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June 07, 1985 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1985-06-07

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, June 7, 1985
Brazil claims Mengele is dead C.P.T.s
crime prevention tips
Atlantic (Continuedifrom Page i where he headed the medical depar
moemnt i Bazl tment between May 24, 1943, and
Ocend movements in Brazil. t n ewe a 4 93 nd A it ge s armer, more bikes ar, stoen, and most of the thefh are :sided
In Washington, the Justice Depar- January 18, 1945. by the oner anitingly giving the thief the opportnity. ut by folling
tment said a team of investigators Extensive evidence shows that hese ips, you casdrammfcally dcrese the odds that i u'11 have to gsVe up
comprising West German, Israeli and Mengele, often working withoutowheeCed fredom for -he buren of alkig
U.S. officials was on its way to Brazil anesthetic, carried out grisly genetic eRegister your i hcles assiththe lallice deprtent
BRAZIL "to establish the validity of this latest experiments on twins and dwarfs to Petrsonalsze your hrke by pahi ing a s al sienait arimark i t dsti-
information." realize Adolf Hitler's dream of tiy
"THE INFORMATION was producing an Aryan master race. FEna arditificati umbr n our hie A drirs lcense numer
developed from the ongoing joint in- aolh rs e st
RIO d@e JaneifO tensive investigation being conducted Survivors also have testified that hRpt anyne sen tamprig ith bikes Ir_ mtiner te r,ks
into the location of Dr. Mengele by Mengele became known as the "Angel *U^t a lock.
West German, Israeli, and U.S. of Death" because he would decide -Reeainthe recetpta fter purchasing yourhbie,
M U Department of Justice officials," it who would live and who would be ex *S ri bcyls is a cloedgar age, ba al.e t, aprtmer, or ,ther iara ot
said. terminated, making his choice know.n radiy accesiblet a thif.
Tuma said three West German of- by flicking his thumb as he hummed *Buy' surance covetheft losses,
ficials in Brazil since earlier this week German opera. I your Icycle is stolen, 'check ith campusec y eiuse many bikes
M Grave are assisting in the inquiry and Evidence on the whereabouts of arsund cam are recoverd by the deprtm nt.Fr more infonati on
. Believed Found examining the diary and other Mengele, who was born March 16, a tbout prevntn theft and tpurchasing oc,,cllthe Uiversity epartment
documents obtained from the elderly 1911, in Guenzburg, at best has been of ubic SFeiy at 7 1131.
couple. flimsy. Persistent reports have Crne preention tips appear eeryridy or-ey W' Campus
Mengele, who would be 74 if still placed him in Paraguay under the safety dec"tor.Leo.HeaN,,v.
alive, is accused of murdering 400,000 protection of the country's leader, -- -
inmates-mostly Jews-at the Gen. Alfredo Stroessner, who has
Associated Press Auschwitz concentration camp, denied sheltering the war criminal. Sen ." gives Ured
Sen.givs '' more funds
By KERY MURAKAMI of Regents does not decide on tuition
Sussm an agrees w ith com m ittee .Thestate Senatevotedyesterdayto deels untilthelegislaturefinalizesits
give the University $3 million more But Billy Frye, vice president for
"We'll go back and ask them to thought Tanter's was an "excellent than the increases recommended by academic affairs and provost, has
the University's Research Policy change it and frequently, they'll agree proposal," and rejected it "with a Gov. James Blanchard and the state said that the University faces a tight
Committee, made up of students and to the chag. usahwvr evhat"Hueo ersnaie u
hacu ,tot e eunseanmusl. oul saeulsan however, th Tanter's research, according to the University officials said they s pct budget year, with tuition increases
thtorejecttheresearch a would not speculate on how the proposal, deals with informal the increase to be watered down projected to be between 5 and 9 per-
Acting committee chairman George agency would react. agreements and tacit understandings before it is passed. cent.
Carignan, a research engineer in the Tanter was unavailable for com- relevant to arms control, andwas The resolution, which would give The exact size of the increase
College of Engineering, explained the ment, but in a letter to committee these understandings could be used to the University a total of $234 million in depends on the size of the legislature's
committee's recommendation to chairman Joachim Janecke, a complement formal treaties. state appropriations next fiscal year, appropriation and how far the regents
Sussman saying that the research physics professor, on leave from the now faces a conference committee of are willing to compromise the quality
Suaa aig of the institution.
does not conform to the University's University, he wrote, "Although the "THE importance of addressing both houses before the legislature
Classified Research Policies. The research will require access to less formal agreements," Tanter makes its decision just before the July FRYE HAS said that with the
guidelines state, "The University will classified documents up to the level of wrote "stems from the fact that there 4akessfgJy EHAr'sadmmhatiththe
notenter into orrenew any agreement 'secret,' I would be under no are great difficulties associated with 4 Brecess, governor's recommendations, the
obliatin t proucespeificreprtsROBERTA Palmer, associate vice University would face over a $1
or contract . . . that limits open obaditio t yrefcthe ecssificrerts the negotiation and ratification of president for state relations, said that million deficit even with a 5 percent
publication of the results of research - dof input material. For examplei formal arms treaties the Senate's action is encouraging, tuition increase.
