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July 12, 1985 - Image 11

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1985-07-12

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Chinese denounce U.S. decision
PEKING (UPI) - An indignant President Li Xiannian Committee and one of the nation's top economists. ~
yesterday attacked a U.S. decision to withhold funds from "I DON'T know whether President Reagan is aware of
a U.N. population program and branded reports of infan- that," said Li, the first Chinese head of state to tour North
ticide and forced abortion in China as lies. America since China's 1949 communist revolution.
"It is total fabrication and distortion," Li said in an un- Peking is extremely sensitive over foreign criticism of
prompted outburst during an interview with reporters at its "one couple, one child" family planning policy, aimed
Peking airport Thursday morning before his departure at keeping China's population from surpassing 1.2 billion
for an unprecedented three-week trip to Canada and the before the year 2000.
United States. The House vote may create a tense atmosphere for Li's
formal talks with President Reagan in Washington on
THE U.S. House of Representatives voted Wednesday to July 23. However, Li indicated he hoped the matter would
allow President Reagan to withhold all or part of a plan- not seriously affect his U.S. visit.
ned $52 million contribution to the U.N. Fund for
Population Activities to pressure China into halting repor- LI, 76, accompanied by his wife, Lin Jiamei, and a high-
ted abuses of its population control policy, powered entourage of Chinese policymakers, is to spend
10 days in Canada starting July 11, followed by a 10-day
The House amendment cited reports of 53 million forced visit to the United States.
abortions between 1979 and 1984, as well as persistent Li's talks with Reagan will focus on the Soviet Union,
allegations of Chinese killing baby girls. Indochina, and irritants to U.S.-Chinese relations, in-
"The Chinese people are utterly indignant about the cluding Taiwan and Sino-American trade disputes, said
resolution. It is an interference in China's internal affairs Peking-based Western diplomats.
and is absolutely unacceptable," said Li, a member of At the airport, Li said Taiwan remains the "greatest ob-
China's powerful Communist Party Politburo Standing stacle" to better U.S.-Chinese relations.
Computers will soon proliferate at 'U'
(continuedfromPagei) term to $100 per term starting next Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor), said
Although the Board of Regents has spring, they were concerned taht they would Associate Press
not yet formally approved the plan, Business and engineering students authorize the computing centers and Pauses to refresh
they unanimously supported the idea will also have to pay more for their find that there aren't enough people
when Van Houweling introduced it at computing, paying $50 more in fees on campus trained touse them. Roberto Goizueta. chairman of the Coca-Cola Co., sips a soft drink at the
the regent's June meeting. per term, up to $150 a term. BUT Van Houweling said that more Atlanta press conference yesterday that officially announced the return
UNDER the plan, the University But Van Houweling said that his and more people ar learning how to us of 'Classic' Coke.
ould set up "clusters of 25-50 com- plan is the most inexpensive way for computers before coming to the
puters around campus," Van students to have access to computers. University. In addition, he said the S
Houweling said. According to Van Houweling, only School of Literature, Science, and the
Where these clusters would be private universities are planning Arts would be expanding its computer
located, he said, hasn't been decided projects on the same scale as the classes.
yet, but he envisions them scattered University, and they require students Billy Frye, the University's vice AUCKLAND, New Zealand (UPI) vessel wer caused by "externally at-
in dormitories and libraries around to buy computers. president for academic affairs, Prime Minister David Lange called tached explosive devices."
campus as well as in academic THESE COST about $3,000 to $4,000 however, said that he doesn't envision the deadly sinking of the Greenpeace
buildings such as Angell Hall. each, with some as expensive as any mandatory computer classes for environmental flagship "a major "The explosions, two of them,
CURRENTLY, the University has $10,000, he said. University students. criminal act" yesterday and said his blew an 8-foot hole in the hull on the
250 stations available to students for "Our society is changing rapidly," "Computer literacy is a short-range government may replace the bombed level of the engine room," Galbraith
general use - for example in the Van Houweling said, "so rapidly that problem," Van Houweling said, "The vessel with a navy ship. said. "The explosions were possibly
