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August 06, 1985 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1985-08-06

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Ninety-five years of editorialfreedom

Vol. XCV, No. 46-S

Copyright 1985
Th Michigan, Daily

Tuesday, August 6, 1985

Fifteen Cents

Twelve Pages

South African
dissidents go on
trial for treason

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa Congress activist Walter Sisulu.
(UPI) - Sixteen leading black It is the biggest political trial since
dissidents went on trial for high Sisulu and African National Congress
treason yesterday in South Africa's leader Nelson Mandela were senten-
Sbiggest political proceeding since ced to life imprisonment for treason in
black activist Nelson Mandela was 1964.
sentenced to life imprisonment 21
years ago. ARMED police with dogs sealed
At the same time, the government roads around the courtroom as the
extended the jail terms of more than defendants appeared on charges of
1,300 blacks arrested under its 16-day- high treason.
old state of emergency, and Rep. About 200 people packed the small
Associated Stephen Solarz, (D.-N.Y.) began a courtroom and thousands of suppor-
Hiroshim a rem em bered week of talks with government and ters, many wearing UDF T-shirts,
opposition leaders. gathered quietly outside. Police sear-
Matthew Taddlock, left, of San Francisco, helps light a large candle last night at the Peace Park in Hiroshima, ched everyone entering the court and
Japan. Twenty-two members of the "Children as Teachers of Peace" group were invited to the 40th anniver- THE TRIAL of the 16 black officers closed the surrounding roads
;ai'y of the atomic bomb blast commemoration by Mayor Takeshi. See story, Page 3' dissidents held in Pietermartizburg, to traffic as the trial got under way.
about 300 miles southeast of Johan- Defense lawyer Ismael Mohammed
g hffN nesburg, is expected to last about a opened the trial with arguements
N ew rou form s or eSyear and involve more than 162 police against the 587-page indictment,
Switnesses. which alleges the 16 sought'to foment
By KATIE WILCOX group. also prepare freshmen for future The dissidents, all members of the revolutionary change and conspired
A new student organization aimed The new group will be both an ac- leadership through training sessions, black opposition United Democratic between 1980 and 1985 to overthrow
at freshmen will be ready this fall to tivity for freshmen and a step- committees, and service projects. Front, include joint presidents Archie the government.
help freshmen adjust to University pingstone for them to get involved in "WE ARE going to try and filter Gumede, 72, and Albertina Sisulu, 62,
life and become more actively in- other student organizations, Straub them into other organizations, but fir- the wife of convicted African National See STATE, Page ss
volved in other organizations. said. st they'll be a part of MFC so they'll
The Michigan Freshmen Connec- "We see ourselves complementing already have experience," said LSA 3 7
tion, established by the Student other organizations, (but) we're not sophomore Emily Auckland, one of ws an d
Organization Development Center, competitive with other the students involved in the new
will focus on the personal, academic, organizations," Straub said. "We're organization.a r
and social needs of freshmen as they an organization for freshmen that is "I really thought there was a need yre
enter the complex University en- hopefully like a steppingstone for for this," Auckland said. "Most
vironment. them to find their niche." people we have talked to think it's a By SUSAN GRANT
"IN SOME WAYS it is an extension Participation will expose new good idea." Dogs and squirrels soon may not at Cobblestone Farm on Packard
of orientation to get them oriented to students to issues at the University to Straub agreed that a definite need be the only animals scampering Road. Cobblestone Farm is a city-
the University," said Cindy Straub make them feel more comfortable was seen by staff working with through thecity's parks. owned farm used for outdoor even-
from SODC, who will coordinate the and self-confident. Involvement will See FRESHMAN, Page 11 In an ordinance given ts.


Staff concerned over Frieze 'flasher'
By LAURA BISCHOFF but there are no suspects at this time.
Repeated indecent exposures in the Frieze Building this The latest flashing episode occurred three weeks ago,
year have prompted an investigation by Campus Security. when Nina Fitzgerald a communication teaching
"There is a problem in that building with indecent ex- assistant walked around the corner and saw a naked man
! posures," said Leo Heatley, director of the departm-ent of masturbating in the hallway near the men's bathroom on
public safety and security, who said that his office has the second floor around 10:30 p.m.
received three reports of "flashers" this year in that The doors are left unlocked until 11 p.m., and the only
building. people with keys are custodians and staff members with
HEATLEY ALSO said there is some speculation that offices in the building, said cleaning staff member Leslie
each flashing episode may have been by the same man, See SECURITY, Page 4

preliminary approval last night by
the Ann Arbor City Couneil, mem-
bers voted 7-0 to allow any animal
to be exhibited in city parks.'That
means cows, pigs, and even zebras
may become a common sight for
frequent park-goers.
UNDER THE ordinance, any
animal may spend the day in a
park, if he is part of an exhibit,
perhaps even a mini-zoo.
The main reason the ordinance
was passed was to allow livestock

City officials said the addition of
livestock - cows, pigs, and lambs,
for example - would add to the
atmosphere of the farm.
No one knows if residents will
begin exhibiting animals at area
parks, so no guidelines have been
written up yet concerning grazing
and the pooper-scooper ordinance.
Before the ordinance becomes a
law, there will be a public hearing
and then a final vote, which will
occur within the next few weeks.

Returnable Gross Sonic
ill to make wine cooler bottles Partly cloudy and sticky with highs in A review of New York band Sonic
returnable should be passed. the upper 80s. Youth's Detroit show.
Opinion, Page 5 Arts, Page8

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