The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, June 11, 1985 - Page 3
Reagan now agrees to honor unratified Salt H treaty
WASHINGTON (UPI)-President marine once the new Trident-class At the same time, the official said Reagan's national security adviser, U.S. policy will be to abide by the
Reagan, an ardent opponent of the Alaska and its 24 missile launchers that the president "reserves the right Robert McFarlane, was scheduled to treaty and give the Soviets time to
SALT 2 treaty when it was signed six begins sea trials in September. to respond to Soviet violations that are brief reporters in the middle of the af- show they are complying as well. He
years ago, said yesterday the United AIDES EARLIER had passed word irreversible." ternoon on the details of the U.S. characterized the decision as a very
States will continue to honor the that Reagan was leaning toward put- IN THAT category, he mentioned decision on how strictly it would wise step which should help progress
unratified pact but vowed to respond ting the older submarine in dry dock flight tests and the expected adhere to the limits on strategic at the Geneva talks."
to "irreversible" Soviet violations, without dismantling it, which would dpyrntof the Soviets's new weaponasn etrt oitlae eaten'sdes lrglyeno.e
An adminstration official also con- have been a violation of the limit of missile called the SSX25. The official Rkagnsent a letter to Soviet leader Reagan's decision.
firmed reports from European 1,200 offensive missile launchers. said the response to that Soviet decision and explaining his "I think they are doing the right
capitals and Capitol Hill that the "He decided to go that extra mile violation will be to go ahead with the nment in notified allied gover- thRobet Dole told reprters And his
president will "go the extra mile" and and deactivate and disassemble" the building of the mobile Midgetman, iEurope ura eor the Democratic counterpart, Robert
decommission a Poseidon-class sub- submarine, the official said. which carries one warhead. public announcement in sit Byrd, msaid, "I commend him on that."
A Norwegian spokesman said the Hrsi," omn i nta.
Hero's whereabouts 'N.
(Continued from Page1) a neutral country the Jews were able
thing. I showed at University that I to escape to that country throughout
have the talent for that the war.
profession...The banker should have Wallenberg would climb aboard
something of the judge in his makeup deportation trains as he was being
and a cold, calm, calculating outlook. barraged by bullets to hand out the
I feel that Ilam so unlike them. I think passports and bring hundreds of Jews
I have the character for positive ac- to safety.
tion rather than to sit at a desk and IVER OLSON, the War Refugee
say 'no' to people." Board representative from
Wallenberg could not say no to Stockholm, said then, "I feel that
helping the Jews and became the Wallenberg is working like hell.and
Swedish delegate to President doing some good which is the
Franklin Roosevelt's War Refugee measure.
board. Roosevelt wanted to save the For Jews who were squashed
few remaining Jews left in Europe together in unbearable ghettos,
and called on Wallenberg to lead the Wallenberg gave the Jews a sense of
effort. humanity, something many lost while
But according to David Hyman's being interned by the Nazis.
book "The Abandonment of the "My mother and I were among
Jews", by that time- January of thousands one night to stay at a brick
1944-most of the Jews had already factory outside Budapest. There was
been wiped out while Roosevelt closed no food, no water, no sanitation
off American borders to the Jewish facilities, no light. Then Wallenberg
people and the whole world stood appeared and said he would try to
silent. return with passports, or 'safety
WALLENBERG would not let what passes' as we called them, and would
happened affect his mission. He was also try to get medical attention and A..x:p
there to save the remaining Jews and sanitation facilities. Soon afterwards, a; 1 tA A><d
he did precisely that. But it was the some doctors and nurses came from yvdy d i
way he went about that task which the Jewish hospital. The point about
sets Wallenberg aside in history. Wallenberg is that he came himself.Tx:..;....:
He lied, forged documents, was shot He talked to us and showed us that one h rd.e, o sp
at by the enemy, and continuously human being cared about what was
risked his life. Hungary, where happening to us," said survivor Susan
Wallenberg was stationed as a Tabor.
