OPINION The Michigan Daily Vol. XCV, No. 30-S 95 Years of Editorial Freedom Managed and Edited by Students at The University of Michigan Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily Editorial Board Fair play TT HAS ALWAYS been an unwritten rule that if an athletic coach doesn't produce a winning team for a particular school, that coach is encouraged to find another job. Eastern Michigan University has recently added a new twist to this unwritten rule. The merit raises for coaches at Eastern will be based, in part, on stadium at- tendance, adherence to budget and conference rules, the academic standing of athletes, and the conference stan- dings at the end of the year. Eastern's new plan is unfair to the coaches and may cause the school to lose several coaches before the plan takes effect August 1. The administration at Eastern has put more pressure on the coaches to produce a winning team, but have neglected to give them the resources to do it. The problem is that the athletic resources at Eastern are not equal tdf the resour- ces available to other schools in their division. Various sports at Eastern do not have as much money for recruiting or the newest facilities or the best equip- ment. To force the coaches to work under a handicap isn't fair. This plan will also increase the coach's role as a cheerleader. Not only will they have to coach and manage a team, they will have to attract bigger crowds to the stan- ds. Too many of the criteria for the raises are out of the coach's control. The coach can only do so much to influen- ce the academic standing of an athlete or the year's schedule. The coach might be tempted to schedule scrim- mages against weaker teams to assure a winning season. Eastern has had trouble before with athletics. The foot- ball team almost lost conference support because ef low attendance figures. But Eastern was able to gather enough student and alumni support to raise attendance at the games. This new proposal casts a shadow on Eastern's image. It is a shame that Eastern is attempting to increase their standing in the conference at the expense of the coaches. Saturday, July 13, 1985 Page 5 Odd allies save rain forests By James Ridgeway WASHINGTON, D.C. - It is one of Washington's oddest alliances: a leading conservative senator has joined environmentalists and an- thropologists to block further destruc- tion of Brazil's rain forest, and force the stolid World Bank to change its ways. Their target is the Northwest Regional Developmental Project - known in Brazil as Polonoroeste - which encompasses some 1tt,00 square miles of Amazon jungle in the states of Rondonia and Matogrosso. The building of BR-364 - a 900-mile road that cuts deep into that territory - was an early stage of the project. Now, ina nation where 43 percent of farmland belongs to one percent of the population, thousands of poor Brazilians trek BR-364 in search of a piece of land of their own. Urged by the Brazilian government to clear and farm the region, they have come at the rate of 13,000 a month. Bet- ween 1978 and 1983, more than a quarter million would-be farmers poured into Rondonia via BR-364. Many have been forced off small holdings in the south, where rich far- mland is being reorganized for export agriculture as part of an effort to bolster Brazil's foreign exchange and reduce an enormous foreign debt. But there is no El Dorado at the end of BR-364. Instead, newcomers have found the soil poorly suited to cash crops like rice and coffee. Despite government promises, towns never materialize and vital services - credit, medical care, schools - are for the most part insufficient. Applicants for the tiny parcels of forest are now backed up two and three deep. Upon arrival, many of them find themselves poorer than when they began their journey. And still more come. The project was financed in large part by the World Bank, which com- mitted $500 million in seven different loans. More than half of that money went to pave the road, the only part of the project actually to be completed, and another international lending agency, the InterAmerican Develop- ment Bank (IDB), is providing more money to stretch BR-364 westward in- to the state of Ocre. The Anthropology Resource Center BLOOM COUNTY and Cultural Survival, both based in Cambridge, Mass., worried that In- dians in the Amazon might be uprooted by Polonoroeste and were the first to try to stop it. An- thropologists abroad joined the op- position, Defenders of Wildlife, and the Environmental Policy Institute. Early last fall this coalition per- suaded New York Democratic Congressman James Scheuer, head of the House Subcommittee on Natural Resources and the Environment, to conduct hearings and help make their criticisms public. Scheuer tried to put some pressure on the World Bank, but his subcom- mittee has no direct authority over its operation. Next, the group wrote A. W. Clausen, World Bank President, pointing out the dangers of the project and arguing that by not applying the Bank's own environmental guidelines, the Brazilian government had violated the terms of the loan. A World Bank executive responded by vaguely pledging "needed modifications" to the project "if and when appropriate." That is when Bruce Rich, staff at- torney for the Natural Resources Defense Council and principal strategist in the effort to block the project, approached Wisconsin Senator Robert Kasten, the conser- vative Republican who chairs the Senate subcommittee with direct con- trol over World Bank funding. Few would term Kasten an ardent en- vironmentalist. To Rich's surprise, Kasten was not only sympathetic to the group's arguments but quickly wrote Clausen a letter, pointing out that the en- vironmentalists had "raised a num- ber of legitimate concerns and suggested some legitimate ap- proaches to alleviate those concer- ns." The response from World Bank, ac- cording to Kasten, was a best a brush off, but more correctly described as an insult. Kasten then enlisted to support of former Treasury Sec. Donald Regan and later his successor Jim Baker. For the first time, the World Bank began to pay attention. In a meeting that included Clausen, Kasten repor- tedly ordered Bank bureaucrats to answer the environmentalists' questions. This spring, the Bank abruptly cut off funding for Polonoroeste. A Bank spokesperson said the loan was faulted "by mutual consent" until Brazil's government could put the trouble-plagued program "on cour- se." At the same time, the U.S. representative at the IDB began ap- plying pressure to kill a separate $72 million loan to extend BR-364 still further into the rain forest. Part of the loan eventually was vetoed, Now Kasten and environmentalists have teamed to fight the World Bank again, this time in an attempt to block funds for a huge hydroelectric project in India, and a transmigration scheme in Indonesia. Just how firm the alliance will remain is not clear. But the environ- mentalists show few qualms about their partner's rightwing credentials. "To tell you the truth," says Bruce Rich of the Natural Resources Defen- se Council, "some conservatives like Kaston are much more straightfor- ward, and have produced more, than some of the liberals." Ridgeway wrote this for Pacific News Service. Letters to the Daily should be typed, triple-spaced, and signed by the in- dividual authors. Names will be withheld only in unusual circumstances. Letters may be edited for clarity, grammar, and spelling. FAL.LOW OSc- MotA OP/- WW/ FAe A SBRlouc AEND 71 to'REFI E CANNOT To1.GBI~t MB MOBB& SUNDrOB- QC/A/A/)0OYCO by B erke Breathed ANY COUNTR2Y CI,/ILRT G(APTuI& WtLL RG CDYPALLC-D F00/A PDtAIUtiS ' 40 1 / I : GA OC. ixe '\WA0 R ,v souG8 6090 EllI44. NEWiS I5 LqP. BAP EWS IN 11/6 E5MW.. ,IN 1E W/ ..N1Of,5 tO , CVKRY M 6MP "5. IT'S M p 6, AP a1t, 9 OVER ANP UAW N/NP NSIM ANP 1/T.. IT'S 5IMPLY BAD/I, A 1R/1/65NP. .i it/S1IS N5P M6 INK/i, 51W10SOFF WA 1DMRKOW, WMN 1HINS WaMb P~fy B6 WORS6. $9l