Page 4- The Michigan Daily - Saturday, July 13, 1985 Cox urges morality in politics (Continued from Page1) "Various elites make policy decisions for us as clients and opens a course to the general public," Beck said, "but it customers in such a way that American polity is in serious has done so because the public has helped raise funds for danger of ceasing to be a democratic polity." this event." To support his argument, Cox calls attention to Beck said that enrollment in the seminar would be groups drafting critiques of the political, economic, limited, and she expects many people will be interested in and social status quo. the seminar because Cox enjoys a substantial popular Cox highlights the work of fundamentalist Christian following. groups in the United States and liberation theologians in "We invited Cox because his concerns are the current Latin A e U S d i concerns of the day," she said. "He has broad appeal not merica. just to people interested in religion but to people in- FUNDAMENTALIST groups are attempting to terested in personal ethical values." mobilize a public that they believe supports ethical values THE REV. Jitsuo Morikawa of the First Baptist Church subverted in the policy process. of Ann Arbor said one of Cox's greatest achievements was Similarly, Cox observes, liberation theologians criticize noting the connection between religious values and con- a system in which politics is divorced from ethics. temporary issues. Cox notes that for both groups, ethics are rooted in their "Harvey Cox is a very creative theologian who has religious belief systems. Moreover, he argues that a enormous capacity to think theologically in relation to religious element is a necessary ingredient in any contemporary society and contemporary issues," democratic system. "If the people are to be an active Morikawa said, citizenry," he writes, "If they are drawn into (policy Morikawa has been instrumental in bringing Cox to Ann making), they will think about (policy) in terms of a Arbor, and also helped bring Cox to the American Baptist morality that grows out of religious commitments. People Headquarters in Valley Forge, Penn. where Cox worked seem to want to make political choices with reference to before he published "The Secular City." their moral frames of reference and for many, these are Cox was unavailable for comment. lodged in religious world views." WITH PUBLICATION of "The Secular City," Cox established his considerable reputation as a theologian. In Some analysts point to a gap between morality and the book, Cox argued that secularization in the modern religion. George Gallup Jr., head of the Princeton era was the outcome of Biblical faith. In the city, Cox Religious Research Center, said that a comparative study notes, the importance of opportunity and freedom - of church- and non-church members showed that there highly vlaued in scripture - is recognized, and rural was little difference in terms of the groups moralities. myths of sacral government are dispelled. Gallup noted that while 14 percent of non-church members Cox reevaluated the extent of this liberation in his most Glu oe htwie1 ecn fnncuc ebr recent publication, "eligin i the Sebr City" h e said they overreported tax deductions, 11 percent of those secularbit n, hasbReligion in the Secular City." The church members surveyed said the same. secular city has begun to decay, Cox argues, because "Many people claim to be religious," added Professor politics has become elitist Timothy Smith, a specialist in religious history at Johns "This problem results from institutional and cultural Hopkins University, "but they do not apply this to the developments. The bureaucratic state tends to reduce ethical part of their lives." citizens to clients," Cox argues, "and the growth of a cor- porate, capitalist economic structure tends to degrade NONETHELESS, religiously-oriented special interest citizens into customers." groups continue to make themselves heard in political "BOTH OF these phenomena produce a politics in- arenas. creasingly based on a market model," Cox writes. Suspected hijackers arrested (continued fromPagee) group - were named in radio broad- United States is watching "with close Thirty-nine American hostages were casts during the crisis. interest" what the Lebanese gover- released on June 30 after Syria - THE BEIRUT radio report yester- nment does to prosecute the gunmen. which supports Berri and other day also mentioned Ali Atwa, who was In Berlin, several people posing as Lebanese Moslem leaders - inter- arrested in Athens before he could Middle East diplomats - and suspec- vened to free the hostages. board the Boeing 747 and was later ted of plotting the hijack of an Younis and Ghorbieh, identified in freed in Algeria in exchange for the American airliner - were arrested in some reports as southern Lebanese release of Greeks among the more possession of explosives at the main Shiites who belong to the pro-Iranian than 150 people on the jet. East Berlin airport, a West German Hezbollah movement - which is op- In Washington, White House newspaper said yesterday. posed to Berri's more moderate Amal spokesman Larry Speakes said the Reagan promises to fight terrorism WASHINGTON (UPI) - President hostage crisis. terrorist