Page 10 -- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, July 17, 1985 CILJIZ~iIIIILUA/IDJ IC4+517 4 FOR SALE FOR RENT PERSONAL HELP WANTED BUSINESS SERVICES TRANSPORTATION special '77 Vlare Station Wagon runs goad, $500.684343 bet. 8 & 3 p.m. 02B0717 GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1(U repair). Also delinquentltax property. Call 805-687-6000 Ext. GH- 10152 forinformation.040807 FALL 19855 A variety of apaitments are available. For more information call 663-3050. SPEARS-WALTERSOM' CCtc _______________________ THOMPSON APARTMENTS 350 Thompsos Street Completely fursished modern apartments now FO R RENT renting for Fall. Sbowing apartments M-F, 53 t9:0pmIfnot convenient for yoa? Just call and we will mabe it at your convenience. For ____________________________ more info or appointments call1996-1373 or 603-7332 A .V 9R~R M PATM'TJ AAT. anytime. ctlc ADOPTION: Caring, accomplisbed woman (Pb.D., A C T P Public Healtb) bopes to adopt infant. Otters SPRING ARBOR Distributors - A distributor of A C T P loving, stimulating, stsble bome; excellent edo- Cbristian books, tapes, records or gifts inloking WORD PROCESSING cation; supportive relatives. Will pay all ex for full or part-lime belp for tbe summer montbs Discount resumes, coverletters, & papers. pences legally permitted. Flesible arrangements, and beyond. Work consists of picking customer 761-5050 Call 301-530-9180 collec, 7-12 pm. We canbhelp eacb orders, stsnding on your feet for full sbift and cJtc otber. 7908060 some lifting up to 50 pounds. 5.50/br. fall time. -__________ _--______ pa0 5400/br. part-time (Mon., Tams., possibly Wad.) LOOKING TO HOUSE-SIT, beg. Aug/Sept: 38y/v DO'MSSNTIN.SVThe. 10 a m.-6:30 p.m. apply in person Mon-Fri. 8:30-5 F professional: clean, responsible, refs. avail. ; 15%6' ilaoff onconta.t lens supp.Uiesty.e pm.Spring Abee Distributors, 10885Tetile Rd., mill xcbange bs maintenance for reducedrent. Vicg~ebea .130.Uies t Belleville, 50106111.92HR0720 CalASAP701-8345am, eve. OIJ07IS L4DlPD\A/AICTn 1r \ Im i" ~ i ABLE. Large enougb fur 3 to 4 people. SI Spetember; 12-montb lease. Call CA] RENTALS 603-8830 or slop by 33. Univi UNIVERSITI TOWERS Furnisbed Apartments. 5500S. Forest Phone 761-2680 VAIL tarting MIPUS NORTH CAMPUS I I L LIv00 t, I'4 I LcLv reily cc JUST AJOG AWAY FROM WILLOW TREE MODELS wantad - masseuse needed for imined- YAPARTMENTS iate full time employment in a quiet, refusing Apatmet lvin ina ecldedwooed ettngatmospbere. Apply in person at Tbe Toucb, directly acruss from U of 50 Nortb Campus. l and212ForhAennrb. 0575 2 bedroom aparments, private lube and jogging EARN $150/300 per weeb clipping newspape patb, central air, Cable TV available. On UM and items. Send 25s stamped envelope to SAX Dept. TI1 AATA busnlines. 105 Oxbew Lb. Rd. Union Lube, MI 48003. CALL 769-1313 0H0725 c~tc cctc GOVERNMENT JOBS. $10,00 - $5,330/yr. Now c~lc _____________________________ Hiring. Nationwide. Cull f05-687-W000Ext. H- 10152 for current federal list. 031800 E l 1 DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Trude Michel Jaffe ACROSS 4 Creative person 37 German 55 Senate votes 1 Isingl ass 5 Position possessive 56 Round 5 Overabundance 6 Indian peace 40 So-so leller 57" and F 10 Tickens symbols 42 Athlete insa Lovers": 14. Jewish month 7 Arithmetic dome Lawrence 15 Enraged mean 45 Sicilian seaport 59 Stare at 16 Seed covering 8 Coat with 50 Edible root 60 Western 17 Are: Fr. solder 51 Moantain pass Indians 16 Certain pass- 9 Newspaper 52 Heating vessels 61 Pails along word execs. 