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July 25, 1985 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1985-07-25

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Page 4 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, July 25, 1985
Fairs are 'choosy about artists'
By CHRIS LAUER has been juried largely by the same Artists are judged in the categories
If the truism that art mirrors its process since 1964. The fair's selection of color and texture; originality;
society is correct, then the current process consists of two parts - an on composition; and design.
deluge of art fair offerings, varying in the street jury and a slide jury. THE STATE STREET Area Fair
quality from wretched capitalism-at- While the fair is in progress, six began using a similar two part
its-worst to admirable craftsmanship members of the acceptance commit- jurying process in 1979. The fair's
to undeniably ingenious art, becomes tee, which are appointed by the plan- coordinator, Pat Kemeny-Macias,
very curious indeed. Know anyone ning committee, and two exhibiting expressed frustration about people
with the personality of a flew market? artists from the medium being judged using the term "juried fair"
Everseedrippy art? review all exhibiting artists. In the synonymously with "Ann Arbor
Although there's no definitive spring, artists that were -not re- Street Art Fair." "We're a juried fair
dividing point on the gradient of dif- accepted and new artists submit five too," she said.
ference between an art fair and a slides representative of their work to
garage sale, most art fairs - in- be juried. THE SUMMER ARTS Festival, the
cluding the three currently in "We have always stressed quality," one located along State and Main
progress in Ann Arbor - have preten- said Esther Rainville, a painter who Streets, does not have a jurying
tion toward the former with some has been involved with the planning of system in the same sense as the other
means of discriminating out artists on the fair since its inception. "We don't two fairs. Acceptance of the artists,
the basis of quality. want work where somebody says, 'I all member of the Michigan Guild of
THE ANN ARBOR Street Art Fair, make a lot of cute doilies, I'll go into Artists and Artisans, is based on a
the one located on South University, the street fair."' seniority system within the Guild.

From United Press International


11 a.m.
Mr. B-S. University and E. Univer-
Blues and boogie-woogie piano
master Mark "Mr. B" Braun trundles
his pianoforte out onto the intersec-
tion and plays off and on until 7 p.m.
Ann Arbor Dancers - Graceful Arch
Stage, E. University
Local choreographers and dancers
perform in avariety of styles. Free.
Afromusicology Ensemble -
Graceful ArchStage, E. University
Afro-American and African music
from this local ensemble directed by
Morris Lawrence.
Cartoons and Classic Comedy -
Dooley's, 310Maynard
Free balloons for every child who
comes to watch these twenty-to-forty
minute excursions into Warner
Brothers and silent comedy. On the
hour, every hour until 6p.m. Free.
12:15 p.m.
Victorian Americana Organ
Recital - First Baptist Church, 502
Six local organists perform works
by Sousa, Iver, and more. Free.
1 p.m.
Junior Chamber Players/Junior
Dixieland Players - Graceful Arch
Stage, E. University.
Carol Leybourn directs an all-ages
ensemble through baroque music.
Followed by Dixieland jazz from the
Junior Dixieland Players. Free.
Guitar Music - Herb David Guitar
Studio, 302 E. Liberty.
Herb David instructors and local
musicians jam on the front porch of
the Studiountil 5p.m.
2 p.m.
Bill and Chris Barton - Graceful Ar-
ch Stage, E. University.
Irish and American folk from a
talented duo. Free.
Radio King and his All-Star Soul Band -
Rick's Outdoor Stage, Church Street.
Rock'n'soul from a local mish-
mash of talent. Free.
2:30 p.m.
Dave Wild Trio - Michigan Union
Stage, State Street.
Mainstream jazz from a Michigan

the blaster blaring saxophone solos
master. Free. by Albert Ayler. Free as can be.
3 p.m. 7 p.m.
Clair Ross - Graceful Arch Stage, E. Trees - Graceful Arch Stage, E.
University. University.
University School of Music Folky rock combo fronted by Lin-
graduate Ross performs on harp. dsay Tomasci and Jesse Fitzpatrick.
Free. Free.
Los Chickens - Michigan Union
4 p.m. Stage, State Street.
The Steve Nardella Rock'n'Roll Trio Squawkin' R&B. Free.
- Rick's Outdoor Stage, Church
Street. 8 p.m.
Steve and the boys rock with their Footloose - Graceful Arch Stage, E.
usual verve and power. Free. University.
Acoustic instruments, tight har-
Today's Brass Quintet - Graceful monies, and a wide range of musical
Arch Stage, E. University. styles that will loosen your feet. Free.
This fine local ensemble playss
brass music from the Renaissance to An Evening with Cole Porter - The
the present. Free. Ark, 637% S. Main.
Larry Manderville and Friends - The Easy Street Touring Company
Michigan Union Stage, State Street. presents the best songs of the
.r a.ld American master composer. Tickets
Earle regular Manderville and his are $8.50 at Schoolkid's, Herb David,
pals play jazz. Free and the door.
5 p.m. An Evening of Pinter - Performance
Blue Front Persuaders - Graceful Network, 408 E. Washington.
ArchStage, E. University. Will Cares directs The Collection,
Rhythm and Blues from the local preceeded by four short dramatic
masters, with jitterbugging from sketches by Pinter. Student tickets
State Champs Vicki Honeyman and are $3 at the door.
Jim Kruz. Free. Ten Little Indians - Ann Arbor Civic
Killer Trout - Mr. Flood's Party, 120 Theater, 338 S. Main.
W. Liberty. Agatha Christie's whodunit traps
A conglomeration of local ten suspicious people on a secluded
musicians make up this unpredic- island, and eliminates them one by
tableschool of fish. Free. one. $5 at the door.
Bar Time
The Apartment - (769-4060) - Jazz
Lunar Glee Club - Michigan Union and Jam session with Ursula Walker
Stage, State Street. and Buddy Budson.
Paul Vornhagen leads this local oc-
tet through a variety of jazzy Bird of Paradise - (662-8310) - The
originals. Free. Ron Brooks Trio jazzes it up.
The Blind Pig - (996-8555) - Play
6 p.m. games with Domino!
Blue Front Persuaders - Rick's Out- The Earle - (994-0211) - Larry
door Stage, Church Street. Manderville on the '88s.
A walk up the block, and it's Mr. Flood's Party - (995-2132) -
another set from this rhythm and Cluck around with Los Chickens.
blues combo. Free.
Mountain Jack's - (665-1133) - Jeff
6:30 p.m. Baldori and Bob Gardner.
arwulf arwulf live - Michigan Union Nectarine Ballroom - (994-5436) -
Stage, State Street. Stomp with Steve King and the Dit-
Daily columnist arwulf arwulf presents tilies.
his WCBN It's Got to be Modernistic Rick's American Cafe - (996-2474) -
radio program live, and begins his Cleveland reggae rockers First
annual crusade to salvage shards of Light.
humanity on the fairgrounds. arwulf U Club - (763-2236) - Reggae Dance
is the one in the video headdress with Party with Tom Simonian.

