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July 22, 1984 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1984-07-22

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Page 4 - The Michigan Daily - Sunday July 22, 1984
Hundreds attend
memorial servie
(Continued from Page i). late Friday in a San Diego funeral
SOME35 riess fom trouhoutSan parlor viaitation room near the coffin
SOME 35 prieats from throughout San containing Huberty's body. The mor-
Diego County attended the Maas along tuary said the family planned no
with government officiala and Joan services and Huberty's body will be.
Kroc, widow of McDonald's founder cremated early next week.
After the services, about 20 people Flowers and donations were pouring
in for Huberty's victims from
gathered outside the restaurant, which throughout the United States.
has been closed since the shootings. "EVERYBODY identifies with it in
They carried signs inSpanish reading, "EVRY'' ienies iKin
"Pain in the Heart." They said they some way," Police Chief Bill Kolander
wanted the restaurant permanently saA special counseling hot line has been
closed and turned into a memorial opened for residents of San Ysidro and
playground. McDonald's executives its cross-border counterpart, Tijuana,
said there would be no decision on the Mexico. c t
future of the restaurant until next week. Kroc said franchises of the world-
Twenty-one people were killed in the wide fast-fod chain were donating $1
worst single-day mass murder by a million to the San Ysidro Family Sur-
gunman in U.S. history. Huberty was vivors' Fund to help with burial costs
killed by a police sharpshooter 67 and counseling.
minutes after the massacre began. Local businesses stepped forward
CORONER DAVID Stark said an with their own contributions, children
autopsy showed no signs of alcohol, trickled into San Diego-area Mc-
drugs or a brain abnormality and police Donald's restaurants offering nickles
investigators said Huberty's motives and dimes and other customers gave
will never be known. donations of up to several hundred
Etna Huberty and her daughters sat dollars.
Poland grants amnesty
to political prisoners
(Continued from PageS). U.S. official, who spoke on condition he
the move "positive," but did not offer not be identified. He added, however,
an end to the sanctions, imposed when that President Reagan may first want
mrtial law was declared in December to determine whether the amnesty is "a
1981.paper tiger."
The U.S. sanctions include a freeze on "The amnesty is an important liberal
new credits, blockage of Poland's ap- step which should be recognized and
plication for membership in the Inter- acknowledged," said another diplomat,
national Monetary Fund, denial of most who also requested anonymity.
favored nation trading status, and the Jals reque ed ty.
suspension of scientific exchanges and Jaruzelski attacked the Western san-
regular commercial airliner service c.ons as an "anti-Polish farce directed'
between the two countries, by the American administration,' but
"I EXPECT youshould see some added Poland did not want to remain'
movement fairly quickly," said one "an isolated island."
Midland may be industry's
biggest failure in history

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports

Postal contracts expire,
employees continue to work
WASHINGTON - Postal em-
ployees worked without a contract
yesterday after talks between the
U.S. Postal Service and four unions
representing 600,000 workers
reached an impasse as the old labor
agreements expired.
Federal law outlaws strikes
against the Postal Service and the
breakdown of negotiations triggered
a fact-finding period that could lead
to binding arbitration that may not
be resolved before Dec. 10, said
Postmaster General William
Attica uprising ends
ATTICA, N.Y. - Guards at Attica
Correctional Facility, scene of the'
nation's bloodiest prison revolt in
1971, early yesterday quelled a
seven-hour uprising touched off
when a guard shot a bat-wielding
The tense standoff at the prison,
scene of the nation's deadliest prison
revolt, began at 10 p.m. Friday after
a guard fired at and wounded an in-
mate who had slugged another
guard with a metal bat. Some 182
prisoners refused repeated requests
by prison officials to leave the yard,
said Jim Flateau, spokesman for the
state Department of Correctional
Agreement reached in
Indian I fishing case
DETROIT - State, federal and In-
dian representatives yesterday
hammered out a Great Lakes
fishery management pact that will
equally affect the tribes and state-
licensed commercial fishermen un-
til the end of the year.
The agreement closes various par-
ts of lakes Michigan, Huron and
Superior to both Indian and com-
mercial whitefish fishermen at the
same time - a rejection of an Indian
proposal for staggered closures,
said Conrad Mallett, legal advisor to
Gov. James Blanchard.
British dockworkers
end strike
LONDON - Dockworkers' union
leaders yesterday called off the 11-
day-old strike that had paralyzed
three-quarters of British trade, or-

