Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, May 17, 1985
Over 1,000 rally against sexual assault
A crowd of over 1,000 joined against because he's not allowed to
together last month during the sixth march, then he doesn't understand
annual Take Back the Night Rally, their purpose."
March and Dance to demonstrate While women continued on the mar-
against rape. The rally, sponsored by ch, the men remained at the Federal
the Ann Arbor Coalition Against building and held another rally to
Rape, gathered at the Ann Arbor demonstrate their own disapproval of
Federal Building before beginning a rape. -Janice Plotnik
three-mile march.
Interpretors in American sign Protes
language were on hand while mem- tesp adg ly
bers of the coalition lead the crowd of Eight protesters charged with
men and women in anti-rape songs. trespassing at Williams International
LSA sophomore Nicki Marcus said in Walled Lake pleaded guilty last
she heard of the rally in her Woman's week in 52nd District Court.
Studies class. She attended the march The protesters were sentenced to
because she felt that it was her between one and 30 days in jail and \
"chance to make a statement, that fined between $25 and $50.
women have to fight back and also to Ann Arbor resident Marge Munger, ,
make others aware." one of the protesters, said protests at
LSA sophomore Linda Huff atten- Williams, which manufacturers
ded the rally last year and said she engines for the cruise missile are a
has been looking forward to it all response to the arms race, and that
year. "It's such an empowering ex- everyone is responsible for the
perience," said Huff. "willingness to detroy in the name of
A three-mile march through what the U.S. government."
the coalition refers toas "rape zones" The eight were arrested on Easter
followed the rally. Sunday when they crossed the white
Carrying picket signs reading line that marked the boundary of the
"Women Fight Back" and "Women company's property.
Unite," the crowd marched through DFavid Jolivette, a spokesman for
Ann Arbor, passing dormitories and Williams, said the company does not
the University Hospital on its way. object to peaceful demonstrators that
Many of the women marching wore do not interfere with employees going
red arm bands which designated them to work, but that protesters often sit in
as survivors of a sexual assault. the driveway and block the employee
The coalition asked that only entrance. -Annie Prather Demonstrators gather on the dark streets of Ann Arbor last month in th
women participate on the march.
Though men were not invited to par- MOJO evacuated Protesting sexual assaults.
ticipate, the coalition said it was not he suspects it was a substance called real peaceful and educate people
an anti-man demonstration but an an- Residents of Mosher-Jordan Hall pyridine. about South Africa," he said.
ti-rape demonstration. were forced outside for 10 hours "It (pyridine) is in most The campers received over 2,500
Coalition members wanted only during finals week due to a chemical laboratories. It's not an uncommon signatures on a petition which asked
women on the march as a symbolic spill in the building, according to chemical," Schatzle said. "A good the University to divest totally of its
gesture of women uniting against University Security Director Leo chemistry student could find it." stocks in companies doing business
rape. Heatley. Residents were kept out of the with South Africa.
Coalition member Jena Dodas said The building was evacuated late building until OSEH inspectors ap- The University currently has $4.7
she feels that men already are able to Saturday of exam week because proved their return at around 9 a.m. million worth of stocks invested in
walk freely at night. "We're not ex- someone intentionally poured a Sunday. -Laura Bischoff companies with ties to South
cluding them, but the women are chemical in the stairwell. University Africa-2.6 percent of its $180 million
claiming something they (the men) security officials have no suspects in gl-iecng g ' investment portfolio. The Board of
already have,"said Dodas. the case. Stdnt o 'apig Regents divested 90 percent of its
Men didn't seem to object to the fact "The fumes drifted into the ven- About dozen University students South Africa stocks two years ago af-
that they weren't invited on the mar- tilation system and created a severe went camping late last month, ter campus protests.
