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June 04, 1985 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1985-06-04

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The Michigan Daily, Tuesday, June 4, 1985- Page 3
Israel rejects Jordanian peace plan
WASHINGTON (UPI) - Israeli Defense U.N. Security Council resolutions 242 and 338 - to the Soviet Union." Anybody who would Lebanese bases if they are used for terrorism,
e propose such an idea, he said, "was to he Israel will support a security zone north of
Minister Yitzhak Rabin said yesterday that calling for recognition for Israel in exchange totally unaware of Soviet policies in the region the international border and will assist
Israel rejects an international framework for for occupied territories - two conditions that which have designed to create tension rather Lebanese forces, by arms or other means, who
Middle East peace negotiations as well as any the United States has posed for talks with PLO than hope for peace." fight terrorism,
talks with Palestinians who have links to the representatives.
Palestine Liberation Organization. "Who needs it?" he asked. .The Israelis will "maintain freedom of ac
Rabin, speaking to the National Press Club, Rabin appeared to discount Hussein's .aThe Isra elis wil "maintain .e of ac-
came to Washington for talks with U.S. officials relaying the PLO position, saying "We'd prefer Rabi said that the withdrawal of Israeli for- tion against terrorism" wherever it occurs,
three days after the departure of King Hussein. to hear it from the PLO itself." ces from Lebanon will be completed within two and the Lebanese must know "there will be
weeks, at the outside, and that Israel's future tranquility on both sides of the border, or there
THE JORDANIAN monarch proposed that ON THE issue of an international framework policies toward Lebanon will be based on three will be tranquility on neither side of the bor-
the Middle East peace process take place or umbrella, Rabin said "peace should be principles
within the framework of an international con- established by direct negotiations between the
ference that would include the Soviet Union. parties." " Israeli security will be defended from the In terms of the larger peace process, he said,
Obviously, he said, the international territory of Israel, leaving open the possibility Israel is giving first priority to improving
Hussein also said that the PLO now accepts framework "doesn't refer to Luxembourg, but of occasional forays or strikes against relations between Egypt and Israel.
Pollution causes concern
(Continued fromPage1) "Windsurfing is one of the central
said. "Through the normal processes controversies. It falls into a grey area
of purification it could clear away the as to where it's classified," said Dale
waste. The river can no longer do Griner, a biology teacher at Huron
this." High School whose class has worked
Stapp explained that there are two on a program with the University's
types of waste that enter the river: Department of Natural Resources to
sanitary waste that goes through test the water.
sanitary lines to the Dixboro treat- The response of Griner's students to
ment plant; and storm waste, which the program was varied. "Some will ;
drains from the streets through the react, 'I'm not going to jump off the
sewer system directly into the river. bridge, windsurf, etc., anymore'.
IT'S THE latter type that causes the That's not the goal of the project.
bigger problem, Stapp said. "When Many are much more aware of what's
people fertilize their lawns, that goes meant by water quality - that there
into the river. Anybody who changes are differences on how you choose to
their oil, it goes down the storm use the river."
sewers and goes to the river. Cars GRINER ALSO questioned whether
leaking gas, pesticides sprayed on the Gallup Park business should be
trees, herbacides - people do this not allowed to lease windsurfers:
knowing this goes to the river," he "Making money by renting out to the s
said. windsurfing enterprise - is this good
"They don't do it on purpose," he in terms of the potential health risk?"
said. "They're not informed." A report is being prepared for the
Another factor in the pollution of the Ann Arbor City Council for the fall or
river is that some areas were never next spring to determine the policy
linked to waste water treatment plan- the city should take for next summer.
ts," Stapp said. Stapp said alternative approaches
"We know of about 70 businesses in include using small holding ponds to Associated Press
the Allen Creek (downtown) drainage treat waste, connecting some storm
area that never got connected to sewers to the waste water treatment
storm drainage," he said. "Dye tests plant, or holding the water until stor-
have shown that the toilets ... were ms are over. Recovery
draining intothe river." "It's a question of costs, of
STAPP SAID THE businesses economics," Stapp said. An Amishman works on a barn roof yesterday as his son perches at the peak. Repairs began in Atlantic, Pa.
should be linked to the sanitary lines Those who use the Gallup Park after a twister whipped through the town on Friday, killing five people.
in a few years. recreation seem to have faith in the
The greatest risk of pollution in the city.
river is that it can spread diseases
such as typhoid and hepatitis.
