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June 21, 1985 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1985-06-21

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Ninety-five years of editorialfreedom

Vol. XCV, No. 24-S

Copyright 1985
TheMichigan Doily

Friday, June 21, 1985

Fifteen Cents

Twelve Pages

Regents hear computer expansion plan
By KERY MURAKAMI Houweling, vice provost for information "I'd like to see computers available within available to students - not including about 450
Telling the Board of Regents that the Univer- technology, the University would set up com- five minutes from every student on campus," stations for business and engineering students.
sity must keep up with the times University of puting centers around campus similar to those he said. "Our society is changing rapidly," Van
in the business and engineering schools. The Houweling said, "so rapidly that you can't go
ficials outlined a plan yesterday to make com- locations of the centers haven't been deter- By the end of 1987, he said, the University through any concourse in any airport in the
puters accessible to all students on campus in mined yet, Van Houweling said, but he en- would increase the number of computer work country without seeing adults playing on com-
two years. visioned clusters of 25-50 computers in dor- stations for general student use seven-fold. puters to amuse themselves," he said.
Under the plan, presented by Douglas Van mitories and libraries. Currently, the University has 250 stations See 'U,' Page 4
Regents pass
proposal for
MSA funding
The Board of Regents yesterday x
renewed the mandatory student fee to
fund the Michigan Student Assembly
- a plan xhich includes an 8 percent
increase over the next two years.
The $5.07 fee assessment, increased
from last term's $4.75 fee, goes
toward MSA services and its affiliated
programs. MSA represents the
student body on various issues and
provides financial support for student
DIRECTLY affiliated programs are °
Student Legal Services, ADVICE, (a
course evaluation service), and the
Ann Arbor Tenant's Union.
Paul Josephson, MSA president,
addressed the regents and asked them
to extend the funding because of the
value of MSA services.
"We believe that over the past
seven years, MSA has proved worthy
of regental trust," Josephsen said.
"We hope you will reaffirm your
committment to responsible student
WHILE THE right to collect student Pinkerton protest Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
fees passed fairly easily, the increase
caused some conflict. The 32-cent University Prof. William "Buzz" Alexander (center) leads the Pinker- more than 1,000 signatures from people who promised to boycott the
increase would provide salary in- tons, a local theater group, in a recent protest of Kerasotes movie State, Campus, and Wayside theaters to protest the firing of union projec-
See REGENTS, Page 3 theaters in front of the State Theater. The Pinkertons have collected tionists. See story, page 2.

efforts to
fight rape

Several campus and community
groups are pooling their resources to
organize a rape awareness, preven-
tion, and education program
scheduled to begin early this fall in
the residence halls.
The effort began over a month ago
when people from the Public Interest
Research Group in Michigan wanted
to start a rape education program in
the dormitories and contacted

housing program director Marvin Construetiorn
Parnes, said committee member
Jennifer Faigel. Parnes then sent the
word out to housing security, health
services, the Michigan Student campus proc
Assembly, and the Ann Arbor Assault
Crisis Center. Other individuals and
groups joined in as well. By NED ZEMAN
"IT'S REALLY kind of exciting to First of a two-part series
have all these sources come They often get less media coverage
together," said Fran Gerken Foster of than the feverish and controversial
See ANTI-RAPE, Page 2 construction in the rest of Ann Arbor,
but University building projects are

z pro j ects on
eed smoothly
running smoothly and swiftly, school
officials say.
"I don't pay too much attention to
what's going on outside the school,"
said James Brinkerhoff, the Univer-

.... ........

Attorney general shouldn't be
above lawsuits.
Opinion, P

Expect partly cloudy skies,
high 80-85, windy and warm.

Mark Isham's latest Windham Hill
recording reviewed.
Arts, Page 6

'age 5

e _________________

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