Michigan Union's computing center. you can't go through any concourse in number of people with the knowledge Police said twin blasts, which killed sabotage, possibly murder, or
psut Van Houweliing says that by the any airport in the country without before coming to the University is in- a crewman and tore a hole in the hull possibly terrorism, or possibly both."
end of 1987, the University would have seeing adults playing computers to creasing." of the 160-foot Rainbow Warrior in No group immediately claimed
increased the number of its com- amuse themselves." "WHA T I'M really excited about, Auckland Harbor late Wednesday, responsibility for the attack.
puters seven fold. He said that computer literacy is he said, "are the excellent computer were acts of sabotage or terrorism.
These new stations will be modeled becoming important inother areas programs in elementary schools." The ship was in the area to lead a
after computing centers currently besides business and engineering. For "Young children are already very water-born protest against nuclear Dr. Patrick Moore, a director of
available to business and engineering example, he said history students can comfortable with these machines," testing in the Pacific. "Coeeneae dneracoaly atid,
school students. For a mandatory $100 now use computers to base their own he said, "As they grow up, they're Someone has done a cowardly act i
fee, students in the two schools have theories rather than reading other viewing computers, not as a luxury, DET. CHIEF Supt. Alan Galbraith the middle of the night. No one has
access to 45 computers set aside for historian's theories in books, but as part of their everyday en- said at a news conference that an in- come forward to claim responsibility
general use. HE ADDED that for the University, vironment." spection of the boat by naval divers and terrorists usually claim respon-
"I've not nothing but positive reac- it's important to preserve its image as In addition to expanding computers indicated the blasts that sank the sibility."
tions (about the two computing a leader in technology. "More and available in computing centers, Greg
programs)," said Regent Thomas more people are basing their Marks, the University's vice provost
Roach (D-Saline), "For a slight fee, decisions of what schools to attend ac- for information technology, said that
students can do anything on them, cording to their view of a university's students would be able to buy any of
from writing papers, to writing letters information technology." the line of IBM personal computers
home. It's a bargain." He cited figures saying that most from the University.
BUT AS with business and students who decided to come to the Students can now buy personal 709 Packard (Near State)
BU stuet bccess to University thought that it was strong computers made by Apple or Zenith at
engineering students, access to com in computering, while most were ac- low cost from the University's micro-
puters may be a "bargain" but it is cepted - but decided to go elsewhere computer education center in the T ' S
not free. Students, except those in the - thought the University was weak in School of Education Building. H IS W EEK E
two schools, will begin paying com- com Marks said that the costs of the
puting fees-;on from $50 for winter coputering.
Png e;going Some regents, however, including computers have not been determined.
Banker testifies against officer Baked Ham Bologna
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (UPI) - A government Collins repeatedly transferred money into and out of the 1.99 lb *1.59 lb.
witness testifies yesterday it would have been prudent but secret government account.
illegal for retired Air Force Maj. Gen. Richard Collins to And James B. Sandidge, an Air Force official who deals
invest money used for spy activities in interest-bearing with contracts and banking, testified that by transferring G round Beef
hank s acounts. the money to his personal account, Collins may have ear-
Collins, 55, is accused in U.S. District Court of diverting ned as much as $40,591 in interest.
h $444,500 from a secret government account in a Swiss . lb
bank into his personal account and keeping $19,000 in ac- Other witnesses have alleged that Collins transferred
crued interest. If convicted of the six counts of embez- the money back into the government account each time an Hours: Sunday-Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 a.m.
zlement, he could be sentenced to up to 60 years in prison audit was due on the government funds. Collins alone
and fined $60,000. determined the timing of the audits, according to Friday & Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 a.m.
Swiss banker-Helmut Hulliger testified yesterday that testimony by Ralph Axtell, and Air Force budget analyst.

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