Ninety-five years of editorial freedom
Vol. XCV, No. 48-S Terght5ly Thursday, August 8, 1985 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages
Rape prevention program kicks off with pilot workshops
By LAURA BISCHOFF what still needs work, said Kata Issari, a fact that there was a realization that there's a THE 1% hour presentation will need to be in-
workshop facilitator. lot of ambiguity in the beginning of a relation- creased to two hours or parts of it will have to
After three pilot workshops, a campus rape THE PROGRAM is being organized by ship," housing program director Marvin Par- be cut in order to explain some points more
prevention program is "on its way to success," representatives from several community and nes said after running one of the pilots. clearly, said Jennifer Faigel, former acting
but the program still needs to iron out some campus organizations and will concentrate on The workshops will initially be directed chairwoman of the Michigan Student Assem-
problems, organizers of the project say. date and acquaintance rape. towards students in residence halls, but the bly's Women's Issues Committee.
The organizing committee ran presentations The program emphasizes the importance of program will be open to other organizations, The unclear points include assertiveness
in English 125 classes in the past two weeks. communication in relationships. "I liked the said Fran Martone of housing security. versus aggressiveness in relationships and the
The pilots provided organizers a chance to see See PILOT, Page 2
Play ball!
Basebal strike ends
with tentative pact
NEW YORK (UPI) - Major league A PRESS conference to announce
players and owners traded com- the details of the agreement was
promises on the issues of salary ar- initially scheduled for 5 p.m. EDT but
bitration and pensions. yesterday to was then delayed five times.
reach a tentative settlement of the The proposed settlement was not
one-day players' strike. reached in time to get players back to
The settlement came 75 minutes af- the ballparks yesterday but after the
ter Baseball Commissioner Peter announcement of the tentative
Ueberroth entered negotiations for agreement some teams announced
the first time since they began nine double-headers for today to make up
months ago. The strike was still in ef- missed games.
fect at 8 p.m. EDT as lawyers for both According to details provided by
sides worked on final contract
language. See COMPROMISE, Page8
BBC settles strike
LONDON (UPI) - Britain's first radio and television news strike to
protest alleged government attempts to censor the broadcast media en-
ded yesterday with an announcement by the British Broadcasting Corp.
that it would show a cancelled documentary on the IRA in amended form.
At the stroke of midnight, broadcast journalists were back on the air,
ARY ending the one-day walkout called to protest a BBC decision to comply
is with a government request to cancel a documentary on the outlawed Irish
Republican Army.-
The BBC's worldwide radio service, which was silenced for the first
time in its 53-year history, came back on the airwaves with the call, "This
m is London." The BBC transmits news, commentary and entertainment to
an estimated 125 million people in English and 36 other languages.
SHORTLY BEFORE the end of the strike, BBC Director-General
con Alasdair Milne said the documentary will be shown but in a revised form.
com "The program requires some amendment so that it can be transmit-
to 1 ted," he told reporters.
each "In due course it will be transmitted."
entia BBC officials said a statement would be issued Thursday spelling out
re for more exact plans for the program, which had been cancelled by the
re for Board of Directors on grounds it was unbalanced and gave terrorists
care. publicity.
home During the strike, a pirate video of the controversial documentary was
e for shown to passers-by on a video cassette recorder on the street outside the
bused BBC's regional headquarters in Belfast. No trouble was reported.
See IRA, Page 4
Daily Photo by KATE O'LE
Grant Thomas (left), supervisor at Yost House, plays basketball with resident Briant Ridgeway. Yost Housei
one of seven homes in a residential treatment program for abused or neglected adolescents.
Teen reforms through youth progra
By NANCY DILTS at the Huron Residential Services for non-profit private organization
At 14, Briant Ridgeway was a Youth Inc. in Ann Arbor. sisting of seven homes in the
juvenile delinquent. After being "I had the choice to go back to munity for children from 10
caught stealing tools from a car Detroit, get into trouble again, and years old, said Karen LE
dealership and money from a video end up in jail, or to come here and associate director of the resid
machine, continually running away straighten out my life and make program. Five of the homes ai
from home, and skipping school, something of myself. I chose here," residential treatment, and twoa
Ridgeway was sent to Boysville Ridgeway said. : children who require specialized
reform school in Clinton, Mich. Today, at 18, Ridgeway is a The program offers a stableI
At 16, he was released from graduate of Huron High School and on life and family atmosphere
Boysville and given the choice to his way to college. physically or .emotionally at
return home or begin a new treatment The residential program he is in is a
Research Bask Bluegrass
The regents ordered a review of University A book review of the award
research guidelines. The guidelines should Sunny, warm, with high in winning "Kentucky Love".
be strengthened, not weakened. the mid- to low 80s. -
Opinion, Page 5 Arts, Page 6