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August 09, 1985 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1985-08-09

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page 2- The Michigan Daily - Friday, August 9, 1985 ~.~~
D1By KATIE WILCOX THE HEALTH Service dental clinic was "not fill" can be expensive, but the fees at the dental
being utilized optimally, and with the same ser- school are significantly less. While Health Service
Toothaches can no longer be cured by discoun- vices at the School of Dentistry, the short walk to provides most services with no direct charge
nhenlal tistryt University Health Service, but the the dental school was not considered much of an (students pay a fee assessment along with
seho Io stu dent trys preparedtfpoke d pr impairment," said Dr. Robert Doerr, associate tuition), dental work did cost extra.
std ents' m ouths for a m oderate fee. d a ft eS h o f D n i t y
The short walk from Health Service on Fletcher dean of theSchool of Dentistry. Officials hope students feeling down in the
c 1e Street to the dental school on North University Both clinics used to be run by the dental school, mouth about the change will know that University
Avenue is a small inconvenience compared with and the overlap of services figures in the decision deital service is still available to them. "We en-
the money the University saves by the closure of tclee t eah Servie clisic y thinkn couraged students to come here, in fact (instead of'
CU'T ~ 1C C ywas that studenta can get the same type of care
U ' c l fi ic the Health Service dental clinic, dental school of- here as at the Health Service," Doerr said. going to Health Service or a prive practice)," said
ficials say. Going to a private practice for a little "drill and Dolores Kerns of the School of Dentistry.
A.P. exams yield more than bargain-basement credit
(Csn5edfrmPage)1 > in high school. shesaid. do just as well in advanced cour- sity third in the nation as far as the
"many end up graduating with 14 LSA senior Jonathan Waldon's 13 Other students use the credits to *sework as students who take intreduc- total number of A.P. exams submitted
credits instead of the l2t required." -A.P. credits allowed him to take fewer avoid classes they don't want to take tory courses. "A.P. students, as a by incoming freshmen. Eighty per-
Having A.P. credit can hackfire classes at the University, but the in high school and leave time for a group, are the best students in the cent of the exams submitted will be
when a student earns upper-class more advanced classes he took in high wider course of study. University, so you have a biased granted credit.
standing a semester or two early and school gave him a push. He said the LSA GRADUATE David Scott, who group to begin with. They are very Swain said the popularity of A.P.
must pay higher tuition bills. A.P. credit "seemed likesa gift once I started his freshman year with-a full likely to do well," he said. exams has surged in the last five
Residential College senior Ken Jan- got here. I think in high school it's year of chemistry credit as well as Chemistry department Professor years, in part because more schools
not gave his A.P. credit mixed reviews. good to have that motivation to math and English credits, did not Robert Taylor, however, said A.P. are offering courses which prepare
"My English A.P. credit didn't help learn." Waldon also said his A.P. follow the chemistry track, but used exams do not give a student the "dep- students for material offered on the
me one iota because I still had to take credit may have helped him get ad- his chemistry credit to fulfill his th and maturity" that he would gain A.P. exams, and some states, such as
the regular freshman English (cour- mitted to the University. na tural science distribution following the usual first-year Florida and California, have even
se), and with my history credit I LSA SENIOR Sharon Pittenger requirements. chemistry track, passed legislation requiring schools to
became a junior too soon, and it said that "taking the A.P. itself was a "I didn't end up needing all of the "It is my general impression that offer A.P. courses.
boosted my tuition one semester good experience because it was bar- credits to graduate, so the only students who come in with A.P. credit The A.P. program was initiated in
early. But the history credit helped der than moat high school tests." (exam) which was really valuable (for first-year chemistry courses) and the late i950s when the United States
me get into classes early on that I Pittenger used her A.P. credit to was chemistry. I liked getting the then take organic (chemistry) usually was concerned about keeping up with
wouldn't have been able to get into." enroll in an honors math sequence her A.P. chemistry out of the way in high .do not do quite as well, but they don't the Soviets in all areas, especially
THE PAYOFFS OF A.P. exams freshman year. "I found (the course) school because from what I hear there flunk. With freshman honors it is quite education, Swain said. 'It was started
range from a shorter college career or a lot easier because I had had the is a much better environment in the different. A.P. students seem to do to identify capable, bright students as
more scheduling options to a mere. processes in high school before I had high school lab than in the University well there," Taylor said. early as possible. Advanced courses
note on a transcript, the thoory. I was amazed that people lab," Scott said. SO FAR THIS year, 1,943 incoming given in high school culminated in the
For some students the benefit of the in the class were able to keep up if Swain said that in general students freshmen have sent in for a total of A.P. exam. The exam would be the
A.P. test is the experience they gained they had not had the math before," who come in with A.P. credit tend to 3,991 A.P. exams, making the Univer- verification of what they had learned
S. African violence POLICE
when stem meaueare required to engagement," in which the United Bicycle thefts increase each year during the warm weather. Many of
avoid further violence. The White Sttstist anana cie the bicycles are stolen because the owner gave the thief the opportunity. B e kisrp re
House later denied that represented a dialogue with all the parties in the By following these tips you can lessen the chance of your bicycle being
change in policy. South African situation, including the stolen and increase the possibility of it being recovered if it was stolen. Ann Arbor police are investigating
As the two sides met privately at Pretoria government, to exert a Register your bicycle with your local police department. a break-in on the 400 block of Ben-
the .S. mbasy i Vin moderating influence and to play a e Personalize your bicycle - paint a special stripe on it or mark it jamin which occurred at 1:15 p.m.
thei"r U.S.embassynintViennalast Wednesday. A screen was pried
reported in South Ari c h Crocker is the principal author of * Engrave an identification number on it - your drivers license num- oen bu tho e supc ed nutes w
day death toll of as many as ltblscks. the policy, which has come under in- her if you have one. found missing.
President Pieter Botha extended the creasing criticism from members of Report persons tampering with bicycles or loitering by the racks- Also a door was forced open on the
state of emergency yesterday and hin- . Congress, Western European groups Dial123 or763-1131. 70 blocof Lare nEihtyer
ted he may make it even more restric- and some organizations in the United i Buy and usesa good lock. .700d bloc of Larth ence ast atuwrae
lv.States. * Keep your purchase receipt for the bicycle.an$10okiceitmwreae.
we. -da pvStore yourbicycle ins closed garage, your basement, yourapartment According to police the break-in was
Kaib said the Vienna meeting was Meanwhile Zulu tribesmen fought (if it is permissible), orotherare not readily accessible to a thief. not reported until last Tuesday.
confidential, and he gave no details with heavily armed police near Dur- Obtain insurance tocover theft lsses. The door to a storageshed was pried
about the subetance or length of the ban Thursday in the worst rioting sin- For more information about preventing theft and special locks, contact open and $2,300 of construction
enco unter . enitenn- se ce September that left 24 blacks dead. the University of Michigan Department of Public Safety at 763-1131. equipment was discovered missing
no ESMe at editheite ose President Peter Botha threatened to th EngCishPreditint oertdTarlor, hossver . P from the 00 block of Victor's Way
the United States remains committed expad tat of mergny. to t aTh sciePeven tionaprd ie thisusummerthe sometime late Wednesday night or
to its policy of "constructive southern city. were provided by campusDirector of Safety Leo Heaitey . early yesterday morning.