ch. They still showed up in full force at odor," Heatley said. Though no in- sleeping in a tent or under the stars The camp out followed a rally on the
the rally. juries were reported, the chemical for 11 days. But unlike ordinary cam- Diag which drew 300 people in rainy
John Tegner, an LSA junior, said he will irritate the eyes and cause pers, they pitched their tent in front of weather to hear speakers including
didn't mind not being invited because vomiting if inhaled, Heatley said. the Graduate Library to protest apar- State Representative Perry Bullard,
he felt that the march gave women the "We never did find enough of it (the theid in South Africa. Mayor Ed Pierce, and University
opportunity to lend support to each chemical) to analyze," said Ken "We're not here to do C.D. (civil graduate student Barbara Ransby.
other. Schatzle of Occupational Safety and disobedience) or anything," said Eric Ransby helped organize a three-week
"For me to march would defeat the Environmental Health (OSEH). But Goldstein, an LSA junior involved in sit-in at Columbia University to
purpose. Ifa man feels discriminated judging from the odor, Schatzle said the camp out. "We're just going to be protest Columbia's investment policy.
Doily Photo by OWEN LONGSHOT
e "Take Back the Night" march
Following the rally, a group of
students marched to University
President Harold Shapiro's offices
where they discussed the University's
investment policy.
Shapiro said further divestment
cannot come before the outcome of
the University's suit against the state
challenging the constitutionality of
the state law requiring divestment.
He said the primary issue is preser-
ving the University's autonomy.
-Kery Murakami
Ford drops by class
Former president Gerald Ford sur-
prised political science students when
he dropped by a class in the Modern E
Languages Building on the last day of
winter classes.
Ford, accompanied by six secret
service agents, quipped that he came
to see what Prof. George Grassmuck
was telling the students these days.
Ford was in town for a North Cam-
pus conference to discuss the merits
and problems of the presidential elec-
tion process.
Grassmuck half expected the for-
mer president to make an appearance
if Ford's schedule permitted it.
Grassmuck's association with Ford
stems from his work in the ad-
ministration 10 years ago.
Ford talked to the American
Politics students for 40 minutes about
how the President and Congress in-
teract. He also answered several
questions-everything from "How's
Betty?" to "What is your opinion of
the current administration?"
The Reagan Administration gets an
"overall good grade" for its first four
years, Ford said. He added that the
foreign policy has "good and bad
points but it's on the right track."
See Page7
Friends of the Fiddlers Green and Gwen Mc-
Bride will come to the Ark tonight for a pub
sing. The show starts at 8 p.m. at 637 S. Main.
Cinema II, Cinema Guild, & AAFC - Queen
Kelly, 7:30 & 9:30 p.m., Angell Aud. A; Brother
from Another Planet, 7:30 & 9:30 p.m., MLB 4.
MTF-The Fourth Man, 7, 9, & 11 p.m.,
Michigan Theater.
Young People's Theater, Kreative Im-
provisational prama Studio, Eclectic Theater
Co. - A Midsummer Night's Dream, 8 p.m.,
408 W. Washington St.
Astrofest 147 - Jim Loudon, "A New In-
visible Universe: The IRAS Discoveries," 3 &
7:30 p.m., MLB 3.
Regents' Meeting - 9 a.m., Regents' Room,
Fleming Administration Building.
Turner Geriatric Services - new group to
discuss small and large trips, 10:30 a.m.-noon,
1010 Wall St.; lunch bunch, 1 p.m., local
Chinese Students Christian Fellowship -
7:30 p.m., Packard Road Baptist Church.
Korean Christian Fellowship - Bible study, 9
p.m., Campus Chapel.
International Folk Dance Club - Lessons, 8
p.m., open request dancing, 9:30-11 p.m.,
Angell Elementary School, 1608S. University.
Academic Women's Caucus - Brown bag
workshop, sexual harrassment, noon,
basement conference room, CEW, 350 S.
Medical Center - Pre-12th annual Mott Golf
Classic party, 4:30 - 7 p.m., Track & Tennis