The Michigan Daily - Thursday, August 8, 1985- Page 3 S. African street battles continue JOHANNESBURG, South Africa Pieter Botha reaffirmed his gover- homeland 80 miles northeast of (UPI) - Heavily armed police fought nment's policies toward blacks and Johannesburg. "No other country tell street battles yesterday with hun- dismissed possible economic san- us how to deal with our problems." dreds of Zulus in the second day of ctions by the United States and other rioting in ghettos near the coastal city countries. Referring to possible economic san- of Durban. Police said at least four "We shall continue to deal with our ctions, Botha said there was "a black men were killed. problems as representatives of dif- hysterical outcry in some quarters An army helicopter and a spotter ferent peoples," Botha said while on a and I don't think they know why they plane circled the Durban townships of teir of the Kwandebele tribal are hysterical." Umlazi and Kwa-mashu as columns of black smoke rose above fierce street battles between black mobs and " " " police armed wih rifles, shotguns, visit A frica rubber bullets and tear gas, residents oo "I can confirm four black men are 1t dead but I have no details," a police t i spokesman said. "We expect to be p able to give details when we have a clearer picture of the circumstan- VATICAN CITY (UPI) - Pope John Paul II, speaking out for the first ces." time since a wave of racial unrest erupted in South Africa, denounced It was the second straight day of apartheid yesterday on the eve of a 12-day, seven-nation trip to Africa. rioting in the townships near Durban, In his weekly address to about 10,000 people gathered in St. Peter's 350 miles southeast of Johannesburg. Square, John Paul called South Africa's apartheid system of strict racial Hospital officials said Gobin Singh, separation and discrimination "inhuman." 45, died of injuries suffered late "OUR REPUDIATION of every form of racial discrimination In con- Tuesday when anti-apartheid rioters vinced and total," he said. "It is founded on the awareness of the dignity in the predominantly Zulu ghetto of common to every man." Umlazi stoned and later burned a John Paul will leave today on a 12-day trip to Togo, the Ivory Coast, delivery truck in which he was Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Zaire, Kenya and Morocco. traveling. It will be his 27th trip outside Italy in his almost seven years as pope HE WAS believed to be the first and his third visit to Africa, where Roman Catholics are expected to total Asian killed in 11 months of racial 100 million by the year 2,000. violence that has claimed the lives of CHURCH SOURCES said the pope wanted to travel to South Africa, about 500 blacks in white-ruled South Angola and Mozambique last year, but Angola's leftist government Africa. refused to receive him and he feared a visit to South Africa.might be The police spokesman, describing misinterpreted as an endorsement of apartheid. the situation in the townships as The pontiff told his audience he is concerned about the political "pretty confusing," said he did not upheaval in Uganda following its July 27 military coup, religious s know whether Singh was among the repression in Burundi and the effects of drought, war and violence four known to have died yesterday. elsewhere in Africa. The new wave of racial violence "I think in particular of the refugees and of so many forced to suffer came as South African President various forms of oppression," he said. i offers hope for wayward teens y Adolescents in the program attend at 'I felt bad about the knife and bad about Ann Arbor public schools. Education ty is stressed in the program, and the y going down to level one because a lot of school system cooperates by rt people were looking up to me.' R w monitoring the children involved in ig the program during school hours. e -Briant Ridgeway, Thomas, Ridgeway's personal l participant in halfway house program *counselor, hasbecome a substitute y paticpan in alf ay ousepro ram father to Ridgeway. Called "Dad" by to Ridgeway, Thomas played a large e by the residential treatment program. child, Leach said. The service is role in Ridgeway's experience with to At the end of the summer, licensedandfunded by thestate. theprogram. e Ridgeway will move out of Yost House The program is based on teaching "Working here is a fun-filled, g and begin-the Supervised Independent adolescents to take care of them- rewarding situation," Thomas said. e Living program. Leach said this selves while interacting with others. "I want to provide a health environ- program