dering all ports to reopen at mid-
For Prime Minister Margaret
Thatcher's beleaguered gover-
nment, it came as a badly needed
Shamir trails in Israeli polls
JERUSALEM - Battered by the
nation's economic crisis, Israelis
seem determined to vote Prime
Minister Yitzhak Shamir out of of-
fice in national elections tomorrow,
the latest polls show.
The future of the Israeli-occupied
West Bank is the issue most heatedly
disputed, but it is largely eclipsed by
the realities of living with an annual
inflation rate of 400 percent.
If the opposition Labor Party wins
enough seats in Parliament to form
a coalition government, it promises
to get the Israeli army out of
Lebanon swiftly.
Kidnapped millionairess
freed by authorities
Rosenkranz, kidnapped from the
bridge tournament she was atten-
ding with her multi-millionaire
husband, was freed last night, two
days after her abduction, police
said. Three suspects were arrested
and an unspecified ransom
"Mrs. Rosenkranz is safe and
healthy," FBI agent Norman
Zigrossi told reporters. He said she
had been taken to a hospital for a
checkup and was "meeting with her
Police hope Mont. kidnap-
per will turn himself in
BIG SKY, Mont. - A troubled
conscience may flush out one of two
mountain men who eluded a SWAT
team and sheriff's posse after abdu-
cting a woman athlete and killing a
man who tried to rescue her,
authorities said yesterday.
Don Nichols, 53, and his son Dan,
19, disappeared Monday into the
steep, heavily timbered and rugged
Madison Mountains of southwest
Montana, leaving Alan Goldstein
dead and Kari Swenson with a bullet
wound in the chest.
The young man's conscience may'
drive him out of the woods, Madison
County Sheriff Johnny France said.

(Continuedfrom Page 3)
to pass that amount on to its customers inu
the form of a rate increase.
CONSUMERS HAS also estimated
that the total price of the two-unit plant,
when finished, would have been around
$5.7 billion. However, the company for
months has never had active plans to
complete both units and was talking
about finishing only one reactor. That
would have cost about $4.12 billion.
For purposes of argument, however,
the plant's financial "size" might be
left at the figure Consumers expects
ratepayers to pay - $4 billion.
Another way of measuring size is the
amout of electricity the plant was to
produce. In Midland's case, that was
1,357 megawatts. The figure could go
up or down depending on how many
turbines were attached.
nation's 10th or 11th largest utility,
depending on who's doing the counting
and the reporting - is not sure whether
Midland's cancellation was the biggest
ever. A spokesman for the company
referred the question to the Atomic In-
dustrial Forum, a group which is active
in promoting nuclear power in the
United States.
AIF spokesman Don Winston said

flatly Midland was not the largest plant
ever cancelled in terms of generating
capacity. Others shot down in the con-
tinuing struggle over nuclear power in
this country were to have produced
more electricity.
That leaves price as a criteria, and
there Winston was not sure. He
referred the question to the Edison
Electric Institute, a utility
AN EDISON spokeswoman also
dodged the question. She said the group
really does not collect that kind of in-
On to the United States Department
of Energy, which was preparing a
report on the subject, according to
Justine Johnson, a DOE official, said
the Midland plant's sunk costs of nearly
$4 billion does put it at the top of the list.
The next highest is apparently the
Zimmer plant in Ohio which was recen-
tly scrapped.
But wait, Johnson's list does not in-
clude the cost of plants put on hold last
year by the troubled Washington Public
Power Supply System. WPPSS was
building five reactors, but cancelled
two of them and "deferred" two others,

Member of the Associated Press
Vol. XCIV-No. 27-S
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967X) is published Tuesday through Sun-
day during the fall and winter terms and Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday
during the spring and summer terms by students at the University of
Michigan. Subscription rates: September through April-$16.50 in Ann Ar-
bor, $29.00 outside the city; May through August-$4.50 in Ann Arbor, $6.00
outside the city.
Second-class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
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