Page /July 24, 184
Art rof
A BOUT 20 years ago, Art Prof.
Eugene Pijanowski wanted to be a
laundryman. Today, he is the proud
supervisor of Metal Six, a student group
participating in the Artists and Craf-
tsmen Guild Summer Arts Festival.
"When I was in graduate school, I
was thinking of getting into the laundry
business because it looked like a good
opportunity," explained Pijanowski,
who tells about his past ambitions with
a roll of his eyes. He explained he
was impressed by the low number of
hours needed to run a laundromat.
Now he directs a student group which
specializes in metal working.
Pijanowski has two professional jobs
in his life: teacher and artist. But he
calls himself a teacher-artist instead of
an artist-teacher. "Some people would
call themselves artists first, but I chose
to teach first," Pijanowski said.
According to Pijanowski, teaching
helped him learn how to talk with
people. "I was very introverted until I
began teaching," Pijanowski ex-
plained. Teaching gave Pijanowski
confidence in himself and also stopped
a stuttering problem he had since he
was a child.
Pijanowski teaches basic three-
dimensional metal designs at the art
school. In basic metal classes, theory is
stressed instead of technique, which is
taught in advanced classes. Pijanowski
compares theory and technique in
metal classes to the interpretation of a,
poem. "I teach the message instead of
the rhythm," he said.
Pijanowski recalled he was an art
school student at the ripe old age of 21.
He was first a math major at Wayne
State University in Detroit. Later, he
decided math was not the right choice.
"I looked to the future and my math
ability was in areas that wouldn't get
me anywhere," Pijanowski recalled,
shaking his head slightly.
Interested in his art electives,
Pijanowski obtained a job as a ring
designer to support his school finances.
"I made more money than Iam making
is 'teacher before artist'
now but I hated it," Pijanowski said. He booth had to be supervised by a faculty But Pijanowski and his wife gave the
designed engagement and wedding member and that the displayed work group $400 for a starting budget. The
rings but found it boring. However, had to be of high quality. The students took the money and built a
Pijanowski learned the industrial Pijanowskis provided the supervision collapsible weatherproof booth to house
aspects of art through designing rings. and the eight students provided the their goods. In fact, Pijanowski said
After college, Pijanowski was accep- quality work. the booth was fashioned better than
ted by the prestigious Cranbrook Pijanowski recounted how harshly some others which were made
Academy of Art in Cranbrook, the students criticize themselves. He professionally. The students split the
Michigan, where he earned his Masters admits that the students are sometimes registration fee.
in Fine Art. He went on to Japan with more critical towards themselves than The only requirement for a student
his wife, Hiroko, to study at the Tokyo he is. However, he would not hesitate to participant is to take an advanced
University of Art. When he came back tell a student artist if his work was bad. metal class. The University does not
to the United States, he taught at San "I'll tell them to give the work away for endorse the booth because profits are
made through sales. According to
Pijanowski, the results of Metal Eight
'When I was in graduate school I was were successful both financially and
educationally. "The students were
thinking of getting into the laundry taught how to market, how to work
business because it looked like a good op- withinha group, and they found out what
o- sells, he said.
portunity.' This year, Metal Six will continue
.A . . with six other students, who will sell
- Art Prof Eugene Pijanowski functional and non-functional metal
Diego State and then at Purdue Univer-
sity where he earned a full professor-
ship. He passed it up to teach at the
University's art school.
Pijanowski found the quality of
students and faculty members more
appealing at the University. "I've been
to many parts of the world lecturing for
workshops and I am still impressed
with the University," Pijanowski said.
Soon after he began teaching at the
University, Metal Eight was formed.
Metal Eight was the original name of
the student booth because there were
eight student artists. Its short history
began two years ago when Pijanowski
and his wife were walking around ad-
miring Ann Arbor's summer fairs.
They were struck by the lack of student
group booths. "I asked myself- why
didn't students share booths,"
Pijanowski recalled.
Pijanowski asked each sponsoring
festival for a booth and received a
positive reply from the Artists and
Craftsmen Guild. Certain stipulations
came along with the positive reply. The
main regulations were that the student
free or to sell it to their friends if their
work is really bad," Pijanowski said,
Pijanowski remembers one of the fir-
st problems the group encountered was
that there was no money to build a
booth. The booth was needed to display
the students' work.
Although Pijanowski's appointment
with the University is based on a year to
year nine-month contract, he seems
content with the present. "I become a
househusband in the three months I'm
not working," Pijanowski said - his
wife has a tenure with the University.
With Metal Six under his guidance,
Pijanowski looks to the future and will
forget about being a laundryman.
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Art Fair Guide
Editorial Staff
Editors: AndrewEriksen EricMattson
Advertising Managers: L zCrson Rob Markus
Staff Writers: Dov Cohen, Lily Eng, Mario Germinario, Mario Gold, Tim Houston, Tom Hroc Joseph Kraus,
Rick Magder, Susan Mokuch, Lisa Pwers,.Stacey Shonk.Anne Sponseler, Koren Tenso. David Vanker, and Pete
Photographers: Carol Froncovilla, Rebecca Knight, Doug McMahon, and E lizabeth Scott.
Sales Representatives: Dn Carlson, Krig Cotton, RickkFieber, and Patty Rossman.
Cover layout: JanvnOrnkn
Cover artwork: "Intnrior" byBtiov Shanvnvanvd Tnknshi vnknhna. The privt wn vanthird place prizeo n
Ann Arbor Art Associaton print show.
Cover photograph: DOvid Koether
Giant Italian Style
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