is structured to allow people Each adolescent earns "script" ment here, with a lot of self-esteem." in like Ridgeway to live in their own money - fake cash - for carrying out Grant gives me the most support. I at apartments and to become self- assigned responsibilities. These understand where he's coming from is sufficient, knowing that help is responsibilities include washing - he grew up the same way I grew .y available is needed. For six months dished, making beds, going to school up," Ridgeway said. "He always said as Ridgeway will participate in the on time and behaving in school, said 'be cool'. He always told me to be st program. Grant Thomas, a supervisor at Yost myself." Children are referred to the Huron House. With script, the children can When asked how he felt about s Residential Services for Youth, Inc. buy time to watch television, play out- finishing the residential treatment n- from all parts of Michigan. Social side, or go out with friends. program, Ridgeway said, "I got pret- at Services, juvenile courts and mental Script can also be taken away from ty much my life together now; I'm in health institutions make contracts a child if he neglects to do his duties or going to college and working now ... or with the residential program for each misbehaves. It feels good, real good." - African women carry trays of sand to a church in Togoville yesterday in order to make a new road. The new road is part of a preparation for the visit from Pope John Paul II. Residential progran (ContinuedfromPage i adolescents. "Our program is designed to meet the emotional issues in teenagers' lives," Leach said. "We want to help them become functioning, healthy adults in the community." Living in Yost House, one of the houses in the residential treatment program, Ridgeway worked his way through the eight levels of the "token economy" system devised to teach. adolescents responsibility and self discipline. As Ridgeway moved up the scale, he received more responsibilities and more freedom. At level five, Ridgeway abused his freedom by carrying a switchblade in the Ann Arbor area. "Me and my friends were out one night and I showed them this knife. I scared them with it and they started playing with it too. Then one of them started running with it and he never came back. I went back and told my supervisor and I got into trouble," Ridgeway said. Americans captured by jp Nicaraguan contra rebels "I felt it wasn't fair," Ridgewa said, "but my supervisor told me the it was my fault and that I had to pa the consequences. "I realized that I could've hu] others, and I did," he said, by givin his friend the opportunity to leave th halfway house with a lethal weapon. Because of the incident, Ridgewa was dropped to level one and hadt begin again. "I felt bad about th knife and bad about going down t level one because a lot of people wer looking up to me. I was kind of settin an example and I let them down," h said. After two years of ups and downs i his progress, Ridgeway decided the he really wanted to make it on h own. In April of this year, Ridgewa had progressed to level four, and ha since completed treatment at Yo House. He works for the Ann Arbor New and the Ann Arbor Housing Con mission, and plans to begin collegea Washtenaw Community College i September. His tuition will be paid fo MANAGUA, Nicaragua (UPI) - Nicaraguan rebels yesterday fired and captured an American religic and journalists traveling with them for peace" on a river separating r Costa Rica. Sharon Hostetler, spokeswoman f Peace, an ecumenical Christian gr were no reports of casualties and had been established with the rebe - U.S.-backed warning shots ous delegation on a "boatride Nicaragua and or Witness for oup, said there radio contact Hls holding the Americans. HOSTETLER said the group made radio con- tact with the Witness for Peace office in Managua when the rebels began firing warning shots at their boat about 9:45 a.m. EDT at Las Cruces, 40 miles west of San Carlos, Nicaragua, on the San Juan river. "We heard gunfire over the radio for five or 10 minutes," said Herb Gunn, an American who monitored the radio conversation. In addition to the 29 Witness for Peace members aboard the 50-foot barge, there were 14 jour- nalists, many believed to be Americans, and a three-member Nicaraguan crew. The members of the religious group include four ministers, one priest, three nuns and two pastoral counselors. Nicaraguan Foreign Minister Miguel d'Escoto said his office had information that a "hail of gun- fire" was directed at the boat and that the Americans were on the Costa Rican shore.