The Michigan Daily - Sunday, May 13, 1984 -= Poge 9
Romania sues art museum
for El Greco painting
Continued from Preceaing rage
CAMPUS - Two neroom nouse - avaiane early
June. $450 + utilities- 996-441. 27C0506
SUMMER STORAGE: Clean, private units from $20/
month, monthly terms. 1 miles from football sta-
diom, I-94 and Ann Arhor-Saline Rd. StowAway
Self-Storage, Phone 769-0119. cM16O
Washington at State. Large one bedrooms. Modern
building, laundry, storage. Some available now.
MODERN MANAGEMENT, 668-6906 or 663-3641.
Spacious 2 bedroom apartment. South Main at Hill.
Modern building, parking, laundry. 2-4 persons. Mod-
ern Management. 668-6906or063-3641. cCtc
Fall Rental
One hedrmm opts. Furnished. No pets. $300-375.
Year leases. David M. Copi, 663-5609. ecte
526 Packard
At Hill St. Large2 bedroom apartments available for
Fall. Parking, laundry, modern building. Near Law,
Business schools and Diag. Modern Management.
668-6906or 663-3641. cCtc
FALL - 1 bedroom apartment. Parking. Next to
campus. Furnished. $375/month. Evenings. 996-1833.
SUMMER SUBLET - Furnished 1 bedroom apart-
ment. Parking. Next to campus. Fall option. Price
negotiable. Call996-1833evenings. 36C0520
1-2 FEMALES needed to sublet one room in 2 bed-
room apartment. $100 for 1; $110-120 for 2. Call 761-
1377. 38C0511
FOUR OR FIVE bedroom house. Parking, washer-
dryer. E. Ann near Glen. Available immediately.
Steve, 994-1333. 31C0522
OPPOSITE DIAG: 2 loft living spaces; kitchen priv-
ledges;nonicotine, availalesummer, fall, winter,
reasonale rent. 65-935or 761-6483- 32C0513
2%f a copy overnight. Accu-copy, 402 Maynard.
769-8338. cFtc
Ultimate Frisbee
Play ULTIMATE FRISBEE Monday-Friday, 5:00 at
Fuller Field. dF0515
PORTLAND, OREGON. Are you going there? Can
you take a chair for me? Willing to pay. Call Patti.
995-4646. 23F0518
the Pound House Children's Center this Spring
and/or Summer term. Located at Hill and East
University. This can be an experience that adds to
your personal and professional life, Come over and
visit or call 764-2547 for more information. 61G0511
DISSERTATION support groan forming Doctoral
candidate in Linguistics sees 3-4ABD s in Social/
behavioral sciences or humanities to meet weekly
and help each other survive and complete our disser-
tations. Call 764-8312. Sponsored by University Coun-
seling Service. 34G0518
EVENING CASHIER wanted. Must be able to write
Chinese. 981-2854. 28H518
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for Student Legal Ser-
vices. No experience necessary. Call Jill Wrightman,
763-9922. 29H518
ALASKAN SUMMER JOBS: For information send
S.A.S.E. to Jobs, Box 40235, Tucson, Arizona. 0717.
$360 WEEKLY/UP Mailing Circulars! No
bosses/quotas! Sincerely interested rush self-
addressed, stamped envelope: Division Headquar-
ters, Box 464 CEAW, Woodstock, IL 60098. 11H0514
ANN ARBOR TENANTS Union Coordinator/Office
Manager. Committment to social change. Willing.
ness to work long hours. Tenant-landlord experience
preferred but not necessary. Experience in organiz-
ing and office management necessary. $7-10,000
based on experience and need. Applications at 3909
Michigan Union. Deadline May 23. For information,
763-6876. 44H0522
system. Troe jon requires accurate Iyping and know-
ledge of general office procedures. Prefer someone
who can work 3 bourn a day; 2 days a week. Please
call Jan Hunt at 73-4600. 41HO510
For WCBN/WJJX 12-18 Hours/week. Variety of
tanks, including typingand correcting program logs.
Need lo be a self-tsrter able to meet deadlines and
type 50 words per minute. Contact Randy (763-3501)
or Chris (763-5900) by 5/18/84. 48HO515
DANCERS WANTED. No experience necessary. Top
pay. 481-1016. 45H0522
The library personnel has over 30 positions available
in the LIBRARIES for CWS students. If interested,
apply at the library personnel office, 404 Harlan
Hatcher Graduate Library. 43H0518
LOOKING FOR experienced baby sitter for Summer
part time for 18 month old. Need references. Pay
excellent. Needtransportation. 407-9001. 46H0513
IF YOU CAN SELL, have marketing ideas, and are
willing to gamble 20 boors a week of your time, we
have an opportunity for you. We are a small com-
puter software company selling a proven system to
beer/wine distributors in Michigan and Ohio. We
offer a uique experience. $300/month and $500 com-
mission on every sale. Send resume to Compu/Vin,
3600 GeddesRd., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105.
SINGING MESSENGERS: Balloon deliveries. Must
have own car. Call Say It With Balloons, 995-1972.
The Michigan Daily needs energetic students to
work on the Business Staff. Call 764-0554. Ask for
Steve. dHtc
FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) - The.
government of Romania has gone to
court to force an art museum to return
a major 17th-century oil painting by the
Greek master El Greco.
