ARTS Thursday, July 18, 1985 4 Page 6 The Michigan Daily Dream Syndicate aims above cult status Tonight beginning at 10 p.m., released? A&M recording artists The Dream W: It will be out in January. The Syndicate will perform at Rick's. show will be mostly from our new album. Daily staff writer Robin Wojcik D: Can you tell me anything about spoke with Dream Syndicate it? vocalist/guitarist Steve Wynn. W: Nawww. It's hard to say. It's Daily: Where did the name Dream different but it sounds like the Dream Syndicate come from? Syndicate. Wynn: Tony Conrad did a record D: Do you try to market yourselves called Outside The Dream Syndicate, toward a certain audience? h a record of white noise. It was kind of W: Yeah, anyone who wants to hear what we do. I think bands like our- appealing, selves play mainly to college-type D: You had a remarkahly strong audiences. There's, a whole group of Velvet Underground sound on your bands that get played on college radio first release, The Dream Syndicate. ndgtosofgdrees.Ty W: Yeah, that record sounded a and get tons of good reviews. They w: Yoalk the Velvet U have a following among bar audien- whole lot like the Velvet Un- ces and survive just doing that. That's derground. When we made that EP nd i ting a t Tha we'd been together three weeks, what we do. I think we are sort of a There wasn't a real band identity yet. D- What are your goals? Do you I like that record a lot. It's a lot more DW hstayourtgbald? Areyou young sounding thati what we do a w to stay acult and? Are you now Yes. You've changed W: No, no. We don't want to be con- fined in any way. We want to do what dr ticao d better believe it. We've like and hopefully a million people changed largely because of changes D You'll just keep doing what in personnel. Well you know we're you've been doing? getting older. When I was 21 we did you eh, doin? our first record. Now I'm 25. If we W Yeah, I think a hand like us can stayed the same it would be artificial. do what we wanna do eventually. D: You have a new member to Each time we go out that's more Steve Wynn (sunglasses) leads replace Karl Precoda. people that hear us. very much gut emotion, more from W: Right. Paul Cutler is the new D: Why did you choose your the gut than thebrain. guitarist. The other band members psychedelic style? D: Some of your lyrics surprise me. are Dennis Duck on drums and Mark W: It's just what came out. We They don't cover the normal male Walton on bass. opened our mouths and it came out. subject matter. D: When will your next album be It's that simple. Most of what we do is W: What the hell is that? 4 4 he Dream Syndicate into action tonight at Rick's. Cover is $5. D: There is more of a psychological bent to your lyrics. As you said earlier, you're very emotional. W: Well you know we don't usually say we're gonna rock it through you baby. It is a lot more mind expansion 'Assault'follows ramifications of terrifying night The Assault in a concentration camp, and his By Harry Mulisch father was indicted for Nazi. Random House, collaboration. It is perhaps this unique background which helps 185 pages, $13.95 Mulisch paint such full-bodied por- NE NIGHT, during the last days traits of his characters.He depicts Oof the German occupation of the Nazis as ordinary people who Holland, six gunshots sound out in could also be butchers, while the town of Haarlem. Anton Steen- civilians can be both victims and wijk, aged 12, and his family rush to Nt oly does Mulich give us a realistic account of a war-time act of violence, but he shows us, through the character Anton, that the War is still very much with us in the 1980s By Andrew C. Cerniski no matter how much we'd like to bury it in the past. Mulisch writes, the window and find the body of a For of course the name Adolf still brutal Nazi leader outside their won't do. Not until people are home. The Germans suspect Anton's called Adolf again will the family and mete out a cold-blooded Second World War be really behind us. But that means we'd punishment. Anton himself is not have to have a third world war, physically harmed, but what so we'd better do without Adolfs psychological shock waves will this altogether. violent incident impart across the Atothe novel progresses we catch rest of his life? up with Anton at various stages of Harry Mulisch spends the greater hpsiThen nt frist part of his vivid, intensely his life. The imcident from his youth psychological novel, The Assault, has left him emotionally numh. As a answering this question. Mulisch young man he goes to the university himself has the dubious distinction in stam and witnesses violentA of knowing the horrors of World War anti-commustnds raions. A II from hoth sides of the moh of thousands lay seige to the hattie. His mother's family e-' headquarters of the Communist died Party, but Anton feels all the flying rocks, shattered glass, and bleeding people is just so much child's play. He calmly continues to follow his course of study which, ap- propriately, is anesthesiology. Given the choice, Anton would rather forget that one horrible night in 1945 but he is allowed no choice; the incident is a part of him. It is why he is subtly drawn to death, why he feels most comfortable amid an angry crowd, why he falls in love with his future wife among the tom- bs of Westminster Abbey. As if to plague Anton, Fate repeatedly thrusts him together with people connected with the painfully remembered night. As each of the people encountered add to his un- derstanding of the events of that night, Anton slowly discovers the full truth is more horrible than his partial knowledge. In the end we come to realize that "the assault" is not merely the execution of one Nazi during the war, but the continual assault of the past upon present-day life. The novel has one potential stum- bling block which Mulisch overcomes handily. Since the first episode is a complete, drama in itself, the rest of the book is an extended denou-. ment. It is difficult to prevent readers from setting down a book af- ter the climax of action, but Mulisch keeps us turning the pages. There are severalfactors which account for this, not the least of which is Mulisch's ability to evoke powerful images which hold the reader in place and tell more than a chapter of explanation. For exam- ple, one day, later in life, Anton is inexplicably seized by panic and fear. He tries to calm himself, put- ting his face in his hands: Liesbeth found him this way, motionless but trembling, like a statue during an earthquake. . . Anton looked at Peter ' and tried to laugh. ' Then his eyes fell on the full shopping bag Liesbeth had left on the table. On top lay a package. Its paper wrap came undone, unfolded like a flower, and revealed a bloody hunk of meat. The Assault is the first Harry Mulisch novel to reach the American public, though he has been writing since 1944 (when he was 17). He has been a novelist, short story writer, playwright, poet, essayist, and jour- nalist. Hopefully, more of Mulisch's work will find its way into English translation. than crotch expansion. But there is a little of that too. D: The last album had a western Americana image. Did you pick that as a theme? W: Yes. I was very much fascinated with that. We'd been 4 traveling and driving all these places. You know, you're from California and all you see is palm trees and conver- tibles. Then you get out to Missouri, Nebraska, and Iowa. It really affects you. That's when I wrote all those songs. The stuff now is a lot less into that; it's in a whole different direc- tion. D: What's the audience like in Ann Arbor? Or are they all the same? W: No. In Ann Arbor it's wild and frenetic. D: Do your audiences dance much to your music? W: Oh yeah. The second show we played in Ann Arbor was pretty wild. People were slam dancing. That was one of our crazier shows. D: What was crazy about it? W: That was the show that got us signed to A&M records. All the Big Wigs from L.A. flew out to Ann Arbor to see that show at Joe's in June of '83. After the show we signed with them. Guys in three-piece suits were stan- ding around in Joe's Star Lounge. It was pretty funny. D: Is there anything you would like to say about the band? W: The band tries to leave the audience feeling drained of emotion and spent. If we do that we're doing our job. D: That's atall order. W: Not really, we seem to do it pret- ty often. :r