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August 03, 1984 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1984-08-03

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, August 3, 1984
(Continued from Page]1)
Ann Arbor), the only regent who voted
against the freeze, opposed the plan
because it leaves the University with af
$1.4 million deficit and because the
University is constitutionally allowed to
set its own tuition.
But Blanchard, when asked whether
the pressure put on the University tof
hold the line on tuition infringed on any
constitutional right, replied, "No, I
don't think so at all."
SHAPIRO, WHO called the ceremony
at Lane Hall a "momentous meeting,"
praised Blanchard and the Legislature
for being "great supporters of higher;
Blanchard was joined by Japanese
Governor Masayoshi Takemura of CAROL LFRANCAVILLA/Daily
Shiga Prefecture, who is leading a Paula Blanchard, wife of Michigan Gov. James Blanchard, shares a chuckle
trade and cultural mission to Michigan. with Masayoshi Takemura, the governor of Michigan's sister state in Japan.
Shiga Prefecture, the equivalentsofta Takemura was in Lane Hall yesterday as part of his visit to the state.
U.S. state, has been Michigan's sister
state since the late 1960s.
Speaking through an interpreter, After the ceremony, Blanchard was Blanchard said, adding that he would
Takemura urged continued support for asked about Consumers Power's remain on the sidelines as Consumers
higher education in the U.S. and Japan. request for a $7-billion, 15-year rate in- talks with the Public Service Com-
"If you talk about the younger crease to compensate for the ill-fated mission, which will eventually decide
generation, you talk about the future," Midland nuclear plant. whether to grant the electric company
he said. "I don't think it's a serious proposal," the rate hike.


rolls grew
in 1983,
study says
WASHINGTON (AP) - The number
of Americans officially in poverty
climbed by nearly 900,000 to break the
35 million mark last year, the Census
Bureau said yesterday in releasing a
report sure to become an election-year
political football.
The figure showed that 15.2 percent of
the nation's population fell below the
annual income of $10178 for a family of
four set as the upper edge of poverty in
1983. The poverty rate was up slightly
from the 15.0 percent of 1982.
REACTION came quickly, with
House Speaker Thomas O'Neill (D-
Mass.) saying "today we have the
smoking gun of Reagan unfairness,"
and the Republican White House
claiming credit for leveling off a rate of
increase that soared under its
Democratic predecessors.
Adminstration officials sought to sof-
ten the impact of the figures with an ac-
companying study that said there are
really a lot fewer poor people than it
seems - if you use a different yardstick
to measure them.
But O'Neill asserted that "Under
Reagan, the poor are getting poorer."





by the disease, dc
confident that the
There is no da
epidemic proportio
"I think we can
cases we're going t
of this are identifie
tract hepatitis
Washtenaw County
water of the Washt
"You can't pract
nurse without son
"Health care wo
risk for developing
people," added Dr
staff health departr

Doctor becomes fifth hepatitis victim
D from Page') for so many to become infected at once. kind of information is rarely released," stool, SchaberE
actors say they are According to Hause, the hospital in- he said. But he added, "when you get a And accordi
outbreak will not formation office didn't find anything cluster you realize something different no cure forI
unusual about the first incident when it is going on. If the nurse hadn't died, it treatment for I
nger of it reaching was reported. As a result, the office wouldn't have been important." you either get
ns, Schaberg said, staff didn't feel a need to make the in- According to Schaberg, only about said.
safely say all of the formation public. Even after four cases one percent of the victims of hepatitis-B However, a
o identify as a result were identified, and screenings were die from the infection. And no one, he available. And
d," Schaberg said. underway, the hospital still didn't make said, has been able to pinpoint why came in conta
people usually con- any type of statement. It wasn't until some of these individuals die. floor are being
each month in Wednesday - a day after O'Donnell According to Atwater, symptoms of vaccine, Schab
y, said Dr. John At- died - that the information became hepatitis-B are evident in about five In March 19]
enaw County Health public. percent of the general population. The offered the v
"There was not any real interest in it number jumps as high as 30 or 40 However, the
ice medicine or be a until the nurse died," Hause said. He percent among Vietnamese refugees, from blood of
me risk," Schaberg added, however, that his office knew of he said, adding that it is also high known to b
the incidents and while no one was among heroin addicts because they use Some hospital
rkers have a higher authorized to make any type of public needles frequently. ' advantage of t
hepatitis than other statement, they would have discussed THE SYMPTOMS of hepatitis-B in- fear contractin
. William Hall of the the subject if they were asked about it. lude loss of appetite, loss of taste for D
ment. ACCORDING to Atwater, hepatitis cigarettes in smokers, nausea, f aly sta
added, it is unusual cases are rarely made public. "This vomiting, dark urine, and clay-colored, fi a report

g said.
ng to Schaberg, there is
the virus. "There's no
hepatitis. Once you get it,
over it or you don't," he
preventative vaccine is
I all hospital staffers who
act with patients on that
g encouraged to take the
erg said.
83 hospital workers were
accine free of charge.
vaccine is often made
gay men, who have been
e carriers of hepatitis.
workers have not taken
he yaccine because they
ng AIDS.
q writer Marla Gold
for this story.



Friday request dancing, 10p.m., Dental School. Go Club-meeting, 2p.m., 1433 Mason.
Performance Network-American Buffalo, 8 p.m., Music-Medieval Festival 1 p.m., West Park;
Chinese Christian Fellowship-meeting, 8 p.m., 408W. Washington. organ recital, Raymond Ahrens, 4 p.m., Hill.
Trotter House. AAFC-The Big Chill, 7:30 & 9:30 p.m., MLB 4. Performance Network-American Buffalo, 8 p.m.,
Korean Christian Fellowship-meeting, 9 p.m., CFT-The Man Who Fell to Earth, 7:30 & 10 p.m., 408W. Washington.
Campus Chapel. Michigan. AAFC-On the Waterfront, 7:30 p.m.; Last Tango
Astrofeat 13-lecture Jim Loudon, Stonehenge, Cinema Guild-Can-Can, 7:30 p.m.; Anything In Paris, 9:30 p.m., MLB 3.
Ice Ages, the South Pole of Uranus, and What's Goes, 9:25 p.m., Lorch. CFT-On the Town, 7:30 p.m.; New York, New
Wrong With Astrology: Seasons on Earth and Cinema II-My Favorite Wife, 7:30 p.m.; I Was a York, 9:30 p.m., Michigan.
Elsewhere," 7:30 p.m., MLB 3. - Male War Bride, 9:10 p.m., Nat Sci. Cinema Guild-Body Heat, 7:30 & 9:45 p.m., Lorch.
Music-organ recital, Gayle Beck, 8p.m., Hill. Frisbee-practice, 5:30 p.m., Fuller Park. Cinema II-Summer Interlude, 7:30 p.m.; Smiles
Folk Dance-Bulgarian dancing, 8:30 p.m.; of a Summer Night, 9:15 p.m., MLB 4.
Send announcements to Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.



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