Israel releases 100
Lebanese prisoners
TYRE, Lebanon - One-hundred
Lebanese Shiite and Palestinian
prisoners whose freedom was
demanded by hijackers of a TWA
jetliner were freed by Israel
yesterday and bused home to
southern Lebanon for a happy
reunion with relatives and friends.
Cheering crowds of relatives and
well-wishers greeted the 70 Shiite
Moslem and 30 Palestinian
prisoners as they were taken by
bus to Lebanon after their release
from an Israeli military jail, where
335 Arab detainees remain.
The freed prisoners, unlike
others released before them, did
not shout slogans as they left the
Atlit prison camp near Haifa in
Israel. They said only that they
had been well treated in captivity.
Top Indian officials
guilty of espionage
NEW DELHI, India - A judge
yesterday found three retired high-
ranking Indian military officers
guilty of selling secrets to the CIA.
Judge K.B. Andley found Maj.
Gen. Frank Larkins, his brother
Air Vice-Marshal Ken Larkins and.
Lt. Col. Jasbir Singh, all retired,
guilty of conspiracy and
espionage. He sentenced them to 10
years in prison.
The trial was held in secret for
national security reasons, but the
sentencing was open to the public.
Sources close to the proceedings
said the men were found guilty of
delivering secret information to
U.S. Embassy officials believed to
be working for the CIA in New
Alaska gov. acted
legally, ex-aide says
JUNEAU, Alaska - Alaska Gov.
William Sheffield helped a top
political backer get a $9.1 million
state office lease but did nothing
illegal, the Democrat's ex-chief
aide told a historic impeachment

Sheffield, 57, simply did not un-
derstand the implication when he
changed the bid requirements for
the controversial 10-year lease, the
governor's former chief of staff
John Shivley was the leadoff
witness at a Senate Rules Commit-
tee hearing called as part of a
special session of the Alaska
Legislature to consider impeach-
ment of the first-term governor.
Colombian airplane
crashes; kills 80
BOGOTA, Colombia - A Colom-
bian Air Force cargo plane
providing commercial passenger
service during a pilots' strike
crashed yesterday in a jungle
during a rainstorm, apparently
killing all the approximately 66
people aboard, authorities said.
The plane left Leticia, a city in
extreme southeast Colombia, for
Bogota at 4:47 p.m. (5:47 p.m.
EDT), Maj. Rafael Hurtado of the
Civil Aeronautics Department
said. "Fifteen minutes into the
flight they reported they had a fire
in engine No. 3 and they were
returning to Leticia."
Consumer Power
rate hike approved
LANSING, Mich. - The Public
Service Commission yesterday
unanimously approved a $94-
million electric rate increase
designed to keep Consumers
Power Co. out of bankruptcy.
The hike will raise Consumers'
rates overall by 5.75 percent, but
the impact on individual
customers will vary from a cut to
an increase of as much as 17 per-
cent, due to the effect of a new
rate plan.
Attorney General Frank Kelley
- who vowed to fight the increase
in court - claimed the typical
residential customer will pay 16
percent more.
Paul Knopick, a spokesman for
Consumers, said the increase is
"crucial to our ability to survive
our financial problems."

Vol. XCV - No.38-S
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the fall and winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday
during the spring and summer terms by students at The University of
Michigan. Subscription rates: September through April - $20 in town, $35
out of town.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109.
Editor in Chief ................ ERIC MATTSON Business Manager .......... DAWN WILLACKER
Managing Editor ............. THOMAS HRACH Sales Manager ............ MARY ANNE HOGAN
OpisnioPage Editor ....ANDREW ERIKSEN Marketing Manager ...........CYNTHIA NIXON
Arts Editor,.............CHRIS LACER Classified Mnaer....MONICA CROWE
Associate Arts Editor,........IOHN LOGIE
S"p o d .rts Editor ...I......I..DAVE ARETHA Display Manager ..... . SHERYL BIESMAN
A c SportsEditr... .PHIL NUSSEL FinanceManager..............DAVID JELINEK
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ARTS STAFF: Barud f arIueBau,, Noelle YUNA LEE
_ Neil Galanter, Jackie Ruznik. Ron Schechter, Marc
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