Ninety-five years of editorialfreedom
Vol. XCV, No. 45-S
Copyight 1985
Te Mchigon, Daily
Saturday, August 3, 1985
Fifteen Cents
Twelve Pages
Plane crashes
in Dallas; up to
30 feared dead
DaBy LAURA BISCHOFF GRAPEVINE, Texas (UPI) - A Lauderdale, Fla. at 4:10 p.m. EDT
T o ize bill ysas Delta jumbo jet with more than 150 and was en route to Los Angeles with
The oversized billboard on North K 6 Dl
Main was defaced last week for the people aboard slammed into two cars, a stop in Dallas.
third time since March. Within six crashed, and exploded in landing in a Delta officials said at least 42
days of the incident, the sign was violent thunderstorm last night at passengers were traveling to Los
restored. Dallas-Fort Worth International Angeles and most of the others were
Controversy has surrounded the Airport. Witnesses said there were to make connecting flights in Dallas,
billboard since 1981 when Black "massive injuries" and numerous and only about 30 people were on hand
Velvet whiskey started its "Feel the deaths. to meet the flight.
Velvet Canadian" advertising cam- Witnesses to the crash told repor- Parkland Hospital officials in
paign and there are no indications ters they believe up to 30 people were Dallas said they had received 17 of the
that the controversy will end soon. ' dead at the scene, injured and were alerted to expect
THE BILLBOARD depicts aTHERE WERE at least 22 sur- "any number of people."
beautiful blonde woman lying down, vivors, officials said, but no official Five survivors were taken to Irving
wearing a black velvet dress. The word on how many night have died in Community Hospital and three.others
slogan "Feel the Velvet Canadian" is k the crash that spewed mushrooming to Hurst-Euless-Bedford Hospital.
written in large letters across her flames 300 feet into the air at about D.J. Bonicard, a Dallas police of-
Daily Photo by DARRIAN SMITH 7:05 p.m. EDT. ficer at the Parkland emergency
The issue deals not with censorships Smitty, the talking fire hydrant, loves his life at the Ann Arbor Fire "amhulances are everywhere," a room, said 10 to 15 people were
hut rher h ses oc Department, but he has trouble climbing the fire fighter's pole. witnes said. "They have massive in- brought in for treatment. "It doesn't
b it adersthaesaidLthe juries." appear it was that bad, but I'm not
feminist leaders have said the sr"hsi
hillhoard is so tasteless that it should Witnesses and airport officials said sure," he said.
no eicue n nacpal d t Atl iv te~Af~ h et -ll a aebe Thomas Dunn, a witness who repor-
notL~ be include inVL stuc hyetal lihtin asd n its mae twln ted seeing 20 to 30 bodies at the scene,
pvertising campaign. src ylgtiga tmd t a
For example, nude photos are con- "hello" ding approach and appealed to said some of the victims remained
sidered unacceptable in ads that will By DAVE ARETHA everyone with a or a how n s totaly groundsrp int s i
be sn by the anerao-Nzis or the coud nt findst k f ir He wanted to talk to them. He on the north end of the sprawling air- totaHy R witness, Jim Porter,
KKK to advertise their messages. On a dreary, drizzling afternoon, wanted to show them the fire Federal Aviation Administration who along with Greg Nolin attempted
On one side of the battle, commun- he stood alone in front of the Ann station - the place he has called authorities in Washington, D.C., said to rescue survivors, said the plane
ity members find it offensive and - Arbor Fire Department, looking home for two years. Fhit carried 149 passengers anedr to be coming apart before
sexist. "I think it's very offensive," for someone - anyone - to pass BUT NOBODY stopped. Instead Flight 191 ied11 crew members. Officials from impact.
said City Councilmember Lowell the day with him. He tried to grab they left him alone in the Delta, however, reported only 146 "There was lots of metal (flying)
Peterson (D-First Ward). Peterson people's attention by wailing his dreariness and the drizzle. No one passengers and 11 crew members before the crash, so it must have been
asked Central Advertising, the com- siren, flashing the light atop his wanted to befriend him aboard. coming apart before the crash," Por-
pany that leases the sign to Black head, and greeting virtually See HYDRANT, Page 3 THE FLIGHT originated in Fort ter said.
Velvet, to meet with community
groups in the hpso nigteht
"etda' the theany reson Former teacher helps children reach their potential
tIe Centa Advkersin didnot replyn
why we should he sujected to it " By SUSAN GRANT at the start of the Great Depression. from one family who came to school Her father, born in 1840, served in
Peterson said. "We have the right to Lydia Muncy has spent the greater One of the greatest problems she en- dirty all the time. Muncy said their the Civil War as a leader of black
say that messages we are bombarded portion of her 83 years teaching countered was the lack of food for the mother had six children and a job, but troops for the North.
with, and that one is very offensive" children. From her first job as an students. said that the children should be better "Working with Negros, he found
THE SIGN promotes an unheslthy elementary school teacher, Muncy "YOU CAN'T teach children who taken care of. that they were very fine people that
attitude toward women, said Mary have no food," Muncy said. "When conferences came, I con- had good and bad elements like every
Emanoil one of the women convicted So Muncy confronted the school fronted the woman with the other group," Muncy said. "He also
in May of defacing the billboard in Ill board with the problem, and they problem," she said. found they were perfectly willing to do
March began providing food and milk to Together they came up with a a good job unless they were assigned a
"If you buy the whiskey, you'll get needy families. solution - that the older children menial task," she said.
the woman. That is what the ad, says" has followed the principle that "The food made all the difference," would help care for the younger ones. SHE WAS RAISED with the same
Emanoil said. "It gives someone the children and their education come fir- she said, "Now there was discipline." SHE CREDITS what she considers disregard for differences between
idea that women are there for their st. AT ANOTHER teaching job, Muncy a liberal upbringing for her care of people as her father had been.
See BILLBOARD, Page 4 Her first teaching job came in 1929, was concerned about the children students. See EX-TEACHER, Page 4
South Africa Straight Saga
1 The American government must impose A look at the saga of Dire Straits.
economic sanctions against South Africa. Sunny and warm with highs in the 80s. Arts, Page 8
Opinion, Page 5