The Michigan Doily - Friday, July 26, 1985 - Page 3 Experts seek to stop 'killer bees 'invasion SACRAMENTO, Calif. (UPI)-Insect bees may have entered the United experts fanned out over a 400square States in a container of oil drilling mile region in California's Central equipment shipped from Latin Valley yesterday seeking the queen of America. the first swam of dreaded Africanized BERRYHILL declared an im- killer bees to establish itself in the mediate embargo on shipment of bee UnitedStates. hives from the search area until the Common in Latin America, the in- extent of the killer bee infestation sects are called "killer bees" because could be determined. they are aggressive and far more Jan Wessell, spokeswoman for the likely to attack people and animals state Department of Food and than any ordinary bees. Agriculture, said the greatest risk to THE dangerous bee swarm was humans is that "even a slight distur- discovered last month by a worker at bance can set off a chain reaction af- an oil field in the semi-desert region fecting the entire swarm." about 140 miles north of Los Angeles. Killer bees, which look like North Positive identification of the insects American and European bees, have a as Africanized bees was completed by far more aggressive nature. entomologists of the University of "They have been known to chase California Monday. and sting animals or people within Large numbers of the bees were approximately 300 feet of a swarm," killed by agricultural officials of Wessel said. California's Kern County who sprayed However, she stressed that the sting their adopted home in a kit fox is "no more venomous" than that of a burrow, but no queen for the swarm domestic bee. "There is no evidence was found afterward. that they cause more human fatalities "Not finding a queen is not a good than domestic bees," Wessell said. sign," Howel Daly, professor of en- The "killer bees" had been brought tomology at the University of Califor- to Brazil from Africa in the mid-1950s nia's Berkley campus, said. le ad- by a geneticist for a research project. ded survivors of the spraying and the They escaped from researchers and queen may have shifted to a new have bred with South American bees, home. but many retained their highly State Food and Agriculture Direc- aggressive nature. The bees were last tor Clare Berryhill theorized that the reported in Central America. Be prepared Associated Press A scout emerges from beneath a tarp that was flattened by winds caused by Tropical Storm Bob yesterday. Hundreds of tents in the Boy Scout National Jamboree in Ft. A.P. Hill, Va. were knocked down by the sudden winds. Spokesperson confirms Hudson's illness as AIDS PARIS (UPI) - Rock Hudson, onetime matinee idol whose emaciated looks in a TV appearance with former co-star Doris Day a week . ago startled his fans, has been suf- fering from the usually fatal disease AIDS for more than a year, a spokeswoman saidyesterday. Hudson, 59, had flown to France to consult a specialist when he fell seriously ill at the Ritz Hotel in Paris, his French publicist Yanou Collart told reporters at the American Hospital where the actor was admit- ted Sunday. "MR. ROCK HUDSON has acquired immune deficiency syndrome diagnosed over a year ago in the United States," Collart said. "He came to Paris to consult a specialist. Prior to meeting the specialist he became very ill at the Ritz Hotel and his personal business manager Mark Miller advised him from California to enter the American hospital immediately," she said. She said Hudson was "improving daily" and doctors had not yet deter- mined what treatment to give him. "A decision will be made in the near future," she said. THERE HAVE been rumors in Hollywood for about a year that Hud- son, known most recently for his TV roles on "McMillan & Wife" and "Dynasty," had AIDS. He looked gaunt and tired at an appearance last week with Day in Carmel, Calif. Collart said doctors had conducted "a series of diagnostic exams" on Hudson, but hospital spokesman Bruce Redor declined to comment on the results of the tests conducted in Paris. "All this AIDS stuff is Rock Hudson and his people," gpdgr said., "It is a secret what our doctors our doing' knowledge of an AIDS diagnosis, were making days, received a telephone He also starred ina series of romantic here. It is not French tradition to talk suspected to be caused either by in- call from his old friend President comedies with Day such as "Pillow about patients." fections or were consistent with Reagan Wednesday. Talk." COLLART SAID doctors suspected metastatic liver disease," the Hudson is perhaps best known for The Centers for Disease Control in Hudson was suffering from AIDS, publicist said. his role as the patriarch in the movie Atlanta said that as of July 22, there which strikes mainly homosexual Miller, who saw Hudson at the classic "Giant," for which he was were 11,871 confirmed cases of AIDS men and intravenous drug users, but hospital Wednesday, said later the ac- nominated for an Academy Award. resulted in death. were unaware of the previous tor was "feeling much better" and Agnusisu,-i;,iAir imormeu^--m, "looks, wonderu." Hudson, who diagnosis until Miller informed them "ok wndru. Hdswh after his arrival in Paris Wednesday. stood 6-feet-4 and weighed over 200 'The physicians discovered ab- normalities in the liver which, without pounds during his prime movie Hudson's illness prompts renewed interest in .AIDS From United Press International News of actor Rock Hudson's yearlong battle with AIDS has focused nationwide attention on the incurable epidemic now reaching into the heterosexual population, officials for gay rights organizations said yesterday. Gay rights activists say Hud- son's AIDS diagnosis could become the necessary springboard to badly needed increases in research and education funds that would speed scientific efforts toward a cure and spread the word on prevention tips until an effective treatment is found. HUDSON'S battle with acquired immune deficiency syndrome could prove to be "somewhat analogous to what President Reagan is doing for colon cancer," said Ron Najman of the National Gay Task Force in Washington. "If the prominent do contract AIDS increasingly, it may further public understanding of the disease," he said. "The phone was ringing off the wall," said Nate Sebastian, direc- tor of the AIDS Foundation in Houston. "Very few people asked (for information) about Rock Hud- son. They wanted to know about AIDS - if there isa test for it, what the symptoms are. "We have been fighting this for a long time, trying to make the public aware this is not a gay disease. We've gotten a lot of calls about this, a lot of concerned heterosexual people were calling because a 'real' person named Rock Hudson has AIDS." CRIME PREVENTION TIPS Some of the visitors at the Art Fair aren't here to visit the booths, but to use the occasion for criminal activities. Visitors to the Art Fair should be on guard. " Don't carry large amounts of cash, just what you need for that trip. If you must carry large amounts, divide it up between your wallet, purse, and parts of your clothing. " Don't carry a large number of credit cards. If you haven't already done so, record your account numbers and keep them ina safe place. " Carry a purse only if you must. If you do, don't let it dangle - wrap your arm around it, tuck it under your arm, and hold it snugly. " Be on guard against jostling and contact with others in a crowd. That's how pickpockets work. Check your wallet and purse every time you are bumped. " Park in well-lit areas, have your key out before you get to the car, and check your car before you get in it. Then leave immediately. . Keep packages in a locked trunk. If you don't have a trunk, put packages under the front seat and cover them. Crime Prevention Tips appear every Friday courtesy of Director of Safety Leo Heatley.Y ..... .