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August 07, 1985 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1985-08-07

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Nie f~iy-ivey a
Ninety-Jive years of editorial freedom

Vol. XCV, No. 47-S CrigCh,58

Wednesday, August 7, 1985

Fifteen Cents

Twelve Pages

Players walk out as talks die
NEW YORK (UPI) - Major league "WE DO NOT have an agreement," they would not be present for the
baseball players went on strike Fehr said at the end of a negotiating scheduled 7:35 p.m. EDT game bet-
yesterday for the second time in five session that asked more than four ween the two teams.
years as a last-ditch negotiating hours. "Since we do not have an IN TORONTO, Blue Jays' officials
session between owners and the agreement, we are advising players said only four members from the
players' union failed to produce an not to report to stadiums tonight." Baltimore Orioles were in town for a
agreement. New York Mets players, in Mon- three-game series that was to begin
Don Fehr, acting director of the treal for a three-game series, were last night. The rest of the team had
Players Association, said he told the first to make the official first step not shown up by yesterday afternoon.
players in the 26 major league cities in the walkout. The two teams were to begin a three-
not to appear at any of the 13 games The Mets began booking flights game series at 7:30 p.m. EDT.
slated to begin last night. Many home yesterday afternoon and Fehr, his eyes bloodshot, snapped
player began booking flights home. notified the Expos' management that See NEGOTIATORS, Page 12

Doily Photo by KATE O'LEARY
Americans and Japanese sit and listen to a Japanese drum and flute en-
semble at Gallup Park last night. Interfaith Council for Peace sponsored
the program in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the bombing of
Local group gathers
to remen rA-
By SUSAN GRANT Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He said
the pictures, newspaper articles,
"It was horrifying seeing those and artifacts at the museum about
people going through pain. It was the bombing inspired him to think
not only the physical pain, but the about what another nuclear attack
mental pain of losing family and could do.
friends," a junior high school "IT WAS chaos. People were
student who recently visited the burned beyond recognition," he
Hiroshima Peace Park and said. "Now Hiroshima is a modern
Museum said last night. city with skyscrapers, but I know it
Greg Macklem, 14, addressed won't exist if there is a nuclear
about 150 people in Gallup Park to war." Macklem paused and fought
commemorate the 40th anniver- back tears.
sary of the atomic bombings of See LOCALS, Page 4

Out-of-state students will not get
more aid, despite tuition hike
By KERY MURAKAMI aren't being made for fall term
Out-of-state students will not because aid packages have already
receive any more financial aid from been sent to students, and the in-
the University than is already plan- crease would only represent "a few
ned, despite the decision last week to bucks" to each student.
raise non-resident tuition by 8 percent He added that the financial aid of-
while freezing in-state tuition, finan- fice will eventually adjust the amount
cial aid director Harvey Grotrian said of aid to cover the 8 percent tuition in-
yesterday. crease, but whether students will see
According to Grotrian, students will any of the money in October or next
receive the amount of aid in need- January has not been decided.
based University grants that was "Students may see some money in the
determined last spring when the future," Frye said.
University's financial aid office was GROTRIAN SAID in-state students
estimating a 5 percent tuition in- will have to "work a little less and
crease for both in-state and out-of- take out a little less in loans," while
state students. out-of-state students will have to
THE CAP FOR financial aid set by borrow and work more to make up the - /
the Office of Financial Aid is $4,800 for difference.
in-state and out-of-state students, This difference, Grotrian said, 9
even though out-of-state students pay widens the gap between how much of
more than three times as much for the total cost of education the grant
tuition. program covers for needy in-state Grotrian
Vice President for Academic Af- students and needy out-of-state . . .won't revise aid
fairs Billy Frye said the adjustments See AID, Page 3
MSA protests research policy review
By KATIE WILCOX the research guidelines.
THE GUIDELINES currently prohibit studies that can-
Controversy over the University's guidelines for not-be published openly and research that could result in
classified research intensified yesterday when the the destruciton of human life.
Michigan Student Assembly wrote a letter to President MSA fears the review will weaken the guidelines,
Harold Shapiro and the regents arguing that the despite support by students and the University com-
guidelines should not be weakened. munity to expand the guidelines to include unclassifed
In the letter, prompted by a resolution passed by the weapons research. According to the letter, any attempt
Board of Regents last Thursday ordering the executive of- at weakening the guidelines will face steadfast opposition.
ficers to review the research guidelines, MSA also said "They have to realize that is going to provoke a lot off
that students should sit on the committee that will review See MSA, Page 2

Orientation Yucky Fishbone
A legitimate quarrel over policy has Afternoon showers with A record review of Fishbone's debut
become petty. highs in the mid to upper E.P.
Opinion, Page 5. B0s. Arts, Page 8.

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