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June 18, 1985 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1985-06-18

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Page 8 Tuesday, June 18, 1985 The Michigan Daily
ging 007 heads for Marlboro country
smooth as a convenient transition Walken, is much less of a comic-book
By Chris Lauer between a myriad of stunts. Christ, he villain than those in previous Bond
can't even shoot straight in this film. flicks. He is, however, too slow out of
W ORLDWIDE undercover and The plot of A View To A Kill is the the starting gate. It isn't until Zorin
VY nder er sensation James most complex and stunt-packed of orders a man dropped onto a turbine
B s bcnov g m Bond films so far. Bond spends more blade, much too late in the movie,
Bond is back and looking more like a time wrangling his way into and out of that he really becomes a lightning rod
y m life threatening situations and less for hate. The not-so-stereotypical
ever before. One doesn't normally time just plain tied to a chair than Zorin character is commendable, but
associate the Marlboro man with ever before. This also frees him up for unfortunately, he's too bland. I'm
license to kill, but somehow the ever the host of beautiful women, most of behind the guy for breaking the
unruffled Roger Moore makes James whom barely have any lines. Sur- tradition of stereotype villains - I
There's norquestion that A View To prisingly - because complexity in an just wish he liked his women painted
A Kill is a perfection of the Bond for- action adventure film is difficult - gold or something.
A lisa erfecbti'nothesu n fre I like nothing seems overly confusing or Grace Jones as May Day, Zorin's
mula of late, but I'm not sureIl particularly senseless. unabashedly physical sidekick, is ex-
the formula. The dry humor and dry- Dense action-packing is of course ploited for visual effect in the same
cleaned suit make a decent Bond, but important, but a movie is a movie and calculated fashion as the set
controllabledenthusiasm. a circus is a circus. The latest for- locations; she's stunning but never
Everyone knows no one can kill mulation of Bond almost constantly more than background. Her
James Bond. It's not like cnigl caroms from stunt to stunt either statuesque physical presence could
Jae ond. Ip-the'showopening a trying to outdo himself or that other easily have been the basis for a more
can of soup - the guy shows the same
propensity for survival as a guy, Rambo. Bond has grown on him- memorable and compelling villain.
cockroach, though with the benefit a self likea tumor. The big news is that Tanya Roberts
being much less repulsive to women. But make no mistake - Roger has not noticeably improved upon her
But consider for a moment his dayoen Moore still goes through the motions acting ability since her roles in
day ier los of cofeefndns f-or pretty well. A little That's Incredible- Sheena: Queen of the Jungle and
dka martis, heavy soker,ss ho like, but pretty well. Charlie's Angels. This does not mat-
job-related stress, a history of serious The opening, pre-title sequence - ter - she's ideal as Bond's spunky,
wounds. Suppose Bond quietly just up the best looking glacier the producers but slightly dizzy, companion in ad-
and died - not from any manly could find all ablaze with machine- venture. Though Roberts, as Stacey,
shortcomings toward arch-enemies of gun fire backdropped by exploding Sutton, seems an unlikely geology __
the state - but from some hidden in- helicopters through which a skiing major, this kind of thing is acceptable
ner affliction. Maybe he just Bond bursts pursued by many many in a Bond film. But one wishes there
croaked from too much of him- bad guys - effectively whets one's were one or two ugly people just for
self. appetite and is probably the best reference.
Yeah, and maybe certain film- opening sequence of a Bond film yet. Bond, even in a glossy slick, lop-
makers could have prevented it. Bond The helicopters, snowmobiles, and sidedly stunt-laden extravaganza like
is dead. He's been going downhill for men on skis coming out of nowhere in A View To A Kill, is still entertaining. Pictured is Bond, James Bond, brandishing his favorite handgun, a
years. Watch the shadow-of-his- bewildering visual patterns that cross But not classic. If only one didn't feel smart-looking Walther PPK. Roger Moore's performance is as dry-
former-self Bond function clockwork and recross is about as close to like buying cigarettes from the guy. cleaned as his suit-spotless but lackluster.
surreal as a chase scene can get; ,..... -
smooth yet kind of wild. It makes the
rest of the stunt sequences in the
HELP KNOCK OUT movie look tame and self-conscious.
Not ten minutes into the movie
BIRTH DEFECTS Bond is displaying amazingly diverse
knowledge and experience, a thank-
fully lingering vestige of the James t '
Bond of lore. Not only does Bond know
wine, women, horses, microchips,
firearms, and so on - he can even
make a decent omlette. And it's not
just that he knows these things - his
* tastes and skills are refined. I've
- never actually seen him do it, but I
suspect Bond can even operate a
backhoe. In fact, he's probably the
Join the best backhoe operator in the world.
Oh what that guy can do with wine,
March women, and heavy machinery.
Max Zorin, Bond's adversary this
time around, played by Christopher
June 16 - 22, 1985 t
"Unity Strength and Love"
Tuesday, June 18, 10:00 p.m..
Pride Week Celebration >

Information, incl. future events: 763-4186

The bad guys of the latest Bond flick huddle exchanging villainous whispers. Christopher Wa ken plavs Max
Zorin (left), a psychotic genius. Grace Jones plays May Day, Zorin's rather physical consorti : an.
Bauchau appears as Scarpine, Zorin's underling thug.

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