The Michigan Daily - Sunday, July 15, 1984 - Page 5 Harvard MBA 'oughsitout' Fran Henry's first year at Harvard Business School left her so tense her teeth died, so obsessive she could not concentrate on her sister's wedding. and so frazzled she once tried to wash her dirty laundry in the clothes dryer. Now, two years after graduation, Henry said she's glad she struggled through it. "WHAT MY MBA's given me is that foot in the door," she said. "It's like a stamp of approval. It did give me technical training and I do use that training, but more importantly, it gives me a chance to prove myself." Henry's recent book about her time at Harvard includes stories of male executives, from a bank loan officer in New Bedford to a British oil executive in Bankgkok, who suddenly became in- terested in her opinions when they lear- ned where she was going to school. Toughing It Out at Harvard begins on the day Henry mistook a clothes COLLEGES dryer for a washer. "My hot, sticky clothes circled slowly in front of me, reminding me I was losing control," she said. She suffered from vivid dreams of violence- and retribution, and a sudden spate of toothaches. "Stress can kill a tooth," her dentist consoled her. Preoccupied with business cases, Henry could not focus in on her non- Harvard friends or family. Greeting her parents after a long absence, she absent-mindedly asked: "Did you have a profitable trip?" ABOUT A quarter of the 785 students in Henry's class were women, and the book dwells at length on what it was like to be female in the power-oriented, competitive atmosphere of HBS' graduate program. She worried about "the habit so many women had of raising their hands and starting out their comments with the phrase 'I just wanted to say."' She fumed when one male student, role- playing an executive in a labor negotiation, glanced at three female members of the union team and mur- mured "How nice of you boys to have brought your wives along." But in retrospect, Henry said in a recent telephone interview, "I think Harvard is no different than any other big university, really. There are no women to speak of on faculty who are Pot smokers protest at Democratic convention tenured. I don't think that's going to change in the near future. IF THERE is a villain in the book, it may be the school's case method of teaching, in which business problems are presented through complex descriptions of a company's product or finances. Once a class was finished, she wrote, the teacher never referred again to the case under consideration. Students waded through three 20- to 40-page cases a night, fearful they would be asked to "present" the next day and be caught unprepared. Behind much of the terror lay a system of grading that guaranteed some students in each class would fail. Henry now does marketing strategies for small businesses for her own con- sulting firm, which recently moved from Washington to the hills of western Massachusetts. - United Press International Prof sues Newsweek- his course not a 'gut' A Stanford University law professor has filed a $1 million libel suit in federal court against the magazine Newsweek On Campus over an article which in- cluded one of his classes in a list of 11 "gut," or blowoff courses offered in colleges and universities. Professor John Kaplan charged that the magazine had published false in- formation with reckless disregard of the truth when it said that his course "The Criminal Law and the Criminal System" was "recognized as the easist five credits a Stanford student can earn." The article, "A Giggle of Guts," ap- peared in the October 1983 issue of Newsweek On, Campus, which has a circulation of more than 400,000. - The Chronicle of Higher Education College found not guilty of sex discrimination A federal appeals court last week upheld a lower court's finding that the University of Washington had not discriminated on the basis of sex again- st faculty members in its School of Nur- sing. A lawsuit in 1974 by 75 women and one man alleged that faculty members in the nursing school, most of whom were female, were paid less than other .,..1 Firemen battle a fire that gutted an 18th-century dining hall at Dublin's Trinity College Friday night. faculty members on the campus, but carried as heavy of a teaching load. The plaintiffs' lawyer has not decided yet whether he will seek recon- sideration of the case. - The Chronicle of Higher Education Gallegos, who held the same post at Northern Arizona, must now win the approval of the WMU Board of Trustees before assuming the position. He previously held positions at Western Washington University and at Washington State University. Gallegos earned his doctor of education degree from the University -of California at Los Angeles. WMU dean selected Arnold Gallegos of Northern Arizona - United Press International University was selected by Western Michigan University to serve Colleges was complied by Marla as the dean of the College of Education Gold last week. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The air was thick with the aroma of marijuana yesterday as about 600 noisy demon- strators calling for the legalization of pot marched from the Civic Center to the site of the Democratic National Conven- tion. The demonstrators, 10 to 15 abreast and led by a 9-year-old girl on roller skates, were preceded and followed by more than two dozen motorcycle police officers. THE MARCHERS hollered, waved wooden cutouts of pot plants and handed out marijuana cigarettes during tie 25- minute, 11 mile march that ended at Moscone Center, site of the convention. "Pot is Herb, Reagan is the Dope," screamed the mar- chers as they headed towards the convention center. Signs carried by the high-spirited protestors included, "The Holy Herb Medicine" and "Be a Part of the Oral Majority." "I'm just here to have fun. I'm leading the parade," said Heather Frase, a young roller-skater who was decked out in a costume resembling the Statue of Liberty. The parade ended with a rally near Moscone Center, with mounted police and about 40 officials in full riot gear wat- ching the crowd. There were no reports of violence. Despite evidence of the illegal weed, officers did not make arrests. Officer Dennis Quinn said police were ordered not to make any arrests for pot possession or use. 'U' administrators approve art school transition plan (Coninued frO Pagel) der construction. C.S. Mott Children's Hospital for an ex- confidential survey of the school's Business Administration's proposed The addition is made up of four parts: tended period of time a'relatively inex- faculty conducted by the dean's office executive dormitory. It will replace the a library-resource center, a computer pensive place to stay and support while revealed strong faculty support for space lost in the Kalmbach Center. The center, management seminar rooms, their child is in the hospital. student participation on the executive dormitory will provide housing for 96 and the executive dormitory. IN THE supplemental agenda of the committee in an advisory role. The people and dining facilities for 200 The regents also reviewed the ar- regents, an authorization to change the school asked that the regents include seminar participants. The dormitory is chitectual drawings for the Ronald regents by-laws which would establish students on the committee in an ad- the last component of the addition to the McDonald house. The house will allow an executive committee for theSchol of visory role. business school, which is currently un- parents who have children staying at Natural Resources was approved. A