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August 07, 1984 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1984-08-07

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ty-fcuryar odtor oI
Ninety-four years of editorial freedom

Vol. XCIV, No. 34-S

Copyrsght 984

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, August 7, 1984

Fifteen Cents

Sixteen Pages

Beat the heat
These two youngsters found a fun way to stay cool at the Burns Park wading pool yesterday.

for nuclear
free city
Propnents of a plan which would make
Ann Arbor "nuclear free" came one
step closer to their goal yesterday when
they submitted more than 8,000
signatures supporting the proposal.
Only 5,500 valid signatures are
necessary to put the proposal on the
November ballot, according to Ann
Arbor City Clerk Winifred Northcross,
but it will take several weeks before the
validity of all the signatures is verified.
IF THE nuclear free plan is adopted
by Ann Arbor voters on November 6, it
will be the first such resolution of its
kind in the country.
The proposal reads in part: "No per-
son, corporation,university, laboratory,
institution, or other entity shall engage
in any worka major purpose of which is
the design; research; development;
testing; or production of nuclear
In addition, the plan prohibits work
on delivery systems for nuclear
weapons, and command, com-
munication, or control systems for such
IF THE city charter amendment is
passed, violators could face up to 90
days imprisonment and a fine of over
The proposal would establish a
special panel to oversee all defense
department contracts in the city and
pass on to the prosecuting attorney's of-
fice the names of companies which are
in violation of the ordinance.
It is unclear how this ordinance will
affect the University. Initially, Steve
Latta, spokesman for the Campaign for
a Nuclear Free Ann Arbor, which spon-
sored the proposal, said, 'it s designed
See GROUP, Page5

Protests, rituals
From staff and wire reports
Demonstrators yesterday marked the 39th anniversary of
the U.S. atomic bomb attack on Hiroshima by spilling fake
blood at the Pentagon and unfurling a 30-foot banner from the
Statue of Liberty procliaming "Freedom from Nuclear
A group of 20-30 people from Ann Arbor marked the an-
niversary by joining 500 protesters in a peaceful demon-
stration Saturday at the Walled Lake plant where Williams
Internaitonal makes engines for cruise missiles.
A photostory on Saturday's Walled Lake
protest appears on Page 7.
Sunday evening the Interfaith Council for Peace held its
fourth annual Hiroshima/Nagasaki observance at Island
Park, near the University Hospital. Fifteen to 20 of the 100
participants were Japanese, according to Kim Groome,
coordinator of the group's disarmament task force.
The observance, which mixed fun with seriousness, in-

recall Hiroshima
cluded picnics, sing-alongs, prayers, and a special ceremony
in which participants set lanterns afloat ontheeHuron River.
The lantern ritual is modeled after an ancient Japanese
tradition honoring the dead.
"It's a time forgeveryoneto reaffirm their committment to
peace. It gives people a chance to reflect on things that they
don't think about everyday," Groome said. "The ceremony
reminds us that there is a community in Ann Arbor working
for peace."
YESTERDAY, SUPPORTERS of proposed legislation
which would make Ann Arbor a nuclear-free zone presented
petitions to city officials calling for an item on the November
ballot which would allow city voters to enact that legislation.
Elsewhere yesterday, small peaceful demonstrations were
held near the White House and in Groton, Conn.; Romulus,
N.Y., South Bend, Ind., Boston, and Dayton, Ohio.
"I've been concerned for a good while about nuclear
buildup," said Water Reeves, a farmer from Wilmington,
Ohio, with some 50 other protesters outside Wright-Patterson'
See JAPANESE, Page 5

"The Selective Service System
is, once again, invading
individuals' privacy. See
Opinion, Page 6.
" Actor Richard Burton is fondly
remembered. See Arts, Page 11.
" Former Michigan All-
American tennis player Matt
Horwitch has found a new
racket. See Sports Page 14.
" Ann Arbor's Chris Seufert cap-
tured a bronze medal last night in
Olympic diving. See Sports,
Page 16.
Hot and humid with a chance of
thundershowers in the late
afternoon and a high near 90.

'U' students pose for
Of the 32 women featured in
Playboy's "Girls of the Big Ten"
pictorial, only two are University students.
Terri Beck and Kari Bazzy were
pictured in the September issue of the
magazine, which hit the newsstands
about two weeks ago.
DAVID CHAN, the photographer who
was in charge of shooting women at the
University and four other Big Ten
schools, said he submitted photographs
of five University women. "I shot quite
a few (University women), but they
didn't put too many in." Terri Beck poses in Playboy magazine
See n U', Page listed as "a body-building biologist"f

's 'Girls of the Big 10' pictorial. Beck was
from Michigan.

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