OPINION Page 6 Vol. XCIV, No. 35-S 94 Years of Editorial Freedom Managed and Edited by Students at The University of Michigan Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily Editorial Board Hydroelectric giveaway TN 1937, THE completion of the Hoover Dam became a symbol of the power of gover- nment to contribute mightily to the economic well being of the nation. Now, it seems, the Hoover Dam is about to become a symbol of senseless government waste and political hypocracy. Just as the federal government is preparing to run its largest budget deficits in history, the administration, apparently with the support of Rep. Carl Pursell (R-Mich.), is preparing to virtually give away millions of dollars in hydroelectric power from the Hoover Dam. Under the original contracts for the dam's power, electricity was to be sold to a group of public and private utilities "at cost." Today, because of Hoover Dam's tremendous ef- ficiency, the "cost" of Hoover power runs around one-half cent per kilowatt hour-roughly one tenth the average rate paid by Americans for electricity. The "at cost" contracts were set to expire in 1987, until a group of Republican and western politicians with the strong backing of President Reagan forced a bill through Congress to extend the bargain basement rates for 30 years. One of the members of the group was Carl Pursell. The continuation of the law rates will result in an unconscionable waste of an extremely valuable federal resource. With very few ex- ceptions, the government has an obligation to manage its assets as prudently as possible for the benefit of all of its citizens. If the gover- nment has offshore oil it wishes to sell, it has an obligation to sell it at the best price it can get. The taxpayers and the citizenry as a whole deserve nothing less. Hoover Dam, while a slightly different type of asset, should be subject to the same rules. There's simply no compelling reason for providing virtually free energy to a small area of the country at the expense of the federal coffers. Unlike the situation with the Ten- nessee Valley projects, southern California and the Southwest generally are hardly an economically backward area. Further, as federal and state energy plan- ners have realized in the years since 1970's energy shortages, artificially inexpensive energy is no bargain. It encourages economically absurd uses of energy while discouraging innovations which could make limited energy sources go further. In an era when our nation is plagued by shortages of energy and shortages of federal tax revenue, giveaways of both are in- tolerable. The new Hoover power contracts promise to be an unmitigated disaster. Friday, August 10, 1984 The Michigan Daily 4 FELL TWI4CE ON T-ME SP~AESPOT 4 THE YLA.NET MEESE- THE MILPOUS AAOO- LAR&E BUT RECENTLY OUT OF VIEW ON T1E elSE N~jAA Vietnam 's legacy continues, but Watergate fades a way 4 By Franz Schurmann Vietnam has not been forgot- ten, but Watergate just about has. The specter of Vietnam con- tinues to press upon us-in the media, in political debates, and in the presence of tens of thousands of veterans who still show the physical or emotional scars of the war. BUT WE know that Watergate is fading from memory because its chief culprit, Richard Nixon, is enjoying a resurrection. In fact, far more than Gerald Ford or Jimmy Carter, Nixon has become the presidential elder statesman, much sought after for his views and counsel. The Vietnam war was a war that most people never under- stood. We were drawn into it because our government told us it was vital to stop communism, but meanwhile, we were on friendly terms with the Soviet Com- munists and preparing for our current cozy relationship with the Chinese Communists. And, when we decided to pull out of the war, our Vietnam vets were treated almost like pariahs by the bureaucracy. It was as if they and not the government had brought shame to the good name of the United States. Throughout the war and its af- termath, the government attem- pted to manipulate public opinion with lies and half-truths. And those lies have not been forgot- ten. WATERGATE, OF course, also involved lies at the highest levels of government. But Watergate generated no dead or ravaged bodies. A dozen or so Nixon of- ficials and operatives went to jail, and Nixon himself suffered an Aaron Burr-like ignominy. But it did no lasting damage to the in- stitution of the presidency, which. today seems as powerful an office as ever. Moreover, Nixon was hardly the first president to resort to dir- ty tricks. The revered Franklin Roosevelt had J. Edgar Hoover spy on his political opponents. Lyndon Johnson used to let Hoover regale him with confiden- tial material on politicians' secret lives. And there have been the subsequent "-gates," like Korea-gate, Billy-gate and, lately, Debate-gate. The Abscam scandals sent a senator to prison. To many Americans, all Watergate did was to give Washington the smelly aroma of a corrupt city hall. BUT FOR a lot of people, that was precisely Richard Nixon's greatest sin, one for which he should have suffered much worse punishment than he got. Until Watergate, the American president still aroused awe. Franklin Roosevelt was revered almost as a cult figure. John Kennedy was like a young king. Johnson looked like some evil but awesome force in his latter days. Nixon, so it appeared, made the world's mightiest office into a backroom for vulgar schemes. Since Watergate, the White House may have recovered its power, but not its aura. There is no longer any "imperial" presidency. Yet while some people hanker after the old days, the public seems just as glad that the presidential office has assumed simple human dimen- sions. THE VIETNAM WAR brought about a great change in the public's attitude toward gover- nment. Since the Depression, Americans had looked up to Washington as a source of beneficent power, worthy of respect. Now it is just a vast bureaucracy, filled with politicians, patronage appoin- tees, and networks linked to myriads of special interest. Government is not that different from city hall. And the president, in many ways, is just the nation- wide mayor. But there is still one big dif- ference. Unlike any mayor, the president has the power to push the nuclear trigger. And that dif- ference helps explain the resurrection of Richard Nixon. People are more concerned. about nuclear war than they have been since the first atom bombs were explored. And most people over 30 remember that Nixon gave the country a powerful foreign policy that worked within the context of detente with Russia and China. The nuclear world of Nixon's time was a dangerous one, buta manageable one. There is a strong desire to know from the maligned ex-president him- self how he put such a foreign policy together. AMERICANS ARE not anti- government. They want gover- nment to treat citizens with care, operate efficiently and honestly and protect us from a dangerous world. Because Washington failed on all these grounds with the Vietnam War, Americans will not forget it. But Watergate only affected politicians and their operatives, not ordinary citizens. It was a political battle which Nixon lost. For these reasons, Watergate weighs less heavily than it did 10 years ago, while Vietnam remains etched in vivid public memory. Schurman wrote this article for Pacific News Service. 4 4 4