representative Eric Schnaufer said The Democratic budget freezes propriations Committee will decide on The House also rejected, 283-142, a ter House will operate under the that MSA was notified of the changes education spending at fiscal year 1985 the final budget. non-binding resolution calling for im- Housing Office, Cianciola said. 12 days ago and that the assembly is levels, except for need-based finan- The Democratic budget cuis $5 position of a minimum tax on wealthy According to the unidentified staff "concerned about how (the cial aid programs - such as Pell billion from the federal deficit in potion an n al member, the reorganization follows a reorganization) will affect students." !Wants - which would be increased by fisca 1h986 and $259 billion over the Rporliains and individuals. faller, 191 reomendation toJonson a Srchrgniafer si MAet ss e the 5 percent inflation rate next three years. The Senate plan Republicans argued the resolution fall 1984 recommendation to Johnson Schnaufer said MSA is examining THOMAS BUTTS, the University's reduces 1986's red ink by about the would undermine upcoming tax from former Uiversity audit direc- the decisions that played a part in the lobbyist on Capitol Hill, said yester- same amount, but cuts about $40 reform plans. aor A.B. Hicks, who now operates reorganization's implementation, its day that the budget resolution is a billion more through 1988, due largely Earlier yesterday, the House rejec- a consulting agency. effects, and whether MSA can or "sound defeat" of President Reagan's to a freeze on Social Security and ted, 329-102, a Republican leadership The staff member said Hicks made should improve the reorganzation. budget proposals. other federal pensions. budget that adopted the Senate's Reagan in January recommended THE HOUSE plan would freeze oosition on military spending, but that federal financial aid spending be defense spending at current levels but rejected its curb on Social Security. 1 1 curtailed by $2.3 billion, with about $3 preserve cost-of-living increases W inter m arks nere at iast million coming from the University. scheduled for Social Security C But the Senate last week proposed recipients. The Senste voted to allow P 7tdcto ectb 20mlinPnao pnigt iewt n Cniudfo ae) cretgae ol esn u. -wt h uscmn rmtecs lto etfsa er u ofez b ~that education be cut by $200 million Pentagon spending to rise with in-~ L C W (Csstinedrsm Pstei) correct grades could be sent out. - with the cuts coming from the cost flation next fiscal year, but to freeze doing this in a manual operation ... it "We're concerned that (the grade of running the Guaranteed Student Social Security payments. N O TE S just takes a while." sheet) properly reflects the student's Loan Program. House Speaker Thomas O'Neill (D- Woolley said several students have efforts," he said. "WHEREAS THE Senate resolution Mass) said he would urge the House to questioned him about the time it takes He added that mailing both a grade was good news, this (the House hold its position on Social Security to get grades out. "We've had com- sheet and a complete transcript would resolution) is slightly better news, in payments in the conference with the Thief apprehended plaints before from students saying, be too expensive, but that a student light of the president's proposals," Senate. O'Neill also projected that if 'We need our grades now,' " he said. can get his grades in an emergency by Butts said. the Senate had to do it over again Ann Arbor police apprehended a Woolley said he took the students' asking his instructors. The budget resolution now moves to "they would be trampling all over man attempting to break into the Art request to the Office of Academic Ser- After all the transcripts have been a conference committee made up by themselves to vote against (the Social and Architecture Building on the Un- vices but was told that nothing could mailed - which should be by early representatives from both houses af- Security cost-of-living curbs)." iversity's North Campus late Wed- be done. next week, Woolley said - students ter Congress returns from its recess a He also indicated that President nesday evening. According to Safety Lee Quackenbush, head of can go to the registrar's office in the week from Tuesday. "Undoubtedly Reagan's influence on the budget has Director Leo Heatley, no property academic services, said that if extra LSA Building and order one. That the final budget resolution will be lessened, saying his mail has been was taken from the building. time isn't taken, the grade sheet process, Quackenbush said, should somewhere in between the two," running about f0-40 against the presk- - Thomas Hrach would be, }rqaudited d some in- take only about two days. Butts said. dent and the GOP budget.