training sites. Reagan is pursuing a wide range of He confirmed a Washington Post "There can be no effective long- options for fighting terrorism and report quoting unnamed officials as term strategy that doesn't include a recognizes the need "to take action saying the administration is willingness to use force," an official and we will take action" in retaliation discussing the risks, benefits and said in the report. against international terrorists, a timing of reprisals and that theH White House spokesman declared president "now believes military for- However, he added, that the key yesterday. ce should be a component of that requirement for that strategy is "that Deputy press secretary Larry response." American values and that it be effec- Speakes declined to elaborate on Officials the Post quoted said that mein auesn that itubeanfftc whether any reprisals were planned many options are being considered, v", in achieving what you want to in the aftermath of the 17-day Beirut including the reprisal bombing of National security affairs adviser Robert McFarlane said ina broadcast COMMITTEE ON COMMENCEMENT following the release of the 39 American hostages that the ad- Position for 1 UNDERGRADUAGE STUDENT ministration was considering 1 GRADUATE STUDENT targeting Middle East Terrorist training camps for U.S. retaliatory Deadline for application: 5:00 p.m. raids. WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1985 The United States is watching "with Costact the Michigan Studest Assembly close interest" whatever the 3909 MICHIGAN UNION Lebanese government does, he said, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 to prosecute the gunmen who hijacked Tel. (313) 763-3241 ..TWA's, flight 847, and killed Navy diver RobertSte'tleni o board. IN BRIEF From United Press International 4 Doctors to operate on Reagan's colon WASHINGTON (UPI) - President Reagan has a "precan- cerous" growth in his upper in- testine and will undergo a second operation today to remove it, White House spokesman Larry Speakes said yesterday. Doctors at Bethesda Naval Hospital, where Reagan, the nation's oldest president, had gone for what was described as a "routine" removal of a benign "pseudo-polyp" from his colon, found a "large polyp." They said it could not be removed by instruments they were using to probe his intestines and recommended surgery either im- mediately or in several weeks. Reagan, in consultation with his wife, Nancy, chose to undergo the three-hour operation today, Speakes said. The president will remain at the hospital for a week to10l days. Albania ends isolation ATHENS, Greece - Isolationist Albania, Europe's last Stalinist stronghold, is opening up to the outside world and seeking closer relations with a number of European countries, Greek of- ficials said yesterday. Signals from the Albanian capital of Tirana indicate that Albania wishes to reduce its isolation in the international com- munity, according to the officials, who spoke on condition they not be named. They said the signals of the change began before the death of longtime leader Enver Hoxma in April but have become far stronger since his successor, Ramiz Aliz, took power. They said an indication of Albania's wish to improve relations was the fact that it was the fact that it was no longer pressing Greece to lift the state of war between the two countries. Iraq missile hits ship An Iraqi warplane fired an Exocet missile into a loaded Turkish supertanker yesterday, setting the vessel ablaze south of Iran's main Persian Gulf oil ter- minal just three days after an iden- tical attack on its sister ship. Lloyd's of London said the missile struck the left side of the 226,145-ton Turkish tanker M. Ceyhan as the tanker sailed about 100 miles south of Iran's huge Kharg Island exporting oil ter- minal. Inflation rate steadies but retail sales drop WASHINGTON - Two leading economic indicators released yesterday brought good news on inflation, as wholesale prices remained unchanged in June, but potentially bad news on em- ployment, as retail sales dropped 0.8 percent last month. For the first six months of 1985, the Producer Price Index, which measures wholesale prices, rose at a modest annual rate of 1.4 per- cent, the Labor Department said. For the 12 months since June 1984, the increase in wholesale prices was just 1.1 percent. UAW may get new contract with Saturn DETROIT - Officials of United Automobile Workers locals in Flint, yesterday expressed con- cern that thebproposed Saturn Corp.-UAW tabor contract could permit GM to close current operations and reopen them under the Saturn Corp. name. Mike Bennett, head of the union's Flint local 326, said the automaker conceivably could shut down operations covered by the GM-UAW national agreement. He suggested it then might reopen them under Saturn and place in ef- fect a contract more favorable to the company. GM officials had no comment on the statement. 4 4 I I I I Vol. XCV - No. 30-S The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the spring and summer terms by students at The University of Michigan. Subscription rates: September through April - $20 in town, $35 out of town. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. 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