Page 4 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, August 2, 1985 Tutu condemns new restrictions JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (UPI) - Bishop emergency, Wednesday's order banning outdoor funerals Desmond Tutu condemned restrictions on political and political speeches at services did not apply. speeches and outdoor funerals yesterday and police said three people were killed ina shootout between officers and TUTU WARNED the latest order would "boil the legacy suspected saboteurs. of bitterness and anger" and urged the government to In other incidents, police fired into a crowd, wounding "allow us to bury people who are killed because of apar- one black rioter, and arrested 16 people on criminal theid peacefully and according to our will." charges stemming from riots and arson in Soweto, the "Don't rub salt into our wounds," he pleaded. "We are black satellite city outside Johannesburg, and in two other already bruised. Don't trample on us." provinces. In Pretoria, a police spokesman said a policeman and ANOTHER 43 people were detained under emergency two suspected saboteurs died Wednesday in a gunfight on regulations imposed July 21, bringing the total to 1,329. a highway in western Cape province near the border with The report said 47 people were free, leaving 1,282 still the black homeland of Ciskei. Two other suspects were detained without charge or warrant. wounded and hospitalized under guard and an officer was Tutu, winner of the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize, condemned slightly injured. recent restrictions on funerals while addressing thousan- Police believe the men planned to sabotage a major ds of mourners at a burial service for three men killed by power station in East London, on the Indian Ocean coast, police in Tumahole, 60 miles south of Johannesburg. the spokesman said. Officers found a large number of Because the area is not covered by the nation's state of weapons on both sides of the border after the clash. Josephson protests tuition increase (Continued fronl'age i) Josephson said the entire Univer- "Presently, undergraduates are sub- priority even though it was in high sity would be the "long-term loser" sidizing graduate education," demand by students. from the tuition hike. The loss of out- Josephson said. After the regents voted to raise out- of-state students and the resulting loss "If students are shouldered with the of-state tuition, Josephson said of tuition revenue will "saddle the increased burden of the general fund, students should have been lobbying to University with increased costs," he I believe students should have more hold down tuition a month ago. "It said. control over their education' was too late to do anything about it," Josephson called for a complete Josephson added. As an example, ie he said. tuition freeze but also offered an cited the Peace Studies Program "I'm not pleased with it but I was alternate proposal, which was given a low funding expecting it," Josephson said. WITH THE tuition increase. Josephson said, the regents should guarantee a freeze for out-of-state tuition for the next two years. Josephson also said representativesE from all state colleges and univer- CRIM E PREVN TIPS sities should push for increases in state aid as one "lobbying block." In- stead of sending representatives from each institution to Lansing, there The office is becoming a high crime are. Employees are losing money should be a unified movement on Th fiesbemngahgcrmar.Epoysarlsngmny behalf of the educators and students from their handbags or desks and personal items such as radios. to make low-cost education a higher Some hints to reduce the likelihood of theft: priorityforthestsatelegislature. *Never leave your handbag in an unprotected location such as on the "This would be giving them the desk or out in the open. Instead, lock your handbag in a desk drawer, message that the state must resume locker, orfile cabinet. its responsibility in funding *Never leave the office open and unprotected while you attend to duties education," Josephson said. elsewhere. Lock the office if possible, or put away small items such as ALTHOUGH the state has in- calculators and lock the desk drawer. creased funding to the state's public *Don't leave cash on top of a desk or in a top drawer. Instead, put it in institutions in the past couple of an envelope and a locked drawer. years, a 10-year slump in state fun- *If you bring personal items such as radios or coffee pots to the office ding must be made up for now. make sure they are engraved with your name and driver's license num- Josephson also said that all areas of ber for identification in the case of theft. the Unviersity must be continually If you have any questions call the Department of Public Safety at 763- reviewed for cost-effectiveness. 