page 10 -The Michigan Dily -Wednesday, July 10, 1985 II[LAVIJiIFI LAlJf 71454- ViiII 4 FOR RENT FOR RENT THOMSON PARTENTSPARKING SPACES FOR RENT. 0ThompsonASret S. Foreestnear Washtenaw. $15/month. Completely furnished modero apartments ow Aoom MUSRETASAT66-82 reotiog for Fall. Showiog aportments 1M-F, 5:1130 _________________ to 9:00 p.m. 110no1 convenient for you? Just toll and mewill make it at your convenienre. For U I E S T more info orappoinmen tall 99%-373or 4837232 anytime.rUr U IVE SIT NORTH CAMPUS TOWERS JUST AJOG AWAY FROM Furninhed Apartments. 53NS. Forest WILLOW TREE Phone 761-2601 ct APARTMENTS -__ _ __-__ _ Aparment iring 10 a secladed minded netting __________________ dtrectly acrmss from U otM North Campus. l and 2 hedrmom apartments, private lake and jogging path, central air, Cale TV availahle. On UM and PERSONAL AATA hus linen. CALL 769-1313 ______________ rCtc DONTMISS ANYTHING. SAVE TOO. FALL 1985 15% off on contact lens suppliesnatThe A variety of apartments are availahle. For more Village Apotherary. 1112. S. Univernity. informationrcall 66-30501. oFt SPEARS-WALTERSOM ______________ Use Daily Classifieds STUDENT SERVICES HELP WANTED HELP WANTED TYPING/WORD PROCESSING - Any ind. Bent NEEDED - Blmddonners for diarrhearmserarh. WANT to help women derreane dependenre on pre- most friendly service in town. Proofreading. Requirements: 1) age 1-40 2) no history of anti- scriptioms? Women who have msed a diaphragm or Quicturnover. Pattie: 763-2359, 663-3351. 7200712 iotir use in last year, gastrointestinal disease, or cap and have hero pregnant are invited to help diarrhea white taking antihiotirs 3) no prior em- test the new dinpasahle diaphragm. Free roams __________________________ ployment in a hmspital. For hIoo and stint and all supplies for a year. Call or wrineDr specmen reimhursement $20. Call Shirley 703- Eliot, 763-611, Shoot of Puhlic Health, U of M. BUSI ESS SERV C ES 3505 Division of Infectioun Diseases, University 95H01713 B S N S SE V C S of Michigan Hospitsl. 93H0717 WORE FOR ACADEMIC CREDIT or volunteer at STUDENTS - Make extra $$$$! Outgoing indi- the POUND HOUSE CHILDREN'S CENTER this viduals needed to sell low rust servire to other summer. Located at Hiltld& East Univeesity. Come students. Full/partltime. Call 455-6390. SOHOtI overlfor a cisitlor call 76-2547. 77H0620 ACCUTYPE WORD PROCESSING Dscontresumes, coverlete, nph pvs. 761-5050- DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Editgd by Trude Michgl Jaffg HELP WANTED WANTED: MARKETING MANAGER FOR CREDIT UNION. Degree or experience re- quired. Send resume to Ypai Puhlic Employees Fedreal Credi1 Union, 611 W. Cross SI., Ypi ATHLETIC MODEL need h y estsh. artist for lifedrawing $7.10 per hour. No estra top-heavy hody-huilder types or jokestees, please. 761-4433. 89H0713 SPRING ARBOR Distrihutors - A distrihutor of Christian hooks, tapes, records or gifts is looking fur full or part-lime help for the summer months and heyond. Work consists of picking customer orders, standing on your feet for full shift and some lifting up to 10 peunds. $3.0/hr. full ime. $4.00/hr. part-time (Mon., Tams., passibly Wed.! IS a.m.