The Michigan Daily- Saturday, June 22, 1985- Page 3
w liberty location
generates profit
for 'U' Cellar
By PAUL JACKSON Although Weinberg predicts the U
Three years after opening its doors Cellar will require several years to
on the corner of Liberty and Division overcome previous debts, moving ex-
hUip experience enses, and the shutdown three years
t. ~~the University Cellar hasexrend
its best sales year in the 15-year ago, he said "We expect a lot of
} history of the student-run bookstore, growth, especially with the
according to manager Bruce Wein- engieerig school moving to North
berg. Campus
"No one has the slightest doubt the The U-Cellar's North Campus store
change (of location) was a good is currently the only book outlet in the
thing," Weinberg said, referring to area, and more engineering students
the store's move from the Union to the are expected to buy their books there
Liberty Street location. "This is the when the College of Engineering
first year we've had over $6 million in completes its move to North Campus.
sales, the first in our history." ALTHOUGH the Union bookstore
has been operational since January,
FACED WITH a 65 percent rent in- the managers of the University
crease and responsibility for $300,000 Cellar, Barnes and Noble, and
in renovations planned by the Union, Ulrich's took a "wait and see" at-
the U-Cellar ended negotiations for a titude toward how the three major
new lease and sought a home student textbook stores would affect
elsewhere. Had it remained in the sales. Weinberg also said he hopes
Union, Weinberg doubted that the students will be attracted to the U-
bookstore could have survived. Cellar because of its discounted book
prices and because "if they shop at
President Ronald Reagan tips a western hat he received in Dallas yesterday as he boards Air Force One in "In the first place, that space was Barnes and Noble, whatever money
Grand Praire, Texas. The Lions Club gave the hat to Reagan after speaking at their international convention. closed for two years. Maybe they doesn't go to employees goes to New
would have sped it up for us if we had York. If they shop at other stores it
been going to stay," Weinberg said. stays in Ann Arbor."
Wibradded that last summer,
R ege ts uppo t sate ob lan when the Cellar's Liberty Street Barnes and Noble manager Gerry
Regents support state job plan Weinberbgemahinsa
ocation was closed to install a Maloney said he thinks the
By KERY MURAKAMI through school," he said. sprinkler system, "We were closed bookstore's central location and its
By KERY MURAKAMI ~~~~~~for six weeks and that almost killed poieo atrsriewl trc
The University's Board of Regents voted 7-1 yesterday REGENT DEANE Baker (R - Ann Arbor), who cast us" promise of faster service will attract
to support a plan that would create part-time government the only negative vote, said the plan could cause conflict enough students to pay for the $1
jobs for college students. among workers who lose their jobs, but Meyers said there In addition to more favorable lease million the company spent on
Under the plan, which is supported by the chairman of would be little conflict because no one would be fired - terms - the U-Cellar now pays about renovations and its $380,000 annual
the state civil service commission, the commission would jobs would be opened to college students as other workers $7 per square foot instead of the $9 per lease.
1 examine state jobs as they opened up to see if they could retired or resigned. foot the Union wanted and the roughly
be divided into part-time jobs for college students. As a caveat, Roach said he didn't know how much $25 per square foot the Barnes and "We expect to be solvent," Maloney
THE PROPOSAL, still in its initial stages, is being cir- students in Ann Arbor would be helped because there are Noble bookstore now pays- sales have said. He added, however, that "it's a
culated among more than 1,000 university administrators, few state offices in the city. He said students at Michigan increased in other areas. unique situation. Probably we won't
governing board members, and legislators to determine State University -- located just outside the state capital - know until a year from September
how much support it has. would probably be helped the most. WEINBERG said that while book what to expect."
Don Meyers, a spokesman for the civil service com- In other action, Vice President for Academic Affairs sales have been rising steadily, the
mission, said that of the 100 responses the commission has Billy Frye told the regents that the University will have to more dramatic sales increases have Referring to Barnes and Noble,
received, about 75 have been "strongly supportive. I don't close a $12 million gap between costs and state ap- been in the areas of school and art Ulrich's manager Tom Musser said
see any reason for that to change," he said. propriations through tuition increases. supplies and University insignia that "during the January rush we
In proposing the regents' resolution, Regent Thomas Frye, saying that he was reluctant to further cut clothing. "At the Michigan Union we didn't notice any effect." However, he
Roach (D-Saline) said decreasing financial aid for University costs, said raising tuition 6 percent for in-state couldn't sell Michigan insignia items, said, "I suspect that this fall may be
students and the University's high tuition have forced students and 8 percent for out-of-state students would Here we well $250,000 in clothing an- more of a test."
many college students to get part-time jobs. "This is a provide the $12 million. A 7% percent across-the-board in- nually."
significant opportunity for students to work their way crease would also close the gap, Frye said.
Anti-American protesters swarm Lebanon airport
(Continued from Page i) taken off the plane," an airport source to free hostage Jim Palmer after he freeing the Shiite prisoners in ex- southern Lebanon.
onto the runway, threatening to at- said without elaborating. became ill. change for the hostages only if Israelis were outraged by the trade,
tack the jetliner Protest leader Zuhair Kenj said the requested to do so by Washington. which most regarded as a dangerous
je.lne" Thirty-seven of the Americans have Reagan has said no such request will departure from a longstanding policy
About 75 armed guards and Amal march was called to "support the been held in secret locations around be made as it would appear that the of refusing to deal with terrorists and
militiamen pursued them, blocking emand s of the beleaguered hijackers Beirut by Amal militiamen and the United States was giving in to feared it would encourage terrorist
their way, firing guns into the air and and to put pressure on America and hijackers since soon after the Boeing terrorism and prompt new incidents, kidnappings.
ringing the plane. Israel to release the prisoners." 727 landed last Sunday. "According to everything we know,
A masked gunman on a mobile air- The march began at a nearby In Jerusalem, Prime Minister this airplane hijacking...began even
port stairway urged calm. mosque after Moslem militants from There were no signs of movement Shimon Peres said yesterday Israeli before we freed the prisoners, and
"AFTER hijacking this plane, we the pro-Iranian Hezbollah movement on the diplomatic front in efforts to intelligence determined the hijacking there's no connection," Peres said.
want a peaceful solution to this called for a show of support for the free the hostages. of TWA Flight 847 was planned before He did not elaborate on the source of
business and we don't want to spill hijacking. The protesters dispersed Israel swapped hundreds of Arab his intelligence information.
blood," he yelled, after about two hours. THE HIJACKERS and Nabih Berri, prisoners for three Isaeli soldiers last
"Where are they now? Try and keep AS THEY left the airport, the prote- chief of the Shiite Moslems' Amal month.
them away," a hijacker in the cockpit sters halted at the former U.S. Marine militia, say the captives will not be
shouted by radio to the control tower. headquarters on the perimeter and PERES, in an interview with Israel No one faces canceralone.
The jet then taxied to a distant cor- paid homage to the driver of a suicide freed until Israel releases 764 PERESi Radio distributed by the government, Call us.
ner of the airport, but it was not clear car bomb that killed 242 American Letanes Shiite Moslems jailedRaiod the governmn Cas
nerou ofage the airport butso itwaeotcla denied the Jun 4TAhjcigws AEK OJN
if Capt. John Testrake and his two servicement Oct. 23, 1983. the Israeli in Ait prompted by Israel's May 20 release
crewmen were at the controls. There was no confirmation of news t r port of Haifa.pspted rab elas S
of 1,150 suspected Arab guerrillas for
"ALL THE foreigners have been reports the hijackers were preparing Israel has said it would consider the Israeli soldiers captured in