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June 14, 1985 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1985-06-14

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, June 14, 985-Page3
resister David Wayte pleaded guilty
yesterday to a charge he failed to
register with the Selective Service,
declaring his fight to the Supreme
Court was "a statement for peace."
Wayte, who lost a Supreme Court
appeal of the government's policy of
prosecuting only those who publicize
non-compliance with registration
laws, faces up to 5 years in prison and
a $10,000 fine when sentenced July 29
by U.S. District Court Judge Terry
ALTHOUGH a prison sentence is
likely, Wayte said he won a moral vic-
"I have made a statement for
peace," he said outside the cour-
thouse. "I have raised the issue and it
did go to the Supreme Court.
"I am still standing here today so
this is a personal victory. I failed only
in the sense that our legal motions
failed in court, but the victory is that I
followed my conscience."
WAYTE, 24, said he changed his
earlier innocent plabecause of the Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
Suree ourts apleabecause he Strapped onto his mother's shoulders, Daniel Mauer was the youngest of the building owners decided yesterday not to press charges for criminal
Supreme Court's March ruling which an estimated 160 people who staged a sit-in at U.S. representative Carl trespassing against the protesters.
upheld the government's policy of Pursell's Pittsfield office Wednesday. The sit-in resulted in 17 arrests but
prosecuting only vocal draft resisters.
Wayte, who now lives in Whittier,
Calif., was indicted in 1982 after h
nLASC assails Reagan, challenges embargo
mounted a campaign of active dissent S a
by writing letters to President Carter
and the Selective Service. (Continsued frmPagei1
At the time, 500,000 men had failed the group will be violating a trade first to openly defy the embargo, but Schofield said the Justice Depar- ternational law . .. It's a violation of
t reste, hut, onl a ad embargo with Nicaragua instituted by he added, "People are (privately) tment is responsible for enforcing the the charter of the organzation of
to regisl vol r ters and 12 the Reagan administration in early ignoring it now." He said once people order. A Justice Department American states . . . and iths a
prosecuted. Hatter dismissed charges May. The maximum punishment for hear about LASC' actions, "A lot of spokesman declined tocomment. Nicaragua."
against Wayte in Novemher 1982, violation is a fine of $50,000 and 10 other groups will follow."
ruling that Carter's order setting up years inpriso. Weisbrot said that under the order Schofield said the government Weisbrot said his group is ac-
the process in 1980 was not properly d g isbrot said he doubted that any the government can exercise one of currently inspects any mail headed to celerating its actions because of the
enacted. members of his group would be three options. "They can file a civil Nicaragua, and Weisbrot said LASC House of Representatives' approval
ence.prosecuted for sending the goods. "I the pin.Te a ieacvlknew of that. "We don't intend to send on Wednesday of a $27 million aid
Wayte said he still believes the Car- don't think a reasonable jury would lawsuit, or prosecute, or do nothing' it thrgh the U.S. mail," h
tejreuarrngadhya iht ovc s"hesi.h ad it troug th ..mi, e said. He package to Nicaraguan rebels.
ter order was wrong and he was right. convict us," he said. h . refused to say how it will be sent, but He said LASC believes that Pursell
Wayte, who works with develop- Dean Baker, another LASC mem- SPOKESMAN at the White said, "We'll get it there, hift i hi
mentally disabled adults in Pasadena, ber, said, "We believe that this action House said they were not familiar has undergone a major s i hs
Calif., said he will continue his protest is necessary to counter the deceptions with the order, and Bill Schofield of WEISBROT said he would get con- voting behavior recently. Weisrot
by remaining firm in his decision not and illegalities on which the embargo the State Department's Central siderable support for the action. "The Pointed out that Pursell had previously
to register for the draft. is based." American bureau said he was not sure whole world is opposed to the em- voted against MX missile appropriat-
WEISBROT said his group is the LASC was violating the order. bargo," he said. "It's a violation of in. ions, and any aid totheContras, lastye"r
Park case Sandinistas condemn vote for Contras
Continuedfrm Pageil)
h r denounced leaders of the Opposition leaders blamed the
Sh o vn O ut ruling Sandinista National Liberation situation on President Daniel Ortega
(Continued from Page1) Front. The Sandinistas overthrew dic- and the Sandinista Front. O condemn any aid for those Contras who
assaulting Preston with a baseball bat tator Anastasio Somoza in 1979 and "THE POORLY directed policies of have already killed so many Nicaraguans.'
in what the prosecuting attorney establshed a leftist gover me t. San- the Sandinista Front is carrying us to -Virilio Lopez Arteaga,
des ribed as a "vigilante action. " W this situation," said Julio Sequeirs of
ACCORDINGdinista front during the 1979surrec- the Social Christian Party. "There former Sandiista fighter
testimony, both Agar and Preston tion and now it appears we are going should be a national dialogue among
struggled over the gun after the bottle to have to fight again," said Virgilio all the Nicaraguans for peace in this
was thrown. After the shotgun had Lopez Arteaga. "I condemn any aid country."
heen thrown in the Huron River hy a for those Contras who have already
bystander Agar allegedly hit Preston in killed so many Nicaraguans." Wednesday's vote represented a anything to do with it. Why do they the invasion."
the head with the hasehall hat asain Said engineer Rafael Gaitan, 25: change of heart for the House, which make such a big thing about it?" he Other Nicaraguans expressed
Alhexadwe r sed te again. "Now it seems that the people on the rejected any Contra aid in April. said. apathy over the vote.
Alexander reduced the charge border are going to have to fight even Many legislators said they changed "We are now fighting and we will "I don't think anything about that
because he felt that there "really is nt harder, while in the city, life will be their minds when Ortega took a trip of continue doing so to defeat the im- (vote)," said a young woman as she
eiec"of an inetto cmi
murder. "If he wanted to commit more miserable. This vote means our Moscow two days after that vote. perialists who are sending more placed a huge plastic barrel of water
murderI he could have used the scant resources are going to go for But Gaitan said he could not under- money to the mercenaries," said on her head before hiking home
shotgun," Alexander said, defense and not for food, medicine or stand why the trip was such an issue. Trinidad Bustamente, an unemployed barefoot up a muddy lane.
clothing." "I DO NOT believe that trip had worker. "This is the announcement of

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