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July 19, 1985 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1985-07-19

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5436) - Visitor rocks it up.
Rick's American Cafe - (996-2747)
- Tracy Lee and the Leonards gets
U-Club - (763-2236) - Schoolkid's
own Michael Pool.
Mark "Mr. B" Braun/Top of the Park
- Ann Arbor Summer Festival
Boogie-woogie piano from a local
master. Followed by cartoon classics
at dusk. See Campus Cinema. 7 p.m.
at the top of the Fletcher Street
parking structure. Free. Call 763-0950
for more information.
Choices - Patchwork Theater
8 p.m. at the Performance Network.
See Friday's listing.
1,000 Years of Jazz - Ann Arbor
Summer Festival
A six-piece dixieland jazz band and
a four-man tap dance team head a
performance by an ensemble that
features a collective age of one
thousand years, give-or-take a few. 8
p.m. at the Power Center. Tickets are
$6-$10 at the Power Center Box Office
and at the door. Call 763-0950 for more
Ten Little Indians - Ann Arbor Civic
Theater Main Street Productions
Was it the butler? 8 p.m. See
Friday's listing.
Campus Cinema
The Glass Key (Stuart Heisler, 1942)
City-boss Brian Donlevy is accused
of murder, so loyal flunkie Alan Ladd
gets him out of the jam. MLB 3, 7:30
p.m. $2.50/single, $3.50/double.
Fury (Fritz Lang, 1936) C2
A man unjustly accused of a crime
is presumed dead when a mob burns
down his jail. Spencer Tracy gives
many shades of meaning to the role of
the victim. From the director of
Metropolis. MLB 3, 9 p.m.
$2.50/single, $3.50/double.
Gone with the Wind (Victor Fleming,
1939) MTF
Another showing of Hollywood's
biggest romantic adventure showing
on Ann Arbor's biggest screen. Mich.,
7 p.m. only. $2.50.
Make Mine Music (Walt Disney, 1946)
Disney works his magic with such
classic songs as "Casey at the Bat"
and the musical poem "Peter and the
Wolf." Power Center, Dusk. Free.
The Hidden Fortress (Akira
Kurosawa, 1958) CG
If you think this funny and
breathtaking adventure looks
familiar, you're right: George Lucas
has said that much of Star Wars is an
homage to this classic Kurosawa film.
Look carefully and you'll find R2D2
and C3PO in this wild tale of a prin-
cess struggling to find her way back to
her kingdom. Aud. A, 7 p.m., 9:30 p.m.
1 The Stunt Man (Richard Rush, 1980)
Peter O'Toole steals the movie as a
devilish director trying to make the
ultimate anti-war movie, but who gets
side-tracked into helping escaped

The Michigan Daily - Friday, July 19, 1985- Pan 7
convict Steve Railsback elude the door. Call 763-0950 for more infor- TUESDAY THURSDAY
police. A film that blurs the assumed mation._THURSDAY
distinction between reality and fan-C
tasy. MLB 4, 7:30 p.m. $2.50/single, ampUS Cn ma Bars and Clubs Bars and Clubs
$3.50/double. The General (Clyde Bruckman, The Blind Pig - (996-8555) - Reggae The Apartment- (769-4060) - Jazz
Buster Keaton, 1926) TOP from the Blue Riddim Band. and Jam Session with Ursula Walker
My Favorite Year (Richard Ben- Unfortunately not the full-length The Earle - (994-0211) - Larry and Buddy Budson.
jamin, 1982) AAFC version of the film. Keaton's krazed "The Man" Manderville. The Ark - (761-1451) - An evening
Peter O'Toole night continues. A stunts and dead pan are still amazing. Mr. Flood's Party - (995-2132) - with Cole Porter - see Performance.
writer for a '50s comedy show (a With two shorts. Power Center, Dusk. Beata path to Fast Tracks. Bird of Paradise - (662-8310) -
thinly disguised Your Show o and TheeWizard of Oz (Victor Fleming Mountain Jack's (665-1133) - Jeff Another night with the Ron Brooks
alcoholic Alan Swan (a thinner-ly 1939) MTF Baldori and Bob Gardner. Trio.
disguised Errol Flynn) as Swan guest- Before Victor Fleming went off to Rick's American Cafe - (996-2747) The Blind Pig - (996-8555) - Best
stars on the program. MLB 4, 9:45 direct Gone with the Wind, he polished - Southern rock from Skyles of Ann Arbor poll winnersDomino!
p.m. $2.50/single, $3.50/double. off this children's fantasy. It's true Calhoun. The Earle - (994-0211) - Larry
that on its first run, Oz didn't make U-Club - (763-2236) - Gets slice of Manderville on the '88.
much money, but the kids of that era the Jazz-Life. Main Street Comedy Showcase -
Furthermore recognized it for what it was. This Performance(996-9080) -.Another night with Rich
Futer oeseniedelyitmrvforuhatim PerfrmanceShydner.
isn't merely a marvelously imaginat- David Flippo/Top of the Park - Ann Mr. Flood's Party - (995-2132) -
ive excursion ito the land of L. Frank Arbor Summer Festival Los Chickens squawk.
