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July 12, 1985 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1985-07-12

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, July 12, 1985- Page 3
MUG employee turnover leads to raises
By THOMAS HRACH has cost the MUG a great deal on its student ago, hires only two full-time managers, while "challenge" in next year's Union budget.
In a move aimed at lowering the turnover payroll. the rest of the positions are staffed exclusively BUT MOORE said the overall payroll costs
rate among its student employees, officials at Bob Moore, finance manager for the Union, by part-time student employees. During the for students could actually decline if the tur-
the Union have increased its pay scale for estimated that from April of 1984 to April of '85 summer, Kloiber estimated that 130 students nover rate drops significantly. Moore said the
students working in the Michigan Union Grill the officials at the MUG trained more than 700 work at the operation. savings would probably come from the
(MUG) in order to stay competitive with other new employees to fill the 250 part-time The increase in pay for student employees decreased need to train new employees.
University and city operations which hire part- positions available to students during the highlights the heightened competition for Though the pay scale increase went into ef-
time employees. regular school year. student workers at the University and around fect in late May, student employees first saw
Jeff Kloiber, manager of the food service MOORE hopes that under the increase, the the campus area. the increase on paychecks late last month.
operation, said that though student employees MUG can reduce the number of newly trained MOORE SAID the MUG would have to raise Mike Orencia, an LSA junior, has been
will still begin work at minimum wage - $3.35 employees almost 50 percent. the average pay to $3.80 per hour to stay com- working as a MUG employee since October and
per hour - the new pay scale will reward em- "We want to develop a core of employees who petitive with the pay that the Housing Depar- said that the raises should encourage most
ployees with regular raises based on seniority would stay for four years," Moore said. "What tment gives its employees. people to stay from the summer months to the
and the ability to fill various positions. we want is more productivity out of our old The altered pay scale is intended to help the fall term.
STUDENTS had been "grumbling about people." MUG retain employees who often change jobs "I'M GETTING about a 50-cent increase, and
being taken advantage of" because employees Moore said the MUG can get more produc- and work at the dormitory food service I'd have to question my reasons for staying if I
who had worked for several months were still tivity out of one experienced employee - at a operations. didn't get a raise," Orencia said one of the
paid the same as new workers, according to higher pay scale - than two new employees. Though the six stores at the Union's ground main reasons he will continue to work in Sep-
Kloiber. AS THE system stands now, Kloiber said that floor eateries have been well received by the tember is the increase in pay.
"We wanted to lower the turnover rate a student can earn up to $4.75 per hour at the University community, Moore said the MUG Bill Van Alstine, a Rackham graduate
among students, and give the employees highest level, which includes the prestigious has been at the "break even" point financially. student who works at the MUG, said the pay in-
something to shoot for," Kloiber said, partially student supervisor position. Because of the stable financial picture for the creases should help productivity by allowing an
because the constant training of new workers The MUG, which opened almost two years MUG, Kloiber said the new pay scale will be a incentive system for employees.
Police raid Columbian drug ring
UNIONDALE, N.Y. (UPI) - A change" in the distribution of cocaine ONE WAS setup in a stable behind a
new-type Colombian cocaine "cartel" in the United States. rented house on a 47-acre tract of land
with drug factories in Long Island Formerly, the processed cocaine in Baiting Hollow on Long Island.
k upstate New York and Virginia has was smuggled into this country. That Another was established in an out-
been smashed in a sweep that netted trend is shifting to U.S. production of building behind a farm house in Gor-
ben cocaine base and chemicals to the drug. In many instances, the donsville, Vs. The third was a cottsge
churn out 7,000 pounds of the drug, of- cocaine base is brought in and treated with an addition built on iton a 66-acre
fc i ssa est erdy., fthedru with either, acetone and ammonia to site in Fly Creek, N.Y., about 90 miles
ficialsconvert it into water soluble powder west of Albany.
Ten Colombians were arrested in capable of absorption into the human It was disclosed at the news con-
the raids, U.S. Attorney Raymond body.
Dearie said. He added, however, that "This has taught us a very hard operation was found shot to death
- Jaime Orjuela, the long sought top lesson about the resourcefulness and near the Baiting Hollow lab May 23.
U.S. agent of Colombia's cocaine ruthlessness of cocaine trafficking Michael R. Priore, resident agent in
"families," remains at large. from South America," Dearie said. charge of the Long Island Office of the
Dearie said the laboratories were Federal Drug Enforcement Ad-
Dearie said cocaine base, smuggled set up in rural areas where the clan- ministration, said the victim,
into this country from Colombia, was destine conversion operation could be Ramario Ocasio, was the "General
delivered to the laboratories, where it carried out without much fear of manager" of the Baiting Hollow lab.
was treated with chemicals to discovery.
. nproduce the cocaine powder sold on
the drug market.
three factories seized processed CR M P EV N I N T S
Fh ederaletraids Wednesdayon ste CR IME PRE EV N O TIPS
cocaine, cocaine base and chemical
agents capable of producing up to

