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June 18, 1985 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1985-06-18

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N iny iar odto lfeeo
Ninety-five years of editorialffreedom

Vol. XCV, No. 21-S

Copysght 1985

Tuesday, June 18, 1985

Fifteen Cents

Twelve Pages

Shiites hold hostages off plane

BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) -
Fearing a bloody rescue attempt, a
Moslem militia leader ordered about
30 American hostages transferred
from a hijacked TWA jetliner yester-
day to secret locations in the anarchy-
wracked Lebanese capital.
In a surprise twist to the four-day old
hijacking of Flight 847, Nabib Berni,
leader of the Shiite Moslem Amal
militia and Lebanon's justice
minister, said he was backing the
hijackers' demand that Israel release
700 to 800 Shiite prisoners being held
in Atlit prison near the port of Haifa.
"I HAVE personally ordered their
evacuation because we were afraid of
an operation or a battle in which all of
them would have been killed," Berri
said as his home in Moslem-controlled
hunger at
.group vows
There are people starving in our
own backyards - the Ann Arbor
hungry, and many local citizens are
volunteering their time and money to
come to the aid of the hungry.
More than 20 local organizations
help the city's hungry by supplying
education, canned goods, meals, and
garden plots.
The Ann Arbor Hunger Project is a
branch of an international
organization co-founded by singer
John Denver which has over 3.8
million members in 38 different coun-
tries, speaking 11 different languages.
THE HUNGER Project is devoted
to educating the community about
hunger and destroying myths concer-
ning hunger.
Kay Hoyer, local project leadersaid
that "people don't think they're
powerful enough" to do anything
about world hunger, but they can
make a difference.
See PROJECT, Page 3

west Beirut, explaining the hostages' which had been parked at Beirut air- hostages slept well on the plane and hijacked plane was still aboard. Berri
removal from the plane. "I can say port since early Sunday, before dawn enjoyed tea and sandwiches for said some of the hijackers were still
they are all out." and were "somewhere outside Beirut breakfast well after the hour the on the plane.
But the location of all the hostages airport." catives had been reported removed. "The hostages are safe and their
was thrown into question later when Amal leaders refused to confirm TWA OFFICIALS in New York said lives are not under any threat, but the
the plane moved along the runway Berri's statements and said the they believe the three-man crew of the See SHIITE, Page 11
with pilot Capt. John Testrake at the
An airport official said Testrake U profs dJIJer in adUiceon hijacking
had asked for the aircraft to be
refueled but the request was denied By KATIE WILCOX which would satisfy one of the WHERE THE two experts differ is
and shortly afterward the aircraft While University professors and hijackers' demands. "I don't want to whether to yield to terrorist actions.
returned to its original position. political scientists expressed horror see another drop of bloodshed," he Tanter strongly objected to Israel
THE OFFICIAL confirmed the cap- over the international hostage drama, said. releasing the Arab prisoners in a
tain and his two fellow crew members they held conflicting views on how Prof. Raymond Tanter said the U.S. hostage swap. "I don't think this
were on board, but said, "I don't know President Reagan should approach has to "buy time" to get the hostages country is in the business of being
whether there are any passengers on the situation. back without giving in to the blackmailed," he said.
board." Political science Prof. David Singer hijackers' demands. He also agreed Tanter, a former Reagan ad-
Berri said all the hostages were said the U.S. should ask Israel to with Singer that "the use of force is ministration employee, agrees with
taken off the red-and-white jetliner, release hundreds of Shiite prisoners, not an option." See PROFS, Page 11


Daily tPhoto by DAN HABIB
Joe Datsko dishes out his famous chicken casserole to men. The Hunger Project was alsoserving sweet potatoes, green beans and hot coffee.

Animal Welfare Enough 007
Should animals from shelters be used for Cloudy skies with afternoon showers.
bio-medical research? Highs in the mid 70s. Exercising a license to kill.
Opinion, Page 5 Arts, Page 8

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