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July 30, 1985 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1985-07-30

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Ninety-five years of editorial freedom

Vol. XCV, No. 41-S

Copyight 1985
Th Mihign Daily

Tuesday, July 30, 1985

Fifteen Cents

Twelve Panes

'U' needs money to keep quality, Frye says

By KERY MURAKAMI has lost about $33 million it could have
Special to the Daily spent on academic needs. Since 1984
BAY CITY, Mich. - The University utility rates in that time, Frye said,
must begin finding ways to get more have gone from taking 4 percent of the
money for its operating expenses or University's general operating budget
risk losing its standing as one of the to 9.5 of the budget last year.
top two or three public universities in Utility rate increases alone have
the nation, University administrators caused about a $25 million shift away
and regents said Sunday night. from meeting such costs as keeping
The University's decision-makers, up with faculty pay increases at other
on the first night of their three-day universities, Frye said. The rest of the
retreat at a Bay City resort, listened loss comes from a decrease in the
Sunday as Vice President for buying power of the dollar.
Academic Affairs, Billy Frye, talked As a result, Frye said the Univer-
about the University's budget sity has piled up about $35 million in
situation in the last 10 years, and its costs that must now be made up. For
implications the next 10years. example, $20 million in equipment
ACCORDING to Frye, because of renewal had been deferred because
the rising utility rates, the University the University could not pay for it.

Frye said that many departments in In addition to this backlog, Univer-
the University, especially teaching sity President Harold Shapiro pointed
laboratories in natural science out that faculty and staff on the Ann
classes, now use "less than the state- Arbor campus had been excluded
of-the-art equipment." - See FRYE, Page 4
Frye outlines deal' budet
By KERY MURAKAMI The $36 million budget, Frye said,
Special to the Daily would contain "for the first time in a
BAY CITY, Mich. - Billy Frye, the decade" money to cover some of the
University's vice president for costs the University had to defer in
academic affairs, yesterday outlined the late '70s and early '80s because of
what he would like next year's budget budget constraints.
to look like, although he said it will FRYE SAID the budget would in-
probably be cut before he recommen- clude about $3.4 million for building
ds a budget to the Board of Regents and renovation, some of which could
Thursday. See FRYE, Page 2

Frye -
. forecasts 'U' budget

S. Africa may
expel 1.5 million
black foreigners
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa scheduled to meet with him in August.
(UPI) - President Pieter Botha But Tutu, saying he was disappointed
threatened yesterday to expel as by Botha's rejection of direct talks,
many as 1.5 million foreign blacks said he wouldnot attend the meeting.
working in South Africa if other POLICE announced a black man
nations join France in imposing san- was shot and killed Sunday near the
ctions to protest the 9-day-old state of southern coastal city of Port
emergency. Elizabeth Sunday, raising to at least
Botha's comments came a few 19 the number of blacks killed in South
hours after he rejected talks with Africa during the state of emergency.
Bishop Desmond Tutu about the state Authorities also said 89 more
of emergency declared July 21 in an people were arrested, raising to 1,205
attempt to end 11 months Of racial the number of people - most of them
The president said Tutu, the 1984 black - being detained without
Nobel Peace Prize winner, could join charges under sweeping powers gran-
an Anglican Church delegation See BOTHA, Page 2

Daily Photo by DARRIAN SMITH
After a hard day in the strollers these two youngsters take a break during the Art Fair. See Photostory Page 9.

O The University often relies on gifts from
generous alumni and friends for additions to the
( medical students, or toys for the children at Mott
Children's Hospital.
" " But sometimes gifts arrive that are a little out of
U n i m oI the ordinary -interesting, even amusing.
V I ONCE THE medical school was offered a com-
Hsplete collection of snails for research. But accor-
ding to Janet Maher of the hospital's financial
development office, the offer was declined.
"I presume the snails are either languishing

somewhere or were offered to another school,"
Maher said. The fate of the rejected snails is left to
the imagination.
The fate of another rejected gift is more certain.
The complete contents of a doctor's office from teh
1850s now reposes at Cobblestone Farm, a local
historical farm house and museum. The antiques
include an apothecary cabinet, a desk, books, an
amputation kit, mortar and pestle, and a diploma.
OFFERS OF medical and University of
Michigan memorabilia are common when people
clean out their closets and attics, according to

"They are looking for a home for what they
regard as interesting memorabilia and they con-
sider the medical school or hospital the ap-
propriate place," she said.
Doctors gowns from the last century is one
common gift idea that is rather uncommon.
ANOTHER PLACE at the University that
receives the attic and closet "treasures" is the
Theatre Department. Costumes and props are
donated from interested and good-willed patrons.
"We do take unusual things," said Opal
Cameron-Bailey of the Professional Theatre
See 'U,' Page 4


Art Fair Wishy- Washy Lunch Time
Look for a morning of sunshine but a A recap of the Big Ten football lunch
it is finally over. cloudy afternoon with highs in the low in'Chicago.
Opinion, Page 5. BOs. Sports, Page 11.

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