The communist-bloc country claims
the $6 million work, "Giacomo Bosio, or
A Portrait of an Elderly Ecclesiastic,"
was stolen during or shortly after World.
War II.
THE WORK, painted by El Greco
between 1610 and 1614, is considered a
national treasure and heritage of the
Romanian people and should be retur-
ned to Romania, according to the
The 4- by 3-foot artwork, considered
one of the top three paintings by El
Greco owned by American museums,
ranks among the top six of his 30 sur-
viving portraits, officials say,
Kimbell Art Museum officials bought
the painting in 1977, according to
documents filed Friday with the suit in
U.S. District Court. Assistant museum
director Bill Jordan, an El Greco ex-
pert, called "absurd" the suit's claim
that Romania has title to the painting.
He said the museum purchased the
painting from Wildenstein and Co. of
New York, a "well-known and respec-
ted art gallery."
WILDENSTEIN bought the painting
from the heirs of King Carol II of
Romania, who had owned it for more
than 100 years, Jordan said. The
monarch fled Romania with the pain-
ting during World War II, and before
communists assumed control there, he
Czechoslovakia and Laos
join Communist boycott
(Continued from Page 1)
Anton Himl, Czechoslovakia's
national Olympic committee chairman,
said the organization of the Games was
in sharp contradiction with the Olym-
pic character," according to a dispat-
ch. It also accused the U.S. ad-
ministration of interfering in
preparations for the Games and trying
"to subordinate the Olympic Games to
their own political objectives,"
MOSCOW dismissed written assuran-
ces from Reagan that the United States
would uphold the Olympic character
and provide adequate security for
"In his years in the White House, the
official Tass news agency said. "In
reality, however, they proved to be
nothing but a figleaf to cover
Washington's perfidy and dissemblan-
Reagan's assurances came in a letter
to the International Olympic Commit-
tee, read publicly last Friday by IOC
President Juan Antonio Samaranch,
who said it provided "all the securities I
think the Soviets are asking for."
Senior sports officials :from about a
dozen Soviet allies met secretly in
Moscow Friday and discussed setting
up a rival competition. President Car-
ter held separate games with U.S. allies
after boycotting the 1980 Moscow
Accurate, fast, reasonable. Papers, resumes, cover U.S. President has issued promises and Olympics to protest the soviet invasion
letters, theses, dissertations, 426-5217. cJtc assurances whose name is legion," the of Afghanistan.
Professional resume.service based on nine sc- Nr
cessful years of personnel consulting. Reasonable
rates and fast personal service. Call Colleen Bailey
at 355-5526. American Resume Consultants, Div. of
A.P.S.I. 02J0515
Write on... to feature electronics lab
Editorial and Typing Services
996-0566 cJtc (Continued from Page1) The atrium will have benches and
RESUMES of sensors for use in biomedicine, tran- lounge space for students to use bet-
PROFESSIONAL RESUME service based on nine sportation, and robotics. The lab will ween classes.
successfto yearsofpersonnelconsulting. Reasonable be used to research the manufac- The arrangement of the faculty and
rates and fast personal service. Call Colleen Bailey alob ue oreerh5h0aufc
at 355-5526. American Consultants, Div. of A.P.S.I. tur of solid-state devices. research facilities in the new building
02J0515 will also be different from most campus
Another feature of the new buildings.
TYPING - ON CAMPUS engineering building will be a 30 foot "The administration and faculty of-
Fast turn around resumes, cover letters, disserta- wide atrium running east and west fices will be on one side of the
tions, term papers. Veryprofessional.662-4530. cJtc through the building. "It will be the building," said Vest. "The research
RSTTMII'5urOxJ.RS3 .FTTF.R focal point of the college," Vest said. labs will be on the other side."
resumes -repetitive lettersn- mailing lists
papers - thesises - dissertations
professional Editing Available.
Quick Quill 005-0157
Students register voters
(Continued from Page 31
registration in Ann Arbor."
Yet the deputy registrar program has
not been accepted as just a
strengthening of the political process.
Since the registrars aim the campaign
at the poor and minority voters who are
usually Democratic, the registration
drives have met Republican opposition.
"We try to be non-partisan," said
Hartman, "by having no literature
about Pirgim or other political issues."
A proposal to limit the number of
deputy registrars in Ann Arbor was
scheduled to come up at last Monday's
city council meeting. Though the
resolution never came up, over 100
people came to voice their opposition to
the Republican-sponsored resolution.
Though individual students have dif-
ferent motivations for getting involved
in registration projects, Hartman said
many of the student volunteers are con-
cerned citizens who just like to see
people voting."
"Because what goes on effects me, I
like to see as many people as possible
involved in the process," said Linda
Simone, a former student volunteer who
is now the paid coordinator of a
registration workshop at the East
Michigan Campus. "It gives the volun-
teers a chance to get involved and see
how the political process works."
1 MONTH EURAIL youth pass $290, 2 months $370.
Eurailnass 15 days $260, 21 days $330. 1, 2, 3 month
available. Detroit/Frankfort charter from $439.
Great Places Travel Consultants, 208E. Washington,
769-1776. cP0616