The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, July 17, 1984 -Page 3 THE DEMOCRATIC PAR TY OF THE FUTURE Youth to raise issues at convention By NEIL CHASE Special to the Daily SAN FRANCISCO - The apathy which has plagued most college cam- puses since the end of the Vietnam War has enabled the Reagan Administration to do many things which 'have hurt students, and this year's election provides a chance for America's youth to again become an important voting force, said a group of national student leaders Sunday. "Youths have been dumped on in the last two-and-a-half years," said Dino Fire, a leader of Frontlash, a student group affiliated with the AFL-CIO, "because youth as a rule does not vote." The student leaders, assembled in the city for the Democratic National Con- vention, cited a number of issues which all students should be concerned about such as cuts in federal financial aid, the Solomon Amendment tying financial aid to draft registration, and the proposal to set a national drinking age at 21. Raising student interest in these issues can be "like pulling teeth," Fire said, "until people are beaten over the head with the fact that you are not going to school next year because you can't come up with 10,000 bucks for tuition and board, your student loan has been taken away, or the interest has in- creased on it." The low voting record of students - less than 25 percent of the country's 13 million college students went to the polls in 1982 - is partially due to laws in some states which prohibit students from registering to vote on their college Dems (Continued from Page 1) wild, enthusiastic and emotional ap- plause." Four years ago he led the par- ty to its worst defeat in decades. EARLIER IN the day, with chants of "Ger-ry, Ger-ry," Geraldine Ferraro was given a rousing, ear-splitting welcome by thousands of female sup- porters on her arrival for the Democratic National Convention. Walter Mondale's running mate - virtually certain to become the first woman vice presidential nominee of a major political party - arrived in the city with Mondale. Their first stop in the city was at a Democratic women's fund-raising rally at the San Francisco Opera House and, as it turned out, they could not have picked a better spot to begin the con- vention week. " Dover port joins British campuses. "Many students can't vote in key districts around the country because they are denied residency," said Greg Moore, president of the United States Student Association (USSA). The USSA along with members of other groups including Frontlash, the Americans for Democratic Action, Students Against Reaganism, and the a NAACP, have joined forces to form the Youth Advisory Council. The council, designed to coordinate national activities and advise the Democratic Party on youth affairs, drafted planks for the party platform dealing with issues of concern to students such as the sub-minimum wage for younger workers and reform of election laws. The groups's planks were all adopted into the platform which will be discussed and adopted tonight at the convention. Student leaders plan to work hard in September encouraging more students to register and helping to make them more aware of issues that affect them. "Things have happened in' Washington over the last few years that I have affected young people in an ad- verse way, said Sherrod Brown, Ohio's Secretary of State. "(It) will wake a lot of young people up and make young people want to vote and want to participate in the system much more than they have." Brown, who addressed student ' leaders at the convention, was at age 29 the youngest person in the country ever ssociated Press to hold the office when he was elected insocadPrs 1912. Delegates and spectators show signs of support in the opening session of the Democratic National Convention at Moscone Center in San Francisco See YOUTH, Page 7 yesterday . speeches blast Reagan policies screamed. 'Our policy drifts with no real direction Ferraro was given a one-minute standing ovation. other than an hysterical commitment to an Jesse Jackson's role in the campaign arms race that leads nowhere - if we're also appeared to increase as he met lucky,'with Mondale campaign chief Bert Lance and Democratic chairman -New York Governor Mario Cuomo Charles Manatt to work out differences on platform planks, and Manatt said Keynote speaker Jackson would play a "leadership role" in the party this fall. About 2,000 women, including Roosevelt would be very proud of you Jackson said there was a "faithful feminist leaders Gloria Steinem and today and so would we, "Rep. Barbara effort" under way to work out Bella Abzug and celebrities Margot Mikulski, (D-Md.) said at the beginning differences. Kidder and Bonnie Franklin, jumped to of the fund-raiser. The crowd cheered. Lance, the newly installed and their feet and cheered as Mondale in- It was clearly Ms. Ferraro's audien- controversial Mondale -F e r r a r o troduced Ferraro as a symbol of the ce. She and Mondale received a stan- campaign chairman, met with Jackson "next door that we are about to open in ding ovation when they first walked out in the morning for about an hour. He America." onto the stage, but when Ferraro jab- said afterward, "This morning is the "WALTER MONDALE, Eleanor bed her left fist into the air, the crowd start of the consultation process." From AP and UPI LONDON - Dock workers at Britain's last major port to operate normally yesterday joined a week-old dock strike and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher met with Cabinet ministers to review the country's mounting labor troubles. Longshoremen at Dover, Britain's "gateway" to Europe, voted two-to-one to stop handling all cargo bound for the con- tinent, union officials said. MARITIME traffic at more than 60 major ports, including Liupnn l L dn Gl s nw and Felixstne has, been halted miners' strike that has closed three-quarters of Britain's coal mines. THOUSANDS OF tons of produce were reported rotting in ships' holds. Depsite an airlift of fresh tomatoes from the Channel Islands, tomato prices here more than tripled from 26-cents a pound to nearly 91-cents a pound. Hundreds of truckers have been laid off. Thatcher has vowed to invoke emergency powers enabling the government to use troops to move essential supplies from strikebound ports if necessary. She has blamed the strikes for a fall in the value of the British pound that triggered a rise in interest rates. Emergency legislation allowing the use of troops to run the country was last used 10 years ago during a miner's strike that forced British industry to go to a three-day week and toppled the Conservative government of Edward Heath. Speaking during a debate in the House of Commons, Tran- sport Secretary Nicholas Ridley vowed the Conservative government "will take any action necessary to keep the life of the nation going." dock w Lverpool,'jon, a' go'" ' lureb.., ""Lc 1"' orkiers by the walkout, which flared July 10 when a contract laborer, rather than a dockworker, was used to shovel iron ore at a northern port. s ie noAlthough that dispute was resolved, the dockworkers' 5SLrlJk e union is now demanding guarantees of future work. Union and port officials are scheduled to take part today in separate talks with government arbitrators. The longshoremen's walkout increased pressure on Britain's economy, already pressed by an 18-week-old coal