Stppsidfea clooo. Indians celebrate at pow wow
human and animal waste - can in- Corrections I d a sc lb aea o o
dicate the presence of harmful By CHRISTY RIEDEL and 1940's, Cleland said. The Costu- she got re-acquainted with her
pathogens which are more difficult to Bells rattled, drums rumbled, and mes are much brighter and flashier culture.
measure. In an article in Friday's Daily voices rose and echoed off the high than those of traditional dancers, and
"IF CONDITIONS are right for about MSA's internal review commit- ceiling of Veteran's Indoor Ice Arena the dance style is more flamboyant. CLELAND said that he had been out
fecal chloroform then conditions are tee, a quote on the assembly's com- Saturday and Sunday in the 13th an- "FANCY DANCING is kind of like of touch with his heritage for about 40
right for viruses and parasites," he mittee structure was inaccurately at- nual Ann Arbor Indian Pow Wow. breakdancing," Goeman said. years before getting involved in pow
said. "This includes typhoid, tributed. The article quotes Richard An estimated 200 American Indian The pow wow was a chance for wows.
hepatitis, and dysentery. Layman as saying, "I don't know dancers, representing 30 different many American Indians to get in "I have to do something to find a
"The risk is greater. You may have what's going to happen with that, but tribes, competed for prize money in touch with their heritage, which many place," he said. "Dancing is probably
an epidemic before you realize it," the way it's set up now, it leads to two different divisions of dance: fan- say is fading into the American the most acceptable form of bringing
Stapp said problems with committee chairmen cy and traditional. melting pot. the community together."
So far, the Huron River hasn't doing everything with little input from TRADITIONAL dancers wore Judy Monteille, an Arapaho For Cleland, the best part of the now
caused any major health problems. It anyone else. Other times a chairman toned-down costumes decorated with Indian from Detroit, said seeing this wow was the dancers' grand entrance
usually is well below the Environmen- would get bogged down with other bright feathers and moved as if they pow wow and various ones like it and the resulting audience reaction.
tal Protection Agency's limit for full commitments and nothing will hap- were hunting prey, said Dorothy across the state prompted her to dig "For most non-Indians, their reaction
body contact sports, such as swim- pen with the committees." MSA Goeman, American Indian represen- into her family background and get in is amazement. They think we've all
ming, but the ration of pollutants to President Paul Josephson made the tative for the University's Minority touch with her heritage once again. been killed off by John Wayne and then
pure water skyrockets after storms, statement. Student Services. Monteille said that although her here we are," he said.
Stapp said - from 50 colonies per 100 In the same article, graduate sity's Minority Student Services. Colorado-born father was chief of her According to Cleland, dancers play
milliliters of water up to 20,000 student Eric Schnaufer is quoted as Originally, only warriors took part "clan," he told her little about her a very important role in American In-
colonies per 100 milliliters. saying that after sending an issue to a in the traditional dance, according to family background. It was not until dian culture. "The most important
FOR PARTIAL contact sports, the committee he would open it up to the Jerry Cleland, a Shawnee Indian from she found out by chance about a part of being a dancer is that you must
E.P.A. sets a limit of 1,000 colonies rest of the assembly if there were no Pontiac. Now anyone can participate Michigan pow wow that she decided to act, you must convey the dignity of
per 100 milliliters of water, so win- takers. The issue would then be in the traditional dance, he said. probe into her heritage. not only the Shawnee, but all the In-
dsurfing has prompted some to assigned to a committee. The story Cleland took first place in the men's "I just wish I had gotten involved in dian people," he said. "And you must
question the safety of the sport in the should have said the issue would not traditional dance category. pow wows before," Monteille said. convey that dignity to all people: In-
Huron River. be assigned to a committe. Fancy dancing is a relatively new She said that here father died before dians and non-Indians."
form which originated in the 1930's


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