Mr. Flood's Party-(995-2132-Get truths, barely noticed. Mich. 9 p.m.
kinged by the Fabulous Checkers. only $2.50/single, $3.00/double.
Mountain Jack's-(665-1133)-Bob
ardner and Jeff Baldori. ! Breaking Away (Peter Yates, 1979)
The Nectarine Ballroom-(994-5436- Alternative Action
The Weekend Dance Party continues. It's the townies versus the college-
Rick's American Cafe-(996-2747)- crowd in this quietly funny coming-of-
Hot times with the Sun Messengers. age-in-Bloomington-Indiana pic. Our
U-Club-(763-2236-Michael Pool han- heroes desperately try to keep their
dles the discs. individuality by cloaking themselves
W indows-(769-9500)-Big fun with in middle-class stereotypes and
Fast Forward. challenging the campus snobs to a
bike race. MLB 3 7:30 p.m., 9:30 p.m.
PerformanCe ' The Seven Year Itch (Billy Wilder,
1955) C2
Luther "Guitar Jr." Johnson - Prism Marilyn Monroe tries to scratch the
Productions back of a bored businessman whose
Luther Johnson is an alumnus of wife just happens to be on a vacation.
Muddy Water's band, but now he's up Lukewarm by today's standards, the
front with his band, the Magic film nevertheless contains the in-
Rockers, creating a hot electric blues famous scene in which Marilyn's skirt
sound in the Chicago Blues tradition. is raised by the wind of a passing
9:30 p.m. at the Blind Pig, 208 S. First subway car. Nat. Sci. 7:30 only.
St. $4 at the door only. Call 996-8555 for $2.50/single, $3.50/double.
ore information.
Some Like It Hot (Billy Wilder, 1959)
ranslations - Performance Net- C2
work Crazed combination .of gangster-
A bonny fine show. 8 p.m. See comedy and Tootsie. Jack Lemmon
Friday's listing. and Tony Curtis hide out from the bad
guys by joining an all-girl band at a
William Bolcom and Joan Morris - swank Florida resort. Naturally, both
Kerrytown Concert House fall in love with the bands lead singer,
University Professor Bolcom is a naive and beautiful Marilyn Monroe.
virtuoso pianist, his wife, Joan Morris Nat. Sci. 9:15 p.m. $2.50/single,
is a soprano. Together they are $3.50/double.
famous for their interpretations of
raditional and popular American
usic. 8 p.m. at the Kerrytown Con- Furthermore
cert House, 415 N. Fourth Avenue. $10.
For reservations call 769-2999.
Celestial Spring/Starbound -
University Exhibit Museum
By George! (A Celestial Spring is a video presen-
EasyStreet Touring Company Catial Sring is arvion about
This is the same company that tation featuring live narration about
produced the Cole Porter review that the constellations currently visible in
played last year at The Ark. This time tight sky. Starbound is an audio-
the featured composer is George Ger- visual presentation of developmenta
shwin. 8 p.m. at The Ark, 637 / S. in astronomy since the '50s. 10:30 and
Main. Ticketa atrTe $8.50 in7 ade 11:30 p.m. (Spring), 1:30, 2:45, and 4
Main. Tickets are $8.50 co advance p.m. (Starbound), at the Exhibit
rough Herb David and Schoolkid s, Museum Planetarium, Geddes at N.
lso available at the door. Call 761- University. $1. Call 764-0478 for more
1451 for more information information.
motion picture is just what the direc-
tor ordered. Sumptuous location
photography, and picture-postcard
acting fit the sentimental storyline
perfectly. The TV version can't mat-
ch the majesty of the big screen.
Mich. 3 p.m. -7 p.m. $2.50.
Starbound - University Exhibit
Museum Planetarium
Starbound shows at 1:30, 2:45, and 4
p.m. See Saturday's listing.
Bars and Clubs
The Blind Pig - - (996-8555) -
Destroy All Monsters with Niagara,
Rodan, Ghidrah, Ron, Mothra, Mike
and the gang.
The Earle - (994-0211) - Larry
"The Man" Manderville on piano.
Mr. Flood's Party-(995-2132)--
Jazz by the Loop.
