Page 12- The Michigan Daily- Friday, August 9, 1985
Baseball begins again: 'Yee-haw'
Y From United Press International Rangers manager Bobby Valentine Valentine said. "I pulled my car off the
said he could not contain his joy Wed- road, got out and gave a big yee-
The national pastime returned nesday at hearing the dispute was haw."
yesterday with a flurry of over Negotiators for the players and
doubleheaders to begin making up 25
games postponed by a two-day I was driving when I heard the owners, after bargaining for nine
players' strike that was resolved after news of a settement on the radio nths, reached an agreement Wed
compromises from both the major nesday morning.
league owners and players.
The season resumed at 12:40 p.m.
bander John Denny induced Pit-
X ' tsburgh Pirates outfielder Joe Or-
sulak to ground out for the first out of f* 0
the resumed season.
THE NATIONAL League planned to
play its regularly scheduled games KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UPI) - a groundout and an RBI single by
yesterday and reschedule the 11 Willie Wilson knocked in three runs Lou Whitaker but the Royals
missed games later in the season. The with a single and a triple to propel reached starter Frank Tanana, 6-
American League immediately began Bret Saberhagen and the Kansas 11, for three runs in their half of the
its make-up schedule with five twi- City Royals to a 10-3 victory last inning.
night doubleheaders. The AL had not night over the Detroit Tigers in the A double by Jim Sundberg, a
immediately decided whether to opening game of a doubleheader triple by Wilson and a sacrifice fly
reschedule its other nine games. Saberhagen scattered seven hits by Lonnie Smith put the Royals in-
Baseball Commissioner Peter een to the lead for good at 2-1. George
Ueberroth told NBC's "Today Show" as Kansas City defeated Detroit i Brett then singled, Hal McRae
he believed fans, though disgruntled Royals Stadium for the first time H
by the strike, would return to the ball since August 1983, ending a string walked and Frank White singled
parks. of12 consecutive losses. He struck home the third run.
e truth is the fans turned out in out nine Tigers, including Kirk The Royals blitzed the Tigers for
record numbers on the last day. Gibson three times, to improve his six more runs in the sixth.
They're going to come back," he said. record to 13-5 with his sixth com- Darrell Evans hit his 25th homer
"Tplete game of the year. in the ninth for Detroit. Doug
They just had a blip on the screen. THE TIGERS took a 1-0 lead in Flynn added an RBI single for
They love the game. You can't have a the third on a walk to Chet Lemon. Detroit.
' love affair with something and get
fickle because they had a little blip." O ff 'a't nc d
THE TEXAS Rangers planned to
lure fans back to the ballpark by of- e
fering free baseball caps and cabs- NEW YORK (UPI) - Major league agreed to yield to owners' demand
dars to the first 20,000 who show up for owners and players have tentatively that players wait three years, rather
its doubleheader against the agreed on the terms of a new five-year than two, before becoming eligible for
Milwaukee Brewers. .labor contract. The major changes salary arbitration. The change
Associated Press "I do not have any ideas on how we from the previous agreement, which becomes effective in 1987. Players
Philadelphia Phillie pitcher John Denny delivers the first post-strike pit- can repay the fans, but we'll do expired Dec. 31, are as follow who end this season with less than one
ch toPittsburgh Pirate Joe Orsulak at 12:40 p.m. yesterday. whatever Gcan, said club general Salary arbitration - Players year of major league service will be
manager Tom Grieve. affected by the extension.
OWNERS GAVE in on their demand
for a limitation on the amount of
salary that can be awarded in ar-
bitration. They had been asking for a
cap which would limit the arbitration
award to no more than twice a
player's previous year's salary.
There is no limitation in the new
The criteria to be considered by an
arbitrator has also been slightly
modified. For three- and four-year
players, an arbitrator will be limited
to considering the salaries of other
+ players with the same number of
1 years of service, plus one. So a three-
year player will be compared with
other three- and four-year players,
generally eliminating the much
higher salaries of free agents. But for
five-year players and those of
.i e rm"special accomplishment," a
Dormitories Dormitories Central Campus Central Campus category to be determined by the ar-
Mary Markley (Continued) Angell Hall (Continued) bitrator, no limitations are imposed.
Couzens Bursley Mason Hall Pension and benefits fund -
Alice Lloyd Baits I Fishbowl Michigan Union Owners agreed to double their con-
Mosher-Jordan Baits II Natural Science Buidling Michigan League tribution to the players' pension plan
Oxfod HoStudent Activities Building and the players came down from their
Stockwell ord ousing Chemistry Building initial demand for a $60 million a year
South Quad C. C. Little - one-third of the owners' national
East Quad North Campus Dennison Building School of Education television revenues.
West Quad School of Music Modern Language Building School of Business Administration The owners will pay a total of $25
Fletcher Hall Art & Architecture Bldg. Frieze Building School of Dentistry million for 1984 (they have already
HlenNeberr y NArth&Camphiteuro LS & A Building School of Natural Resources paid $15.5 million), $33 million for 1985
Helen Newberry North Campus Commons LS through 1988 and $39 million for 1989.
Betsy Barbour G. G. Brown East Engineering Medical Campus The increased payments will allow
West Engineering Taubman Library substantial improvements in pension
Martha Cook Dow Building Undergraduate Library Medical Science benefits for current players and those
Law Club Engineering 1-A who have retired since 1970 and
Graduate Library Furstenberg Lounge smaller pension increases for those
who retired between 1947 and 1970.