le £itigan iatlQ
Ninety-five years of editorial freedom
Vol. XCV, No. 30-S TheMicrhi,,iioiy Saturday, July 13
Negotiations give 'U'
By KERY MURAKAMI how to spend its funds.
Late night maneuvering by University ad- The question arose Thursday afternoon, after a
ministrators and sympathetic state leaders Thur- conference committee represented by both houses
sday saved the University from having to make decided to give all the state's universities and
what Vice President for State Relations Richard colleges nearly the same percentage in increases.
Kennedy called "massive" tuition increases. Included within a school's increases would have
But after the smoke cleared from closed-door been money for the newly-created $25 million
negotiations betweon leaders in both legislative research excellence fund, which does not help
houses, the Senate and House voted just after prevent tuition increases.
midnight to give the University a 13 percent ap- SEN. LANA Pollack (D-Ann Arbor), explained
propriations increase, that while general funds can be used for operating
THE INCREASE gives the University $10 expenses and to reduce the burden on tuition in-
million more than the $13 million increase creases, research money can only be used for
recommended by Gov. James Blanchard last specific research projects.
January. The research funds - designed to spur the
The size of the appropriation, however, was not state's economic development - would help a
the sticking point in Thursday's negotiations, research university in the long run, but would not
Kennedy said. Rather, legislators differed on how help with its current budget woes, University
3, 1985 Fifteen Cents Twelve Pages
more aid
Pollack said the conference committee's plan
discriminated against schools that were slated to
receive the bulk of the Research Excellence Fund,
because they would have a greater percent of their
increases tied up in research projects than other
For example, the University - which was
originally slated to get $9 million for research -
would only get $1 million more for general use
than the governor recommended.
IN COMPARISON, Michigan State University
- which was slated to receive about $6 million for
research - would get $4 million more for general
use even though both schools were supposed to get
appropriations increases of 13 percent.
Shapiro has said that the University would need
about $7 million more than the governor recom-
mended to avoid a steep tuition hike.
See 'U,' Page 3 ---pushed for increases
- :'Noted theologian to
teach at 'U' in fall
Harvard Divinity School Professor
Harvey Cox has always wanted to be
where the action is. He has followed,
documented, and analyzed the ac-
tivities of Marxist clergy in Eastern
Europe, of Americans seeking self-
actualization in the hot tubs of Big
Sur, and of liberation theologians in
Latin America.
Along the way, Cox has made a
name for himself as a "connoisseur of
religious experience," and "the
theological best-seller of his
AUTHOR OF the best-selling
"Secular City" and the newly-
released "Religion in the Secular
City," Cox will return to teaching this
fall as Visiting Professor of Religious
Thought at the University.
Under the auspices of the Program.
on Studies in Religion and local
organizations, Cox will conduct a lec-
ture course on morality in contem-
porary society and an advanced
seminar on theological ethics.
According to Astrid Beck, ad-
ministrative assistant to the Univer-
sity's Program on Studies in Religion,
the lectures will be open to the general
"IT IS RARE that the University
See COX, Page 4
Two hijackers identified
BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPS) - State- private army.
owned Beirut radio yesterday named , BEIRUT RADIO - still owned by
the hijackers of TWA Flight 847 and the Christian-led government but con-
said Lebanese officials would attempt trolled by Berri's Shiite militia, Amal,
to prosecute the men who killed a U.S. since a Moslem revolt in February
Navy diver. 1984 - named Ali Younis and Ahmed
Political analysts indicated, Ghorbieh as the two men who seized
however, that it was doubtful the TWA Flight 847 June 14 en route to
hijackers could be brought to trial Rome from Athens, Greece.
because of the disarray of Lebanon's The hijackers murdered Navy diver
judicial system, headed by Shiite Robert Dean Stethem of Waldorf,
Moslem leader Nabih Berri, who also Md., during the 17-day hostage crisis.
commands the country's biggest See SUSPECTED, Page 4
Picture window
The Maynard House apartment building may not be known for its aesthetic beauty but it may depend on the
Fair Play Sticky Happy Hackers
Eastern Michigan University hits the Early showers turning partly sunny Entertainment for everyone.
coaches below the belt and humid with highs of 85 to 90
Opinion, Page 5 Sports, Page 11