Rick's American Cafe - (996-
2747) Swing and shout with Killer
Robert Conway - Kerrytown Concert
Conway is a local pianist preparing
for the International American Music
Competition. His program will in-
clude works by Elliot Carter, George
Crumb, and Roger Session. 8 p.m. at
the Concert House, 415 N. Fourth Ave.
Free. Call 769-2999 for more infor-
Campus Cinema
Let's Spend the Night Together (Hal
Ashby, 1982) MTF
After watching Stop Making Sense,
any other concert film just has to be
dull. And Ashby's vision of the
Rolling Stones in concert wasn't that
exciting to begin with. Still, of interest
to some. Mich. 7:05 p.m., 9:00 p.m.
Waxworks (Paul Leni, 1924) AAFC
Silent German cinema continues
on Monday nights with Waxworks, a
trilogy of horror stories. Especially
good impressionistic scenic design.
MLB 47:30 p.m. only. Free.
Warning Shadow (A. Robinson, 1929)
I don't know a damn thing about
this film, but the odds are that its
another dark vision of man's world
filmed in classic early German-film
style. MLB 4 8:45 p.m. only. Free.
Bars and Clubs
The Bird of Paradise - (662-8310)
- Oboist Sherman Mitchell and his
The Blind Pig - (996-8555) - The
Substitutes rock it up.
The Earle - (994-0211) - Larry
Manderville on the ivories.
Mr. Flood's Party - (995-2132) -
Al Hill and the Headlites turn on.
Mountain Jack's - (665-1153) -
Jeff and Bob bop.
Rick's American Cafe - (996-2474)
-Commander Cody rides again. See
U-Club- (763-2236) - Live jazz.
The Michigan Daily - Friday, June 7, 1985 - Page 7
Windows - (760-9500) - Go Fast - The Ron Brooks Trio.
Forward. The Blind Pig - (996-8555) - The
Groove Biscuits bring the party to the
Performance Pig.
Commander Cody - Prism Produc- the Earle - (994-0211) - Larry
tions Manderville mans the piano.
The original space cowboy is all set Main Street Comedy Showcase -
to rock at Rick's American Cafe. (996-9080) - Will Durst returns to
Tickets are $7.50 in advance through Main St.
Schoolkid's, P.J.'s and Rick's, and at Mr. Flood's Party - (995-2132) -
the door Tuesday night. The Victims rock and roll.
Mountain Jack's - (665-1133) -
Campus Cinema Jeff and Bob play for you.
The Nectarine Ballroom - (994-
West Side Story (Robert Wise, 5436) - Galen Davis DJs a Dance
Jerome Robbins, 1961) MTF Party.
Another Robert Wise version of a Rick's American Cafe - (996-2747)
classic Broadway musical (see Sun- Rock :Aliens land.
day). This time the tunes are street- U-Club - (763-2236) - Reggae
wise and the dancing is energetic as Dance Party.
Romeo and Juliet take a trip to up- Windows - (769-9500) - Fast For-
town New York. Leonard Bernstein ward.
and Stephen Sondheim equal songs
that remain in your hear long after Performance
the movie's over. Mich. 8:00 p.m
only. $2.50. Bells Are Ringing - Ann Arbor Civic
Quasimodo's favorite play. 8 p.m.
WEDNESDAY See Wednesday's listing.
Translations - Performance Net-
Bars and Clubs work
The Gaelic struggle. 8 p.m. See
The Ark - Talent night. Friday's listing.
The Bird of Paradise - (662-8310)
- Club owner Ron Brooks and his Campus Cinema
The Blind Pig - (996-8555) - Stagecoach (John Ford, 1939) AAFC
Reggae Dance Party. The film thtat defined a genre.
The Earle - (994-0211) - Larry Where the barren Arizona desert met
Manderville on the 88s. the first crudely built frontier towns,
Mr. Flood's Party - (995-2132) - the truth of America's struggle
Comedy night. against the wilderness became myth
The Nectarine Ballroom - (994- and was immortalized by director
5436) - The Revival resuscitates John Ford as The Western. MLB 3
Creedence at itsbest. 7:30 p.m. only. $2.00/single,
rick's American Cafe - (996-2474) $3.00/double.
