Ninety-four years of editorial freedom
Vol. XCIV, No. 23-S
Copyight 1984
The Mchign Doil
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, July 13, 1984
Fifteen Cents
Sixteen Pages
In-state tuition frozen
Grad., out-of-state rates to rise 7-
The University regents this morning
are expected to approve a recommen-
dation that tuition rates for un-
dergraduates who are state residents
not be increased for the coming school
The University's executive officers
made the recommendation yesterday
to freeze tuition for in-state students as
a show of appreciaton for efforts by the
Governor and the state legislature to
increase state funding of the Univer-
The proposed. tuition hikes for
graduate students are:
" 9.2 percent for business students;
'9 percent for denistry;
Y 9.4 percent for law; and
* 9.7 percent for medicine.
Tuition for all other students is expec-
ted to increase by seven percent, which
will mean a non-resident un-
dergraduate will pay about $200 more
per term.
"Unless substantial additional state
support is soon forthcoming however,
10 percent
significant increases in tuition will be
required. The .essential effect on our
budgetary stragedy this year is to 'pass
through' to the students a substantial
share of the incremental state ap-
propriation," said Billy Frye, vice
president and academic provost for the
University in a written proposal to the
EARLIER THIS year the University
requested a budget increase of $40.3
million from the state. But the
legislature appropriated only a $16.3
million increase for the next fiscal
year, setting this year's total state
payment to the University at $182.1
million. State support for the Univer-
sity has fallen from 73 percent of the
general budget to 49 percent, according
to Frye.
The University doesn't have the
capacity to continue to absorb declining
state support, said Frye. The surpluses
have dried up.
See IN-STATE, Page 4
Democratic presidential candidate Walter Mondale and Rep. Geraldine
Ferraro receive applause from an audience at the Minnesota State Capitol
yesterday following Mondale's announcement that Ferraro would be his vice
presidential candidate.
Flerraro picked
as first woman
V.P. ca didate
Athletic dept. funding
for phys. ed. approved
By KAREN TENSA tion. Final action is expected in Sep-
The University regents yesterday tember.
unanimously approved "in principle" a For the division to be set up as an in-
plan to make the physical education dependent, degree granting unit, the
department an independent academic regents must change four by-laws:
unit funded partially by the athletic . section 6.02 allowing for a new
department. degree program;
"We do form a new academic division . section 6.05 setting up a new
under this plan; it is not a part of the division;
School of Education anymore, nor any . section 11.051 allowing the division
other school or college," said Univer- to train teachers; and
sity President Harold Shapiro. " section 11.22 setting up an executive
"IT WILL report directly to the Vice committe for the new division.
President for Academic Affairs," said Prof. Dee Edington, chairman of the
Shapiro. physical education department,
The athletic department will now in- Canham, and Mary Ann Swain, an
directly fund the Division of Physical assistant vice president for academic
Education - stepping in and donating affairs and the former head of the
$300,000 to the University's general budget priorities committee, were
fund which in turn will be given to the members of a small committee which
physical education program. See FUNDING, Page 7
The physical education department is
considered a "back door" for athletes
whose academic records are too poor to Inside:
allow them to be admitted into other
programs in the University. " Consumers power tries a new
THE PHYSICAL education depar- approach for the Midland plant.
tment will continue to have a budget See Page 3.
approximately $1 million dollars. " The Opinion Page will not be
Don Canham, the University's restrained by federal airbags.
athletic director, said the loss of See Opinion, Page 6.
$300,000 from the sports budget will not . The controversy over
hurt any of the University's lesser spor- televised college football con-
ts - none are making a sacrifice to tinues. See Sports, Page 16.
fund the academic program.
"In a technical sense, it means a Outside:
change in some of the bylaws," said Warm and sunny with a high in
Shapiro. For the regents to change their the upper 80s.
by-laws, there must be a waiting period
to allow for public comments and reac-
From AP and UPI
St. PAUL, Minn. - Walter Mondale,
breaking 200 years of American
political tradition by picking a woman
for vice president, chose New York
Rep. Geraldine Ferraro yesterday as
his running mate in the uphill battle
against President Reagan this fall.
The bold political move of naming the
first woman ever as a vice presidential
contender of a major party was hailed
by all factions of the Democratic Party
as they headed for what appeared to be
a unified convention in San Francisco
next week.
"TODAY I am proud to announce I
have selected Geraldine Ferraro of
New York for the vice presidency of the
United States," Mondale announced
as he received a standing ovation in the
Minnesota House chamber where he
announced his own candidacy on Feb.
21, 1983.
"I looked for the best vice president
and I found her," Mondale said to
prolonged applause. "She's earned her
way here today. Gerry has excelled in
everything she's tried."
Ferraro, 48, a three-term member of
Congress from blue-collar Queens,
N.Y., followed Mondale on the podium.
"THANK YOU vice president
Mondale - vice president has such a
nice ring to it," she said. "There is an
electricity in the air, an excitement, a
sense of new possibilities, a pride."
"I'm honored to join him in this cam-
paign," she said.
The No. 2 slot - like the presidency -
has been a white male preserve since
the nation was founded. Mondale was
See MONDALE, Page 5