Reflections on Being a Progressive Baum, accompanied by now-classic 7 p.m.-on. See Monday's listing. Mountain Jack's - (665-1133) -
Jew - New Jewish Agenda National songs, but a rememberance of German Youth Orchestra - Ann Ar- The Jeff Baldori Duo.
Convential Hollywood long gone. The current bor Summer Festival The Nectarine Bllro o
Actor Ed Asner, lesbian feminist release Return to Oz is a damn fine 8 p.m. See Monday's listing. T31 Seveain Ballroom - (665-
poet Adrienne Rich, and Rabbi Mar- flick in its own right, but you're not us Cin m top- Steve King and the Dittilies
shall Meyer speak and reflect. 8 p.m. gonna see it become a part of the Camp RcsA raCf-(924
at Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. $4. American psyche. Mich., 4 p.m., 7 His Girl Friday (Howard Hawks, -First Ligh sinCafe - (996-2747)
Call 763-6763 for more information. p.m., 9 p.m. $2.50. 1940) MTF U-Club - (763-2236) - Reggae
Scanning Furthermore See Friday's listing. Mich.7:30 Dance Party -with Tom Simonian.
Star bound/Summer Starbound - University Exhibit p.m. only $3.00 single, $3/double.
University Exhibit Museumarusd -PUni si E Bi igU BayHwrHCk
Starbound is a NASA-funded audio- Museum Planetarium Briging Up Baby (Howard Hawks, An Evening with Cole Porter - Easy
visual recapitulation of the history of Starbound shows at 2 p.m. and 3:15 1938) MTF Street Touring Company
astronomu. Summer Sky Scanning is p.m. See Saturday's listing. A young and serenely naive Thirty of Porter's most popular
a sky show depicting the ex- M NKatherine Hepburn brings madcap songs performed by the touring com-
traterrestrial objects currently DAY romance into the life of flustered pany that brought you An Evening
visible in the night sky. 11:30 a.m. professor Cary Grant with the aid of a with George Gershwin. 8 p.m. at The
(Summer), 2 p.m. and 3:15 p.m. Bars and Clubs leopard. Definitive screwball. Mich., Ark, 6372 S. Main. Tickets are $8.50
(Starbound) at the Exhibit Museum The Blind Pig - (996-8555) - 22 Cave 9 15 p m. only, $2.50/single, at Schoolkid's, Herb David, and at the
Ruthven Planetarium. Geddes at N. Gods emerge. $3me door. Call 761-1451 for more infor-
University. $1. Call 764-0478 for The Earle - (994-0211) - Larry W EDNESDAY maon.
more information. Manderville - piano wizard. An Evening of Pinter - Eclectic
Mr. Flood's Party - (995-2132) - Bars and Clubs Theater Company
Richards and Bachleda - folk duo. Four sketches by Pinter precede
The Nectarine Ballroom - (994. The Ark - (761-1451) - Bluegrass The Collection, directed by Will Cares.
5436) - The Stud Club with Galen from the Red Clay Ramblers. 8 p.m. at the Performance Network.
SUNDAY Davis. Bird of Paradise - (662-8310) - The Student tickets are $3. Call 663-0681 for
Rick's American Cafe - (996-2747) Ron Brooks Trio. more information.
- Steve Nardella and his Rock'n'Roll The Blind Pig - (996-8555) - Bop
Bars and Clubs Trio, with the Blue Front Persuaders. Ten Little Indians - Ann Arbor Civic
The Earle- (994-0211) -Last night Theater Main Street Productions.
Moore and Jesse Richards.- Perfrmance Idreamed of Manderville again. Or was it the maid? 8 p.m. See
Del-Rio Bar - (761-2530) - Paul Alex Ross - Michigan Union Cultural Main Street Comedcy Showcase - Friday's listing.
Vornhagen and Friends play Programs Concert of the Month. (996-9080) - Rich Shydner - VictorianaAmericana -PrinzipalVI
gleefully. University School of Music monologuist Four local organists perform works
Main Street Comedy Showcase - graduate Alex Ross performs on Mr. Flood's Party - (995-2132) - by Buck, Sousa, and Ives. 12:15 p.m.