7,000 pounds of cocaine in 90 days.
Dearie said that amount of the drug
would have a street value of "hun-
dreds of millions of dollars."
"Three major Colombian cocaine
distribution i networks. have reached
an understanding to from a cartel
whereby they would pool their resour-
ces to convert cocaine base into
cocaine (powder) in the United
States," Dearie said.
Daily Photo by DARRIAN SMITH "They had their own supplies of
cocaine base but agreed to share the
facilities and equipment needed to
ad Eyes process the drug," he said.
HE ADDED that laboratories to
A dog waits patiently on his leash outside Otto's on Liberty yesterday. produce the drug represent a "major
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (UPI) - weightlessness.
The veteran space shuttle Challenger, Pepsi plans to capitalize on this
packed with a $72 million array of latest skirmish with new adver-
astronomical gear, was cleared for tising that features the space shuttle.
C k blastoff this afternoon on a busy Commander Gordon Fullerton, co-
o e bl f ty science flight featuring the space pilot Roy Bridges and crewmates
debut of America's cola giants. Karl Henize, Anthony England, Story
A dding spice to the high-brow Musgrave and civilian astronomers
astro n a u s science mission are eight high-tech Loren Acton and John-David Bartoe
cans of Coca-Cola and Pepsi on board face one of the heaviest workloads yet
in the first space test of containers in the shut'le program to , bring as
o fl sh t t e 5 designed at company expense to much data as possible from 13 on-
dispense carbonated beverages in board experiments.
... ... rf~t" a.' +R 2i: ,

Obscene telephone calls are annoying, frustrating, and sometimes
frightening. Law enforcement agencies aren't the only ones who can do
something to stop repeated calls, so follow the suggestions of the Univer-
sity of Michigan Department of Public Safety.
*Never reveal personal facts about yourself or any member of your
family to a stranger on the phone.
*Never engage in conversation with the obscene or annoyance caller.
-Quietly hang up the phone when a caller says something obscene,
without making any remark about the caller or what he said. Remember,
all they want is an audience - don't provide one.
*When you answer the phone and the person on the other end doesn't
respond, quietly hang up. Don't encourage "breathers."
*Never give your'phone number, name or address when asked by
anyone over the phone. You should be the one asking the questions.
*When an apparent wrong number asks ifa telephone number is yours,
ask them what number they are calling. When they tell you answer "yes"
or "no." Do not repeat your number. Make certain anyone who answers
your phone doss the same thing.
*Always give the impression that someone else is in the house - be
especially certain your children never tell anyone over the phone that
they are alone, or that you are unavailable.
*Tapping something lightly against the mouthpiece makes it sound to
the caller that a tape recorder is in operation.
*If threatened, call the Department of Public Safety at 763-1131 im-
mediately. Never be hesitant to call them in these circumstances.
Call the telephone company if you get repeated nuisance calls. To
discourage obscene calls, push the telephone cradle down twice, rapidly.
It won't disconnect you, but it will make a clicking sound. Say into the
telephone "Please trace this call." Your caller will probably not call
Crime prevention tips appear every Friday courtesy of campus
safety director Leo Heatley.

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