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August 02, 1985 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1985-08-02

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Ninety-five years of editorial freedom

Vol. XCV, 'No. 44-S CopyrisghtD)9 Friday, Augusi
Regents freeze"
By KERY MURAKAMI other graduate programs - 9.9 per- BAKER, referring b
For the second year in a row, the cent in the medical school, 9.5 percent week by Gov. James
University will freeze tuition for in- in the law school, and 11 percent in the state schools freeze
state undergraduate students while business school - will rise more losing increases in sta
raising tuition for all other students at sharply. . following the governor
the University. Frye said tuition in those schools is promised the autonom
The University's Board of Regents being increased because students
voted 6-1 yesterday to keep tuition -for graduating from them can expect to
Michigan undergraduates at $1,086 earn greater salaries than those from
per term for freshmen and other schools. Graduate students,
sophomores and $1,214 per term for from both Michigan and out-of-state By KATIE WI
juniors and seniors, while increasing will face these increases. Michigan Studen
tuition for out-of-state un- "It's largely a political decision," President Paul Josep
dergraduates by 8 percent. said Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Ar- Board of Regents
TUITION FOR students in the bor), who abstained from votes to in- raising out-of-state tu
Rackham School of Graduate Studies crease tuition for undergraduates and University one st
will also go up by 8 percent, according to increase tuition for graduate becoming "an elitist in
to the regents' decision, but tuition for students. Josephson warned

Fifteen Cents

Twelve Pages

in-state tuition
to a threat last sity. recommend that he not use public
Blanchard that "The governor is a candidate for higher education and the independent
tuition or risk reelection," Baker said. "All gover- university system as a foil for his
te aid, said that nors want to be reelected and all of us reelection campaign."
r's orders com- understand his desire to stand for "At one time I visited a
y of the Univer- reelection. However, I respectfully See REGENTS, Page 3
hlson pr"otaests tuition hike
ILCOX creases shut out lower- and middle- THE REGENTS later voted to
income students, including many freeze undergraduate tuition for
it Asembly minorities. "We are getting more Michigan residents at last year's
phyesterday told the students, but they are predominantly levels and raise tuition by 8 percent
ition brings the from private schools and they are for out-of-state undergraduates and
ep closer to predominantly white. It is with this atudents in the Rackham School of
stitution." that I have a problem," Josephson Graduate Studies.
that tuition in said. See JOSEPHSON, Page 4

at dorm
University security guards asked
five students protesting orientation 4 J
policies to leave the Alice Lloyd dor- < I:
mitory early yesterday morning.
The students were distributing.
copies of a July 31 letter to the Daily
which states that the student orien-
tation program does not represent a Cannedb Associated Press
balanced view of student life at the Curiosity proves too much for this cow recently as he dug his head into a trash can to see what
University. was inside. After the cow spent several minutes meandering around with the can on its head, a
A report of the incident was filed passer-by helped remove the can and the cow resumed its favorite pastime: grazing.
with housing security, but Joel Allen,
manager of housing security, Hs e d trainuin spraise
students involved.
HOWEVER, Paul McNaughton, LANSING (UPI) - Lawmakers studying a state does not pay for it.
program coordinator for orientation, Chicago-to-Detroit high-speed rail line say its "There seems to be near-unanimous op-,
spoke with the students in front of the economic advantages could outstrip General position to the state using any of its own
dormitory and identified Jennifer Motors Corp.'s Saturn project. money to subsidize it," said Rep. Richard
Faigel, public relations coordinator "The concept here is much greater, it Fitzpatrick, who chairs the committee.
for the Michigan Student Asembly, provides more economic development poten- The Battle Creek Democrat said residents
and Paul Josephson, president of tial than any Saturn plant could," said Rep. and local officials who attended two public
MSA. Phil Hoffman, a Horton Republican sitting on hearings in Niles and Kalamazoo Monday and
According to McNaughton, five the House Ad Hoc Committee on High Speed Tuesday also expressed concerns about the
people were discovered by orientation Rail. possible closure of rural roads, which might-
leader Lynne Heitzel as she walked THE PANEL, which has held two public be necessary to allow the trains to safely
out her fourth floor room at 12:30 a.m. hearings on the issue so far, has heard rocket by at more than 125 mph.
"She looked out the door to see a group residents living near the potential line saying See TRAIN, Page 4
See PROTESTERS, Page 2 they generally like the idea, as long as the

Regents order
review of classified
research guidelines
The Board of Regents, upset by the administration's
decision to reject a classified research project by
political science Prof. Raymond Tanter, yesterday or-
dered the administration to review the University's
guidelines for classified research.
Tanter's project, which would explore ways of reaching
arms control agreements without formal treaties, was
rejected by University Vice President for Research
Alfred Sussman last month, after the 12-member Resear-
ch Policies Committee voted unanimously that the project
violated the guidelines.
SUSSMAN said Tanter's project would have required
using classified documents for research which could
make his results classified as well. Sussman said the
project violates guidelines which state, "The University
will not enter into or renew any agreement or contract ...
that limits open publications of the results of the resear-
Voicing concern yesterday over the rejection, Regent
Sarah Power (D-Ann Arbor) said, "Personally, I would be
troubled by the public perception that University policy
prevents persons from doing research."
Regent Nellie Varner (D-Detroit) asked if anything
could be done to make the guidelines more flexible, but
University President Harold Shapiro said that only the
regents could change a regental bylaw.
REGENT THOMAS Roach (D-Saline) then proposed a
resolution saying that the bylaws were created "13 years
See 'U,' Page 3

X-rated Vibrant Wahoo
Judge should rule in favor of Cleveland Indians Chief Wahoo may
two MSU film groups. Clear skies, high near 80. lose his smile.
Opinion, Page 5 Sports, Page 11

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