1131 and in an emergency dial 123 on campus phones. Another area that needs review, ac- cording to Josephson, is how un- Crime Prevention Tips appear every Friday courtesy of Director dergraduates' money is spent. of Safety Leo Heatley. Train could outdo GM's Saturn plant (Continued from Page1) people between the two cities in about been conducted by the Federal NEARLY 100 people have attended three hours. Amtrak service now Reserve Bank in Chicago and the the committee's hearings. Additional takes more than five hours. Michigan Department of Transpor- hearings are planned for Battle Interest has also Wen shown by the tation. Creek, Jackson, Ann Arbor and TGV Co., a firm opting a 170 mph Fitzpatrick said this fall his panel Detroit. train in France, as well as Japanese will discuss legislation allowing All six cities are considered poten- and Swiss groups, Fitzpatrick said. In Michigan to cooperate with Illinois tial stops for as many as a dozen addition, high-speed rail studies have and Indiana to explore the concept. trains a day along the route. Proposals for a rail line linking Chicago and Detroit, possibly in time for a 1992 Chicago world's fair, have Show how you feel with . .. drawn increasing attention from in- dustry and government. THE ADVANCED Rail Consortium Michiga - which includes the Bechtel GroupMichigan Daily Personals Transit America Inc. (formerly the7 Budd Co.), British Rail's American 764-0557 subsidiary and other firms - has issued a slick, 25-page booklet touting its idea for a system that could move IN BRIEF From United Press international Congress reaches agreement on budget WASHINGTON - House and Senate budget leaders yesterday reached preliminary agreement on a spending plan that would cut $55.5 billion off next year's deficit while allowing raises for Social Security and the military. The entire House-Senate budget conference was expected to endor- se the proposal, though several minor items remained to be ironed out. The leaders then hoped to take the budget to the full House and Senate, and attempt to get it passed before the end of the week and the beginning of the August congressional recess. The leaders said the budget would slice $277.4 billion from the anticipated fiscal 1916-Il deficit of more than$600billion. Uganda minister sworn into new office KAMPALA, Uganda - The second ranking official in the government of deposed President Milton Obote was sworn in before thousands of well-wishers yester- day as prime minister to head Uganda's interim civilian Cabinet. Western diplomats said there were still "scattered pockets of resistance" by troops loyal to Obote, but they did not appear to pose a major threat to the 5-day- old military coup. There were unconfirmed reports of resistance in southeastern Uganda. AIDS epidemic strikes Europe, kills 500 ATLANTA - The incurable disease AIDS has stricken nearly 1,000 people in Europe, killing half of them, and the epidemic is spreading at the rate of 14 new cases each week, health officials reported yesterday. "The AIDS epidemic continues to spread in Europe," the World Health Organization said in a report to the national Centers for Disease Control. The report said 940 AIDS cases had been reported by 17 European countries as of March 31. Of that number, 178 occurred since the fir- st of the year, an average increase of 14 cases a week. In the United Sates, where the AIDS problem is much worse, there have been 12,067 cases of AIDS and 6,079 deaths as of July 29. Telescope problems develop in Challenger CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (UPI) - Persistent problems with a telescope aimer have slowed solar observations from the shuttle Challenger, significantly reducing the return from three sun- watching instruments, a project official said yesterday. Hut mission scientist Eugene Urban said the quality of infor- mation that has been obtained so far from those advanced solar telescopes is excellent, showing in- triguing sunspots and great plumes of incandescent gas looping above the sun. He said all but one of the other 10 experiments planned for the weeklong orbital mission have been obtaining a wealth of infor- mation and "the investigators are really overwhelmed with the data they are getting." Alaska Governor's impeachment unlikely JUNEAU, Alaska - Alaska im- peachment probers yesterday hit the closing stages of the nation's first such proceeding in nearly 60 years but appeared unlikely to seek to oust Gov. William Sheffield from office. The Democrat apparently came out the winner in his two days of in- tense grilling before the Republican-dominated Senate Rules Committee. "My impression is that the governor convinced most Alaskans on television that he should be allowed to finish his first term," said committee chairman Tim Kelly, one of the four Republicans on the five-member panel. Vol. XCV - No. 44-S The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the spring and summer terms by students at The University of Michigan. Subscription rates: September through April - $18.00 in town, $35 out of town. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. ARTS STAFF: arwulf arwulf. Sue Baum, Noelle o i Chief . .. ERIC MATTSON B ,ByronB ulRicha rdCa e l Mike Fisch, Maagn Edito,,........THOMAS HRACH Ned alaterIJakie Ruznitk, Ront Schechter,, Marc, Opinion Page Editor ........ ANDREW ERIKSEN Taras, Mike Zwick. N ews dito. ..........MARLA GOLD Business Manager .......... DAWN WILLACKER Editor .................. RACHEL GOTTLIEB Sales Manager ............MARY ANNE HOGAN Arts Editor.....................CHRIS LAUER Marketing Manager ...........CYNTHIA NIXON Associate Arts Editor .............. JOHN LOGIE Classified Manager ............MONICA CROWE Sports Editor ..................DAVE ARETHA Display Manager ...........SHERYL BIESMAN AsstociaeSports 6Edit .. PHIL NUSSEL FineManager. . 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