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May 08, 1984 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1984-05-08

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Ninety-four years of editorialfreedom

Vol. XCIV, No. 3-S

Coyright 1984
Th Mihig Doily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, May 8, 1984


Twenty Pages


From AP and UPI
NEW YORK - A $180 million set-
tlement was reached yesterday in the
suit by 20,000 Vietnam War Veterans
who blamed their health problems on
the herbicide Agent Orange.
The seven chemical companies that
produced the herbicide will establish a
$180 million fund for treatment of
dioxin-related problems. The fund will
eventually grow to $250 million, said
Steve Schlegel, of the Agent Orange
Committee of Veterans.
The money will benefit veterans who
served from 1961 to 1972 and others
from Australia and New Zealand who

Orange lawsuit settled

"have had symptoms consistent with
dioxin," an ingredient in the herbicide,
Schlegel said.
The herbicide was used to defoliate
the jungles of Vietnam from 1965-70 to
help reduce the chances of ambush.
Troops exposed to the defoliant blamed
it for a variety of health problems, in-
cluding cancer, and for birth defects in
their children.
- Under the settlement. none of the
chemical companies admit liability
for the injuries. They had argued that if
anyone was at fault, it was the U.S.
military for misusing the product.

The settlement stipulates that both
sides reserve the right to sue the U.S.
government for misuse of the chemical.
However, only the veterans' relatives
have pending claims against the gover-
nment. A serviceman cannot sue the
government for claims arising out of
his service.
THE VETERANS' lawyer, David
Dean, said he was "very surprised" at
the agreement reached at 4 a.m.
yesterday after a 48-hpur negotiating
session that climaxed more than five
years of legal maneuvering.
The agreement must still, get final

approval from Chief Judge Jack Wein-
stein of U.S. District Court following a
public hearing. No date was set for the
The total number of veterans and
their families affected by the set-
tlement is unknown. Fifteen jhousand
veterans and their relatives were in-
volved in the suit but up to 130,000
veterans have placed their names on a
federal Agent Orange registry.
The seven defendants companies are
Dow Chemical, Diamond Shamrock,
Uniroyal, Monsanto, T. H. Agriculture
and Nutrition, Hercules and Thompson
Chemical Corp.
von't raise

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cost offootball
stadium security
The Ann Arbor City Council last night voted 6-5 along party
lines against a proposal which would have forced the
University to pay an additional $15,000 per year for police
protection on football Saturdays.
The University already pays for police protection inside
the stadium, but the city foots the bill for police direction of
traffic outside the stadium.
COUNCILMAN Lowell Peterson (D-First Ward), the
sponsor of the resolution, said the University should get no
special treatment from the city because other organizations
pay for police overtime costs at special events.
The resolution would have affected all University athletic
events, but football Saturdays would have been the most
significantly affected due to the volume of the crowds.
Councilman James Blow (R-Second Ward) opposed the
change because he said the police direction of traffic
facilitates a quick exit from the city for fans, and the service
is necessary to keep the crowds under control.
Councilman Gerald Jernigan (R-Fourth Ward), an
investment analyst at the University, said he opposed the
resolution because the $15,000 is a relatively small amount of
the city's $38 million general fund.
See CITY, Page 7

Reacn out and toucnm
Presidential hopeful Walter Mondale greets supporters in Indianapolis while his opponent, Gary Hart,
shakes hands in Columbus yesterday. They were rounding up last minute support for today's primaries
in four states. See story, page 15.


e Congress is preparing to decide whether TAs
salaries are exempt from tax withholding. See page 3.
* The out-of-court settlement on the Agent Orange
case was for too few dollars. See Opinion, page 6.
" This is Spinal Tap, a movie spoofing heavy metal
bands, is reviewed. See Arts, page 8.
h The renovations are nearly completed in the
Michigan Union. See page 12.
" A Daily photographer was recognized for the out-
standing sports photograph of 1983. See page 13.
" Michigan split a doubleheader with Michigan State.
See Sports, page 20.
f Partly sunny and windy with a high temperature in
the 50s.
Associated Press
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