(996-9080) - Open Mike. violin. Steve Nardella and his trio rock. at the First Baptist Church, 502 E.
Mr. Flood's Party - (995-2132) - David Flippo/Top of the Park - Ann Mountain Jack's - (665-1133) - Huron. Free. Call 663-9376 for more in-
Private Sector goes public. Arbor Summer Festival Bob Gardner and Jeff Baldori team formation.
School of Music doctoral candidate up. Campus m a
The Nectarine Ballroom - (994- David Flippo performs on piano, The Nectarine Ballroom - (994-
5436) - Lee Eckinger hosts a big dan- followed at dusk by Chaplin films. See 5436) - Steve King and the Dittilies Rich and Strange (Alfred Hitchcock,
diddle1931) CG
ce party. Campus Cinema. 7 p.m. on the top of ddl.Hthokbig oaiytl
the Fetch Sree k struu Rick's American Cafe - (996-2747) Hitchcockbn us a moraliy tle
theFlechr Sret prkng trctue.- Cevlan'sown First Light. about love and money. A travelling
Free. Call 763-0950 for more infor- U-Club - (763-2236) - Leizer the couple has both but eventually learns
F Musics - Ann Arbor Summer mation. Amazer spins the discs. the power of the former. MLB 3, 7:30
Ann Arbor's own original in- German Youth Orchestra - Ann Ar- rmance p.m. $2/single, $3/double.
struments ensemble performs at 11 boSun meFes mae up of students Intrada Woodwind Quintet - 7th An- Secret Agent (Alfred Hitchcock, 1936)
a.m. in Rackham Auditorium. Tickets from German music colleges that per- nual Haydn Festival G
are $8 at the Power Center Box Office forms regularly at the Berlin Another presentation of the Ann Wonderful early Hitch. John
and at the door. Call 763-0950 for more Festival. 8 p.m. at the Power Center. Arbor Chamber Orchestra. Noon. See Gre arean nvt Young, and Peter
information. Tickets are $11-$15 at thePower Ce- Friday's listing. brash romantic interest, and a
ter Box Office and at the door. Call
Prism Saxophone Quartet/Top of the 763-0950 for more information. Summer Recital Series - American strange interloper, MLB 3, 9:15 p.m.
Park - Ann Arbor Summer Festival Guild of Organists $2/single, $3/double.
A recital by this local quartet will be Ca p s 5a Anthony Williams and LaVonne Stop Making Sense (Johnathon Dem-
followed at dusk by Buster Keaton The Emerging Chaplin) (1978) TOP Harris perfomr works by Handel and me 1984) MTF
shorts. See Campus Cinema. 7 p.m. on This documentary on the early work Bach. 12:15-1 p.m. at the Bethlehem Its what shadows on a wall of music:
top of the Fletcher Street parking of Chaplin explores his comedic style United Church of Christ, 423 S. Fourth in your head was meant to be. More
structure, next to the Power Center. as well as the manner in which his Ave. Free. Call 761-7712 for more in- than just a concert film, Demme tMek
Free. Call 763-0950 for more infor- technical style affected his perfor- formation. sin and Howard) has created a razor-
mation. mances. Many short film clips from Campus Cinema sharp, tightly-controlled, and effor-
his films are shown and discussed. Koyaanisqatsi (Geoffrey Reggio, 1983) tlessly pure vision of David Byrne's
V'an Cliburn Competition Win- Power Center, Dusk. Free. MTF rock 'n' roll. Mich., 7:30 p.m., 9:15
ners/1orld Youth Symphony Orches- Repo Man (Alex Cox, 1x1984) MTF Not quite the breakthrough motion p.m. $2.50.
tra - Ann Arbor Summer Festival Emilio Estevez and Harry Dean picture some seem to think it is. In
Gold Medal winner Jose Feghali Stanton are car repossessors who get what is ore or less a breath-taking ex- Furthermore
performs with the Interlochen caught up with extra-terrestrials and tended music-video, we are told that National Heritage Night - Michigan
National Music Camp's 130-piece Or- competing repossession companies. A civilization sucks and that the League
chestra. 8 p.m. at Rackham definite oddity, but not to everbody's American Indians knew all about it Tonight - food and festivity from
Auditorium. Tickets are $6-$10 at the liking. Mich. 7:30 p.m., 9:30 p.m. years ago. Mich., 7:30 p.m., 9:15 p.m. Alaska. 5-7:15 p.m. in the Michigan
Power Center Box Office and at the $2.50. $2.50. - League Cafeteria. Meals cost $6-$8.

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