Swedish diplomat, had not been one of WHEN THE Axis powers began to
the more anti-Semitic countries fall late in 1944, Eichmann ac
before being overtaken by the Nazi's celerated Hitler's plan to exterminate
but when Adolf Eichmann took con- the Jews. He told Wallenberg that he
trol the atrocities began, identical to did not believe in the Nazi cause but a introducing the bill forithe
those that had occurred throughout said he would keep killing Jews if it measure, Lantos wrote, In honoring
the rest of Europe in the preceding would keep him in power for a little Raoul Wallenberg we are honoring
years whie loger.ourselves as a Congress and as a
Warrants were put out for the Wallenberg could not change Eich- nation, recognizi on
arrests of prominent Jews and all mann, but that didn't sway him from tproblemsof the day - the budget bat-
Jews were ordered to wear the Star of his task. When Eichmann ordered the issue hr partisan fights, there are
isusthat unite us- . . and these
David. Thousands were rounded up infamous 120-mile death march, issues are our common concerns for
like cattle and put into internment which was intended to exterminate the very principles upon which this
camps where they were given little or the remaining Jews, Wallenberg went great republic was established."
no food, water, or sanitation facilities. to the march with passports in hand. FORTY years after the war the
LEADING JEWS wrote a He knew he could not save them all, saga of Raoul Wallenberg continues.
memorandum to Eichmann ex- One survivor remembers Wallen- He was taken away by the Soviets on
plaining the terrible conditions, berg coming to her aid and saying "I January 16, 1945. His whereabouts
unaware that Eichmann himself was feel I have a mission to save the have been unknown since that day,
responsible for their internment. He Jewish nation, and so I must rescue and the Soviet Union has changed its
returned their plea by saying: the young ones first." account several tumes.
'NOT A single word of the reportis MANY OF today's Zionist Jews feel acutsvrltms
"Nue I real e ouh to knowThe ac- that the only good that came out of the First they issued a statement
true. I really ought to know. The ac- Holocaust was the emergence of saying they never arrested Wallen-
commodation of the Jews is no worse Israel. And that was an idea Wallen- berg, then later admitted to having
than that of German soldiers during berg belived in and contributed to taken him into custody. The Soviets
do their health a world of good." during the Holocaust itself. say that Wallenberg died in prison of a
As 400,000 Hungarian Jews were Because of the work of Tom Lantos heart attack in 1947, and have main-
e tamned that story ever since. But many
being deported, Wallenberg forged and other lawmakers, Wallenberg is believe that Wallenberg is still alive
ahead. He took down the names of an honorary citizen of the United and imprisoned in the Soviet Union
Jews and ordered Swedish passports States. He and Winston Churchill are and since his election to the House of
made for tha. Because Sweden was the only such honored men. Representatives in 1980, Lantos has
.-, - -- - " I-IljI
been trying to get Wallenberg There are many theories about why
released. On the floor of the House, he the Soviets held him captive.
said, "Time does not erase the sense SOME SAY that since Leonid
of outrage of the civilized world that a Brezhnev was the arresting officer it
diplomat and humanitarian could be would be a boon to Brezhnev to have
held unaccountably in prison by a llnegipioe.Amr
modern nation."W e in
Lantos' words are heartfelt, but believeable explanation is the one his
they do little to secure Wallenberg's classmate Fischer said he believes is
release, if he is still alive. the reason Wallenberg hasn't been
LANTOS'; aide Rick Nelson ad- heard from in four decades: that a
mits, "With every day the chance has certain part of his family had been
become less that he is still alive." He financing the Germans. His cousin
explained that although Lantos' first Jacob, in fact, supplied valuable war
goal was to secure Wallenberg's materials to the Nazis.
release, by making him an honorary Wallenberg, the savior of nearly
United States citizen it accomplishes diea s t ie hole reawoorl sita and
another goal. laments. But the fight never ends. As
That goal is to ensure that Wallen- Auschwitz survivor Magda Bloom
berg's legacy is not forgotten. With said, "Raoul Wallenberg was one man
the recent showing of an NBC who saved thousands of souls. Surely,
television mini-series Wallenberg is we, the free people of the Western
getting the recognition he deserves. world, can save one."
His name even appears in the Guiness And even if not, if Wallenberg is
Book of World Records as the world's Ai
great lifesaver. dead, his legacy is strong enough to
But the stigma of knowing that such survive. Stronger than the Nazis and
a hero could live the life of a prisoner the Soviets, and strong enough to
for so long is particularly distressing. sustain the test of time.