54 Composer 63 Rioiera season 20 Part of a 10 Espress Bartok 64 USSR neighbor convent astonishment 22 Made achoice 11 PartofOQED ASE OPEIU UZE 23 Attention getter 12 Ade additive p AWR O PREVIOUS PUZZLE: 24 Prince of 13 Coast PA A L R A O S Darkness 19SEndlessltime U R AL A C TOR PO0S E 27-acid 21 Cohere M U N I F I C E N T P 0TL E (vinegar base) 25 All togetherto A B E A C U T E N 0 N E 0 30OGrissom ot Salileri SAS I N P AR L OR NASA 26 Holdings N OT I CE ST IL E 31 Removeas a 27 Michael Caine MA ST R E C T E U T O N hat role - AJtAR EDUCE NEBO 35 Chaney 28 Preserves, in a CA 0MS SAR I ES 36 Celestial way OXIDE MARMOI streakers 29 Lassie, for one UIR0SEUMLA R DMN0 T 38 Samsoan capital 31 Certain attys. 39 Sfnall spot 32 Revealed, as a A V OC E TS V E E O UT 41lPerplexitiea view D E MI A CC E SS I B LE 43 Concerning 33 Starts ao IR AN MA I LS S LE 44 Restricts engine TANG PEASE HER S 46 Clear 34 Observes 47 Being: Lat. ember days 7117185 48 Noun satfix 49 Underscore 1 2 34 5 6 7 I 9 10I1112t 1 51 Gaggle 14 - - 116 members 53 Unit ot energy 17 - t8i19 54 Hobbyist's - - - -- - wood 2I 211 22 58 Was con- 23 14 35 16 spicuous 62 Astonishing t27 - - 29 30 3t 32 a3 14 65 Concerned with - - - 66 David, the fim 31 a6 37 31 director 39 40-1 4 67 Pertaining to ~ e 1 4 masical soand 43 44 45 4a-6 68 Cook slowly - - 69 Poisonoas 47 48 49 50 snakes 70 Tape recorder 51t 52 13 - - control 54 55 5 1 7 58 59 s0 s1 71 "Bonanza" name 62 6- 3 54 65 - - DOWN 66 - 67 68 1 Gender: Abbe, 69 70 7 2 Hero of the day 3 Kitchen aids - - NEEDED -Bloud donners forediarbhea reserach. Requirements: 1) age 10-4031) no history of anti- biotic use in last year, gastrointestinal disease, or diarrhea while taking antibiotics 31 no prior em- ployment in a buspitsl. Foe blood and stool specimen reimbursement $20. Call Sbirley 763- 3505 Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Michigan Hospitsl. 93180717 DESPERATELY seeking teachers: Reform syna- gogue is looking for teachers foe itsSaurday morning Religious School program. Contact Rabbi Robet Lvy,065-4744. 00H0717 SPORTINNEWSt ROILINGI SIONE IA wk. SNt $9.99 theis s f tv,$79a Stsfnosn, lustes up! Thii Alweys theieinitive weel weekly tabloidi pesked onewhats happeeinginethe beskebllhckey, bese- views withi neaeis ballandotersiteamnspeos. adstrseiessend Opin~ion lrstuesn musieenews ellas RS' adicomleteucllege and pooieen oeraeigeeof poestas. natiienaleffis Nthiiq elsepesnioeRolling NEWSWEEK3 26 lee. TY GUIDE 1 ye. NEt1$9.1 01 $1940 Eveey week getprovoaise tespleteekly lssings isighsanbeepectives ofseommerdel, sableeand onenetieeleendinesee- PSprogramming. Aleo toenal afiseend lie iterviesewthiyou avore nitableenslfbssinss, ite sarm erevises, sciee andetseinmenst andpeviewseofthnpsto tSeial setion goeyond hppesietheetein- simplereporting togive sentindustry.Asmust lot youeacekpreundead teleisonsbffs whowat analysis to bs eired! CAR AND DRIVER f yr. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY CI 18.99 id1yr. MPI $7.98 A cmnatiiion ofadvaned s-Phntogrphicinistests technologisal information n eecishnialifeatues and excitngsatophotog- aboundineMoern raphy. Witlsconsise, eld. Pfsotography. Photog- sbis reviesi, Casead rpherssofall shill leess Driveis a drive'sseage eandintetestscanbeefit sina n opysfthe Irnsthisypulicatns in- infoaiso andeelsstep sights, tipes adextensias aheadlolthetines nmailresetio. 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