41 Page 2 -The Michigan Daily - Friday, July 13, 1984 'U' offers bargaining workshop for unions By MICHAEL NOWLIN A training school for union members scheduled for July 19-21 at the University is "the only one of its kind in the country," according to Karen Roe, a spokeswoman for the school. "The 1984 Midwest School on Unions, Collective Bargaining and Workplace Participation will be strictly from'a union perspective, geared solely to union people," said Roe. "Most schools are based on the joint concept of union- management cooperation which, in some cases, excludes unions and manipulate workers." THE FORMAT for the school was designed by Prof. Hyman Kornbluh, director of the University's Labor Studies Center. The 1984 school is divided into four workshops and will focus on quality of worklife, quality circles, employee involvement and other programs aimed at participative decision making. "People coming to the school will' mostly be rank and file union members, although some full-time program coordinators and interested public members will attend," Roe said. "We generally try to discourage management from attending the sessions." Guest speakers on the program will include Irving Bluestone, professor of labor studies at Wayne State University and former vice president of the United Auto Workers union and Randy Barber, director of the Center for Economic Organizing in Washington, D.C., and author of the book The North Shall Rise Again. THE IDEA of participative decision making originated in Japan, according to Roe. "In Japan, workers meet in groups to discuss possible changes that will improve the workplace either aesthetically or operatively." These groups, called quality circles, also meet with management to develop new ideas that increase productivity and eliminate waste, Roe added. "The philosophy behind (particpative decision making) is to maximize use of a worker's entire human resources, not just his or her body," Roe stated. "In the futute, employees may have total autonomy - with each group working out their own plan," she said. Each of the four workshops will examine new trends in the field of workplace participation, Roe said. "We'll study areas such as how to implement participation programs, how to sustain the process on an extended basis and insure that it functions properly," stated Roe. An intensive workshop headed by Barber will analyze pension investments and stock ownership by employees. The registration fee for the school is $225 per person. For that sum, one receives a single occupancy room for two nights, seven meals, a parking permit, all materials and instructors fees. According to the school brochure, lower rates are available for anyone wishing to room together or commute. a v 6896$CAROL L. FRANCAVILLA/Doily SpeechlessCRO World renowned mime Marcel Marceau signs autographs following his performance at the Power Center Wednesday night. Police say New England mob family seeks leader PROVIDENCE, R.I. (UPI) - Undisputed god- father Raymond Patriarca's death leaves a leader- ship vacuum within the New England organized crime empire he ruled ruthlessly more than 40 years, law enforcement experts said yesterday. Speculation began quickly on whether a successor would be named from within New England, or if the Patriarca family would be absorbed into one or more of New York's five crime families. PATRIARCA - known as kind to his friends and neighbors, ruthless with his enemies - died Wed- nesday of a heart attack. He was 76. He had been ill for the past decade with heart disease and severe diabetes. Yesterday, the FBI held a meeting with other law enforcement officials to plan surveillance for Patriarca's funeral, for which arrangements had not been announced. Numerous law enforcement officials say a suc- cessor is in question because most of Patriarca's top lieutenants are either dead or in jail. NICHOLAS BIANCO of Barrington, N.H., and Gennaro "Jerry" Angiulo of Boston - reputed top lieutenants - are both in prison awaiting trial in separate cases. Three other top associates in Rhode Island - Louis "Baby Shanks" Manocchio, Rudolph Sciarra and Frank "Bobo" Marrapese - are in prison. "Raymond Patriarca was the only significant leadership force left in the family," said Jeremiah O'Sullivan, Boston-based head of the U.S. Justice Department's New England Organized Crime Strike Force. South Kingstown Police Chief Vincent Vespia, formerly the chief underworld investigator for the. Rhode Island State Police, predicted a successor may be named by a national organized crime commission in New York City that oversees the nine "families" throughout the country. "IT MAY BE that the person is from outside of New England altogether," said Vespia. That New York-based commission is believed to be headed by Paul Castellano, reputed head of the Gam- bino family, which may have as many as 900 mem- bers. O'Sullivan said if the commission is brought in to mediate any kind of a dispute, men like Castellano might want to absorb Patriarca's family into their organization. In that case, O'Sullivan anticipates an increase in regional drug trafficking and labor racketeering - activities more favored by the New York families than the traditional loansharking, gambling and por- nography of the New England mob. 0I HAPPENINGS Friday Dance - party, 8:30, Union Ballr PTP - A Party with Betty Co Green, 8p.m., Power Center. BRD - course, "Purchasin Payable, 8:30 a.m., LSA. Performance Network - concer 8 p.m. 408W.Washington. CEW - course, "Refreshing Sti Washtenaw, call 764-9481. Regents - meeting, 9 a.m., Flem Medicine - workshop in scientif a m., Kresge I. Chinese Studies - meeting, 8 p. Korean Fellowship - Bible stud Campus Chapel. Saturday oom, call 97-1631. AAFC - The Day the Earth Stood Still, 7:30 p.m.; PTP - A Party with Betty Comden and Adolph 'mden and Adolph Invasion of the Body Snatchers, 9:15 p.m., MLB 3. Green, 8 p.m., Power Center, call 763-0950. g and Accounts CFT - A Boy and His Dog, 7:30 and 10:40 p.m.; p.. 401W.cWashingto- concert, Dance Theatre 2, Dark Star, 9:10 p.m., Michigan. African Students - meeting, 6 p.m., 1634 McIntyr. t, Dance Theatre 2, Cinema Guild - Breaker Morant, 7:30 and 9:30 p.m., Go Club - meeting, 2 p.m., 1433 Mason. udent Skills," 1610 Lorch. AAFC - Small Change, 7:30 and 9:30 p.m., MLB 3. ;uden Skils,"1610CFT - A Boy and His Dog, 7:30 and 10:40 p.m.; sing Building. Cinema Two - Rules of the Game, 7 p.m.; The Dark Star, 9:10 p.m., Michigan. illustration, Damned, 9 p.m., MLB 4. Cinema Guild - Never Say Never Again, 7 & 9:30 ic 1:30stramonLorch Chamber Orchestra - Haydn Festival, noon, p.m., Lorch. im., Trotter House. Liberty Plaza. Cinema Two - Gallipoli, 7:30 and 9:30 p.m., y meeting, 9 p.m., MLB4. Frisbee -practice, 5:30 p.m., Fuller Park. Zen Buddhists - "Zen Buddhism in the West today," 7:30 p.m., 1420 Hill. Send announcements to Happenings, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. 0 0