Niety-fiv4diaeIL Ninety-Jive years of editorial freedom Vol. XCV, No. 5-S tChig, Daiy Thursday, May 23, 1985 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages Women face billboard vandalism charge By ARONA PEARLSTEIN Today's trial for two women accused of defacing a billboard on North Main Street will be an important day for Ann Arbor feminists, who have called the billboard sexist and demand its removal. The billboard features a reclining woman in- viting'motorists to "Feel the Velvet Canadian" and shows a bottle of Black Velvet Whiskey. JENNIFER AKFIRAT and Mary Emanoil, both University students, pleaded not guilty af- ter their arrest in early March and have also complained about poor treatment by Ann Ar- bor police during the arrest. Susan McGee, a member of the recently for- med Community Action Against Sexist Adver- tising, protested the two women's treatment before the Ann Arbor City Council in late April. "We believe that the Ann Arbor Police Department exceeded the bounds of normal police discretion with respect to this incident," The billboard was defaced again, McGee said. in late April, but Police Sgt. Jan Suomala said there is no information on the second defacing. MCGEE said the women were arrested more Councilmember Kathy Edgren (D-Fifth) than four blocks from the defaced sign and Ward) called for an investigation into the their automobile was searched and impounded treatment of the two women during the arrest. without a warrant. "The two suspects were "I also want to know what our policies are then strip-searched and held overnight in (the when we strip search," she said. Washtenaw County) jail until the following af- "I'D LIKE A thorough investigation. We ternoon," McGee said. See 'BLACK VELVET,' Page 3 s Dow gives $3.5 mill for chem. building By DAVID GOODWIN The University's proposed new chemical science building is one step closer to reality thanks to a major contribution. The Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow foundation has established a $3.5 million fund for the new facility, University President Harold Shapiro announced Monday. The gift is to the Campaign for Michigan, a five-year effort to raise funds for high-priority projects at the University. THE BUILDING, which will cost about $60 million, will stand on North University and will be added onto the Chemistry Building, which was built in 1908. The present building has suf- fered from overcrowding for years. "We are not sure when it will be built but we hope that ground can be broken in 1986," said James Brinkerhoff, the University's Chief Financial Officer. KEITH MOLIN, assistant to the vice president and director of capital projects, pointed out that ground- breaking is contingent upon gover- nment approval of the first $1 million of the $40 million budgeted by the state to construct the science facility. The $1 million will be needed for final planning and starting construction, according to Molin, who said the state legislature will probably approve the funding. "Everyone seems to be on board See PROPOSED, Page 3 Ann Arbor resident Lisa Lava-Keller waters the peas and beans on her Grow." "I missed having a garden," she said. "This is a geed way to get plot at the Zion Lutheran Church on W. Liberty - part of "Project involved in a community project." Projeet Grow offers conmunity gardening By NED ZEMAN Washtenaw citizens who have no space for gar- Currently, there are over 600 plots in 10 dif- The Ann Arbor area hardly proves to be a dening, have poor soil, or are unable to cope with ferent area gardens. And, in addition to the mecca for agrarian aficionados, and that suits the financial burden of caring for a private gar- Board of Directors, Grow is managed by those at the Project Grow Community Gardens den. "cooperative" members of the gardens who con- just fine. But according to Lois Eskstein, one of the 14- tribute additonal hours each season for super- Project Grow is a 14-year-old non-profit gar- member Project Grow Board of Directors, the vision and maintenance. dening program serving Washtenaw County, community gardens are not necessarily for those THE AVERAGE - which costs $25 per season that was started by a small group of volunteers who cannot afford private spots. "At first, - is normally 25 by 30 feet. Eskstein said that who hungered for community gardening area. several years ago, we were out to help low- one may grow anything in the gardens "as long THE PROJECT'S main objective is to provide, income persons," she says. "We still do. But we as it's edible... and legal." at minimal cost, several gardening spots for really deal with everyone in the community." See PROJECT, Page 4 Divestment Hammock Africa Should the state divest of Watch for clear skies The Nectarine Ballroom holds a South Africa-related stocks? with a high in the mid-70s. benefit for African famine relief. Opinion Page 5 Arts, Page 6