- Another night with Commander
Cody. See Wednesday Performances. My Darling Clementine (John Ford,
U-Club - (763-2236) - Leizer the 1946) AAFC
Amazer handles the turntables. Henry Fonda tries to maintain law-
Windows - (769-9500) - Fast For- and-order as Wyatt Earp battles the
ward plays it cool. Clantons at the O.K. Corral. Another
study in our mythological past by
Ford. MLB 3 9:15 p.m. only.
$2.00/single, $3.00/double.
Vera Cruz (Robert Aldrich, 1954) CG
Bells are Ringing - Ann Arbor Civic In mid-19th century Mexico, Gary
Theater Cooper and Burt Lancaster get in-
Comden and Green combined with volved in a coup-d-etat. MLB 4 7:30
Jule Styne to produce this witty p.m. only. $2.00/single, $3.00/double.
musical. Jim Posante directs the mob
intrigue. A cast full of Civic Theater Bonjour Tristesse (Otto Preminger,
alumni star. 8 p.m. at the Power Ce- 1958) CG
ter. Tickets are $9. Call 662-7282 for David Niven's just trying to have a
more information. little fun after his wife dies, when his
daughter conives to foil his
Campus Cinema escapades. MLB 4 9:20 only.
$2.00/single, $3.00/double.
The Bostonians (James Ivory, 1984) Stranger Than Paradise (Jim Jar-
MTF mush, 1984) MTF
Vanessa Redgrave's slightly Odd, insightful look at how others
neurotic and impassioned perfor- perceive the contradictions andmad-
mance as a feminist in late 19th- ness that characterizes our culture. A
century Boston is the perfect match Hungarian relative comes to visit this
for Christopher Reeve's smirky, country and discovers that it's not all
assholier-than-thou character. Based that it's cracked up to be. Mich. 7:10
on the Henry James novel. Mich. 7 p.m.,9p.m. $2.50.
p.m., 9:20 p.m., $2.50.
' - Furthermore
American Heritage Night -
Michigan League
Tonight Heritage Night features the
THURSDAY favorite recipes of our Commanders-
in-Chief, the Presidents. 5-7:15 p.m. in
the Michigan League Cafeteria.
Meals cost $6-$8 average. Call 764-
Bars and Clubs 0466 for more information.
Campus Cinema
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai
(W.D. Richter, 1984) Ann Arbor Film
If only this film were more crazed,
aster paced, wilder, funnier, and
utrageous-er, it would be wonderful.
As it is it's merely amusing. Cartoons
meet the '80s but neither wins; this
story of our rock 'n' roll hero-brain
surgeon out to save the world just
misses true cult-dom. MLB 4 7:30
p.m., 9:30 p.m. $2.50.
Baby, It's You (John Sayles, 1982)
John Sayles night at the Michigan
Theatre starts off with an old-time
oy-meets-girl story that actually
ells it like it was. Starring Rosanne
(Desperately Seeking Susan) Arquet-
te. Mich. 7 p.m. only. $2.50/single,
Return of the Seacaucus 7 (John
Sayles, 1980) MTF
The inevitable comparisons to The
Big Chill are unfortunate; they cloud
the fact that the two films are more
ifferent than they are the same.
eacaucus 7 tells the tale with a lower
budget, fewer jokes, less of an em-
phasis on class conflicts, with charac-
ters we know we know, situations that
seem all too familiar, and small
Bars and Clubs
The Ark - (761-1415) - By
George! continues, see Performance.
The Blind Pig - (996-8555) - John
Sinclair and the Motor City Blues
Scholars present rock poetry.
Main Street Comedy Showcase -
(996-9080) - Open Mike.
Mr. Flood's Party - (995-2132) -
Swing Shift swings.
Translations - Performance Net-
Tradition battles the law. 8 p.m. See
Friday's listing.
Tunes in June
This is the first in a series of jazz
benefits to supporta fall production of
the AfroAmerican musical, Our Time
of Day. The Washtenaw Community
College Afromusicology Ensemble is
today's featured artist. 4-8 p.m. at the
Bell Tower Hotel, 300 S. Thayer. $6.
For more information call 971-2476.
Campus Cinema
The Sound of Music (Robert Wise,
1965) MTF
I don't care what they say (They
say "The Sound of Mucous"), this
The Apartment - (769-4060) - Jazz
and Jam session.
The Bird of Paradise - (662-8310)
-Compiled by Richard Campbell
and John Logie