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July 13, 1984 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1984-07-13

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Page 4 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, July 13, 1984
In-state tuition rates

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports

frozen for
(Continued from Page 1)
The freeze in resident undergraduate
tuition will mean the University will
operate under a deficit, which upset at
least one regent.
"YOUR COMMENTS are equitable,
Dr. Frye, but not persuasive," said
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor).
"The proper thing to do is add a 4 per-
cent increase for in-state students ...
the price (of a deficit) is too great to
Baker commented that the Univer-
sity is constitutionally allowed to in-
crease tuition. He said the University
was given up a source of income it
desperately needs.
Regent Thomas Roach (D-Detroit)
conceded the University has been
underfunded by the state but
questioned Baker's comment.
"I DON'T like deficits," said.Roach.
But "here for the first time in the last
two years we're getting more state
"My impression from the people in
the state is that they are very proud
that Michigan can house a world class
university," said Roach. "I don't think
they know just how much of a burden
has been placed on us."
Roach said the University. and the
rest of Michigan's higher education
institutions had to get that message out
to the people of the state.
FRYE SAID the University has
exhausted its options by cutting its
budget, increasing tuition, and
postponing major salary increases for
the faculty. However, Frye said in a
document given to the regents that even
though high tuition is unfortunte that it
would be wrong to jeopardize the high
quality of the University.
"We regard an in-state
undergraduate tuition increase in this

next year
budget not to be 'foregone' but to be
delayed or withheld for possible future
implementation in the event that a
more adequate level of state support is
not shortly achieved," said the
document written by Frye.
Under the proposed budget, an
additional $10.4 million in faculty
salary increases is planned. The
additional funds for the faculty are
designed to provide enough money to
keep pace with inflation.
In other business concerning student
fees, the regents approved the School of
Business Administration's plan to
charge a mandatory $100 student fee
each term for the use of a new
microcomputer system. The plan is
similar to the College of Engineering's
plan in which engineering students and
LSA students majoring in computer
science are required to pay a $100 per
term fee to use the Computer Aided
Engineering Network (CAEN).
The Burroughs Corporation is
donating $5 million worth of computers
and programs for the new system. The
user fee will provide maintenance and
support for the donated computers.}
Even though tuition for resident
undergraduates may be frozen, the
student fee for Health - Services is
scheduled to go up next fall $2.25 per
student per term. The regents approved
the increase at their April meeting.
UM News in
The Daily

Kremlin says U.S. is
dodging arms talks
MOSCOW - Washington's "con-
tinuous maneuvers" in response to
Moscow's call for talks on
eliminating space weapons demon-
strate that the Reagan ad-
ministration does not really want the
talks, the Soviet Union said
The Soviets want the meeting
limited to discussions of space
weapons and have called for an in-
terium suspension of development
and production of such systems.
U.S. officials balked at a
moratorium on an anti-satellite
system because, they said, Moscow
already has such weaponry and a
freeze would only insure that the
Kremlin retains its advantage.
GM decisions save jobs
DETROIT - General Motors
Corp., in a series of announcements
affecting more than 16,000 jobs, said
yesterday it will reopen an assembly
plant in Pontiac and reversed its
decision to closea Flint factory.
GM said it will reopen the Pontiac
Motor Division assembly plant,
meaning the callback of 2,400
workers still on indefinite layoff.
The plant has been closed since 1982.
It also will continue to operate the
Flint Fisher Body assembly plant,
where 4,200 workers were set to lose
jobs next year.
Space shuttle liftoff
planned for August
WASHINGTON - In an attempt to
salvage its launch schedule, NASA
yesterday postponed until Aug. 24
the maiden flight of the- shuttle
Discovery, combining its aborted
June mission with what was to be its
second flight.
Cause of the engine failure that
halted Discovery's June 26 launch
attempt just four seconds before lif-
toff remains a mystery, but Jesse
Moore, head of the shuttle program,
said engineers are confident it was a
one-time-only occurrence, probably
caused by contamination in a valve
mechanism. The failed engine has
been replaced.
W. German arms ban lifted
MOSCOW - The Soviet Union
yesterday protested a decision that
lifted a 40-year ban on West German
production of long-range bombers