-6:30 p.m. apply in peeson Mon-Fri. 8:30-5 p.m. Spring Arhor Distrihutors, 10885STextile Rd., Belleville, MI148111. 92H0720 ACROSS 5 Smetana's 1 Helper: Abbe, bride 5 Restrained 6 Newcomer of a 10 Singers' sort syllables 7 Namesakes of 14 Two-toed sloth a Dickens hero 15 Frisky 8 Pre-holiday 16 Traveling mao lime 17 Thrash Turner 9 Romberg's 18 Frosts " Song" 19 Abba of Israel 10 Sinatra, to fans 20 Manages 11 Hood of legend 22 "- 12"..with- Madigan" bodkin": 24 Biblical setting Hamlet .25 Crosby or 13 Deep-sea Como detector 28 Lena or Marilyn 21 Red Sea port Horse 23 Studio sites 29 LuPone of 25 Havana homes Broadway fame 26 Actress 30 Brouhaha Thompson 31 Approaches 27 Domingo, to 33 Maestro's opera buffs manuscript 28 Admonition 37 Titles, in Toledo from mother 39 Build castles 29 One of the in the air media 41 Geraint's lady 32 Go for- 42 Distant 34 Formerly 44 Release 35 Faddy product 46 LXVIIuxI11 36 Blue pencil 47 Trudges 49 Basin or Beale 1 1 3 4 51 Bach work- 54 Team count 14 55 Order from a 11 judge SB Doria or Dennis 11 ft Day- 60 "Man of-": Flaherty film 16 21 2861Vhcefr2 Across 30 31 83 One of Woody's children 3 3 Bat Osato of dance 42 43 B5 Cordage fiber 66"OnYour-" 47 87 Sale caveat 68BRib 51 52 53 69 Pass catchers 5 DOWN so 1 Traffic unit 2 Fragment U4 3 Balanced 4 Sahara 61 tribesman 38 Battle and 53 Muscat citizen others 54 - a 40 Concert of a Stranger" kind 5B Traveler's 43 Custard treat "okay" 45 Heating vessel 57 Do aTuesday 48 Most ancient chore 50 Spin a tale SB Troika 51 Greasy: Sp. 59 Turn's team- 52 Namesakes of mate Leander's love 62 Flay to win ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: .....1.......8..5 AMO MECPs W SA111ND1 1$ L 1T TR6 OXEN 15M D G I f 13 E 25 O E E E aDRES P AD C of - - 33 34 35 3 3 IRE 41 41 V 4;- - - 4 A5R45 4$ VO FING4$E S 54RE - OT - aURVE1DARW 5N 51 G TOfA LUC ATE UN L 5 R R MSt ET E s Y 0 I A ISN'T ALWAYS THE BEST Birth defects are our nation's number one child health problem. You can help prevent them. Support the SMarch of Dimes D YES, I'm ivterested, plese sendmethe complete preparatio coarsecheckedhbelow I GRE b $149.00 LSAT Q0$159.00 DAT 0 $280.00 ".31: pages of writtebnsmaeral " n0paes of rt e ateia ean C mprh nso a mdIteve ' Rration) GMAT 0 5179.00 MCAT 0 $350.00 .11 s ooume I Vrbl QusaOntiatveoPhis.Ce mi 0 srolgy, Bng 1221 pages o rt a eal 1 . t 305pa es te teral andIneuviewnepain)m Q Plese send me I . 10790ag s rtenmatril more inlormoliors ' Sendlto: GA.PS., 500 Thsird Ane.W., Bas C"19039, Seattle, WA 98109 ' I Calltoll-free: 1-80-426-2363 * Adrsspease print no eo.ox es plase I ' Ciy/Sate Zipf You vamdae_____________Sha_____________ You vponemno ( 1 Expirainudate Sgnaure 15ouseCot'+1osageHoangToal Enclosed ; " Potae Hading$ egulal(2aeeks) or $4 Ruossh i eieyNoMeATSno $2 Rush SoAirMCATs( olu5 days) L----------------------------------------ml_ I I ©1985 Lou Angeles Tses Synedcate 7110185