To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the
Federal Project, the Museum of Art is exhibiting
prints made during the 1930s under the auspices
of the program. The museum is open from 11
a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and 1
p.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.
Ann Arbor Film Co-op, Cinema Guild, Cinema
II - Le Petit Soldat, 7:30 p.m.; Alphaville, 9:10
p.m., Angell Aud. A.

Ann Arbor Film Co-op, Cinema Guild, Cinema Symposium, all day, for more information, call
II - Amadeus, 6 & 9 p.m., MLB 3. 764-0586.
Michigan Theater Foundation - The Break- Women's Action for Nuclear Disarmament -
fast Club, 7:30 p.m., Michigan Theater. Silent procession, 11:45 a.m., starts at the
Japanese Film Series - Yojimbo, 8 p.m., Hale Graduate Library.
Auditorium, Business Administration Building.
WCBN - "Artsaand Ideas,"6p.m., 88.3 FM.
KM Creetings International Folk Dancing Club - Lessons, 8
Korean Christian Fellowship - 9 p.m., Cam- p.m.; open request dancing, 9:30 p.m., Ingalls
pus Chapel. Mall.
Chinese Students Christian Fellowship - 7:30 Microcomputer Education Center -
p.m., Packard Road Baptist Church. Workshops, Introduction to MD-DOS;50 am.;
MiscelaneousMore About MS-DOS, 1 p.m.; MacManage: Disk
Miscellaneous and File Management on the Macintosh, 10 a.m.,
School of Music - Black American Music Room 3001, School of Education Building.

Purses snatched
Ann Arbor Police are investigating
two purse snatchings on Wednesday
which are apparently related. The fir-
st incident occurred at 3:30 p.m. near
the 200 block of North Maple when two
men in their 20's in a car approached
a woman asking directions. Accor-
ding to the report, when the woman
came close to the vehicle, the two men
grabbed the purse and sped away.
The second occurred the same day
at 4:45 p.m. on the 2600 block of
Jackson Ave. The woman was loading
groceries inte her car when the two
men grabbed the purse and again fled
in a car. Police have no suspects at this
-Thomas Hrach


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