and missiles and warned Bonn of
"negative consequences" if it builds
strategic weapons.
The Soviet warning was in reac-
tion to the decision by the West
Eluropean Union Council last month
to lift its 1954 ban prohibiting West
German production of conventional
longrange missiles and bombers.
DeLorean charges
LOS ANGELES - The judge in
the John DeLorean trial yesterday
threw out one count of the cocaine
conspiracy indictment against the
automaker but ruled that the-jury
will be allowed to decide his guilt or
innocence on eightother charges.
Prosecutors said U.S. District
,Judge Robert Takasugi's ruling
reduces the possible penalty for
DeLorean if he is convicted on the
remaining counts. Instead of 72
years in prison, he could face 67
years, and instead of a $190,000 fine,
he could face $180,000.
Income drops for
female-headed families
WASHINGTON - While President
Reagan's tax program boosted the
income of most Americans, families
headed by women were left with less.
money to spend, according to a new
Census Bureau study of after-tax in-
come in 1912.
One possible reason is that female-
headed families are those most
likely to be receiving Aid to Families
with Dependent Children and other
assistance, and cuts in many of
these programs occurred in 1981,
Charles Nelson, the study's co-
Strike idles British ports
LONDON - Dockworkers backed
by seamen- and railwaymen
tightened their grip on Britian's port
yesterday, halting ferries carrying
container trucks leaving Southam-
pton in an attempt to bring seaborne
trade to a standstill.
The British Chambers of Com-
merce said ina statement yesterday
that three-fourths of imports and
exports were stranded on docks,
heightening fears that this island
nation's trade lifeline could be throt-
The stevedores struck Tuesday
over the use of non-union labor in an
offshoot of the coalminers' strike.

Q 1Ut1 rdj ltdip 'eture0

502 East Huron., 663-9376
(Between State and Division)
Sunday Worship 9:55 a.m.
July 15: "In Danger of Living" by Dr.
Robert Shaw, Executive Minister of the
American Baptist Churches of Michi-
Childcare provided.
John Reed, Director; Janice Beck, or-
Pastor and Campus Minister, Robert
B. Wallace.
Associate Minister, Terry Ging.
at Lord of Light
801 S. Forest at Hill St.
Pastor: Galen Hora
Sunday Worship: 10:30 a.m.
* * *
1236 Washtenaw Ct.
A Campus Ministry of the
Christian Reformed Church
Pastor: Reverend Don Postema
Sunday Morning 10:00 a.m. Service:
Celebration of Trinity Sunday.
6:00 p.m. Holy Communion.
6 ,da~k .>.' x ?l, :4jW t i' , ir

1511 Washtenaw
Robert Kavasch, Pastor
Sunday 9:30 Worship Service.
Tuesday Bible Study, 7:30.
Wednesday Volleyball, 7:30.
1432 Washtenaw Ave., 662-4466
(Between S. University and Hill)
Sunday Worship Services 9:30 and
Wednesday Night Fellowship, 8:00.
Communion at 9:30
Campus Minister - Steve Spina
120 S. State St.
(Corner of State and Huron)
Church School and Sunday Service
9:30 only.
"The Red Commandment" by Dr..
Donald B. Strobe.
Dr. Donald B. Strobe
Dr. Gerald R. Parker
Rev. Tom Wachterhauser
Education Director:
Rose McLean
BroadcotSundays 9:30a.m.-WNRS, 120AM
TelevisedMondays 8:p.m.-Cable Chanel 9.

Member of the Associated Press
Vol. XCIV- No. 23-S
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967X) is published Tuesday through Sun-
day during the fall and winter terms and Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday
during the spring and summer terms by students at the University of
Michigan. Subscription rates: September through April-$16.50 in Ann Ar-
bor, $29.00 outside the city; May through August-$4.50 in Ann Arbor, $6.00
outside the city.
Second-class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109. BusinessManager.................STEVEN BLOOM
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