would use non-classified research According to the proposal, Tanter but that the final state appropriation But Frye's models do not include
"I CAN'T speak for the rest of the when necessary to avoid reliance on would apply research on the history of would fall somewhere between the several "necessities," including
committee," Carignan said, "but I classified sources so that any report informal agreements between the increase recommended by the two faculty salary increases above the in-
felt that it was the feeling of the com- would be unclassified." U.S. and the U.S.S.R. for Space- houses. flation rate to make up the difference
mittee thatit was too bad the research Tanter also wrote that "There is a Define issues, Strategic Arms Robert Sauve, associate vice between salaries here and at peer in-
did not conform to the guidelines ... very high chance that my thoughts Reduction Talks, and Intermediate president for academic affairs, added stitutions.
but the committee has felt that related to the proposed project will be Nuclear Forces negotiations to that he was "encouraged" by the Additionally, Frye has said that it
restrictions of publications was a published in open literature at a later determine the limitations of informal Senate's recommendations, although would cost the University another $15
crucial part of the guidelines." ,, agreements. whether the University would get the
"Limiting of publications is not con-time Ingrid Kock, the newly-appointed increase was "another story" million to make up the backlog of
sistent with the University en- SOCIAL Work Prof. Edith Gom- military researcher for the Michigan The legislature's actions will un- building maintenance and laboratory
vironment," Carignan said. berg, a member of the committee, Student Assembly, said she was glad doubtedly affect the University's equipment needs.
Sussman said he expects a response said that the committee voted against Sussman would approve the commit- decison this year on next fall's tuition
from the agency sometime next week. the proposal despite Tanter's ex- tee's recommendations, but pointed rates. But according to Sauve, . THESE other "necessities," which
If the changes are not made, Sussman planations because there was no out that if the proposal was made as speculation on how much tuition in- include a proposal to make computers
said he will accept the committee's guarantee that Tanter would be able classified research, it would not need creases wil be is premature. available to all students, would cost
recommendations to reject Tanter's to publish openly later on. to appear before the committee for between $20 and $30 million more than
proposals. Gomberg said the committee approval. "NOBODY'S talked about tuition the budget model allowed, Frye told
SUSSMAN added that when increases yet," said Sauve, ex- the regentsain May.
proposals do not meet guidelines, Ti N IN G Splaining that the University's Board Sauve said he didn't know exactly
PP how much the additional state funds,
if passed, would help, but he said that
the $3 million is "a lot of money. It
would sure help."
Highlight dr .Miscellaneous The Senate's version of the budget
Michigan Theater Foundation - Stardust International Folk Dance Club - lessons, 8 represents a $115 million increase
Today marks the opening of the Ya 'Soo Greek Memories, 7:15 p.m., Michigan Theater. p.m., open dancing, 9:30 p.m., Angell Elemen- overall for higher education and a 13
Festival at the Veteran's arena on the corner of Michigan Theater Foundation - Zelig, 9 p.m., tary School, 1608 South University. percent increase over this year's ap-
Jackson and Maple in Ann Arbor. Sponsored by Michigan Theater. Microcomputer Educational Center - propriations.
the St. Nicholas Greek Orh t weCkend.,Fhe workshop, "More about MS-DOS," 10 a.m., "In- The Senate package also sets aside
festival runs through this weekend. Festival Speakertroduction to MS-DOS," 1 p.m., 3113 School of $27 million to help support research
organizers promise food, fun, and entertainment Education Building. among public colleges including
beginning with a special "businessmen's lunch" Astrofest - Jim Loudon, "Space History II." College of Engineering - "Engineering almost $10 million for the University.
today at noon- 7:30 p.m., MLB Auditorium three. Alumni Day," open house, 10 a.m., Chrysler er Blanchard and the House proposed
Films Meetings Center; luncheon, noon, bus tour of campus, 2 $25 million for the fund with the
p.m., Michigan Union Ballroom. University getting $9 million.
Museum of Art - opening reception for The two budget resolutions differ in
Cinema Guild - The Philadelphia Story, 7:30 Chinese Students Christian Fellowship - 7:30 Takeshi Takahara, 5p.m., State Street and South their plans for financial aid. Under
and 9:30Up.m., Natural Science Auditorium. p.m., Packard Road Baptist Church, 250 University. the Senate plan, $7 million would be
Cinema Two - The Man Who Loved Women, Packard Road. Campus Broadcasting Network - "Arts and taken from financial aid programs
7:30 p.m., MLB Auditorium four. Korean Christian Fellowship - 9 p.m., Cam- Ideas," a cultural variety program origination and given to the general funds of
Cinema Two - The 400 Blows, 9:45 p.m., MLB pus Chapel, 1236 Washtenaw Court. from the WCBN studios, 88.3 FM, 6 p.m. colleges and universities to hold down

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