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The Michigan Doily - Sunday, July 8, 1984 - Page 3
illegal Salvadoran aliens visit city
yPETE WILLIAMS "I don't know what part of the Ann Arbor political or military aid from any communist countries. He
By community I represent," Epton said. "But I know it's said because of the extensive U.S. forces in El
The risk of federal prosecution does not worry Raul not the whole thing." Salvador, "I doubt they could bring even one aspirin
bnzalez, an illegal alien. According to the El GONZALEZ told an audience of about 100 people at in to the country."
ilvador native, a greater concern is the danger he the Ann Arbor Friends Meeting House on Hill Street His wife, Valeria Gonzalez, said women have added
id his family would face if they were to return that returning to his homeland right now would likely dangers living in El Salvador. "Peasant women run
me. _ result in death for him and his family. dhershofgbinErador.'Ped shnthoen
The Gonzalez family visited Ann Arbor yesterday Gonzalez was jailed in El Salvador for seven the risk of being raped or killed - which they often
their way to their new home in Detroit. St. Rita's months because he was writing a book about life in are." She also said when men such as her husband
hurch in Detroit has agreed to illegally give the that country. He fled to the United States after his are taken off to jail, often the rest of the family will be
rmer high school teacher and his family sanctuary release. taken away or killed.
til they can safely return to El Salvador. "Those seven months represent a loss of life for Haul Gonzalez also addressed a few myths about
CHURCHES such as St. Rita's can choose to give me," Gonzalez said through an interpreter. "As a Salvadoran elections, charging the voting procedure
nctuary to illegal aliens because of the potential Christian, I made a promise to God that if I left the avedoraudlet.Ons, urintiitin ard,
fety they can afford the refugees. According to country I would tell the truth to churches about what as beig fraudulent. '"On your identification card,
uth Graves, who organized the Gonzalez visit to Ann is really happening in El Salvador." you get a stamp when you vote. It the authorities see
And that is exactly what he attempted to do with that you haven't voted, they can accuse you of beinga
*bor, immigration officials are not likely to enter a n ht seaty wa eatmtdt owt terrorist," he explained. "That is why people vote. It
urch and arrest the Gonzalez family. the help of an interpreter in yesterday's meeting. is not because of their hopes for the country, it is
Ann Arbor City Council member Jeff Epton "YES THERE is American blood fighting on the because they have to."
elcomed the Gonzalez family to the community with side of the El Salvadoran guerillas," Gonzalez said. The Gonzalez family will leave for Detroit at 9:00
formal resolution. The city council approved the ...On my way to work every day, I could see the this morning as part of a car caravan, the "sanctuary
solution an an earlier meeting. The resolution did headquarters and the American soldiers."rk
t address the illegality of their presence in the Gonzalez said there are no such forces from Cuba freedomtrain." Raul will look for work illegally in
,ntrv or the Soviet Union and they do not receive medical the metropolitan area.
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silent about
The University regents, meeting
behind closed doors yesterday to
discuss a prospective legal case, said
their session was productive but would
not reveal the topic of their discussion.
The two hour meeting was convened
publicly about 20 minutes past noon.
Regent Thomas Roach (D-Detroit)
began it by making a motion to close
the meeting in order to discuss a legal
opinion. The motion was approved
unanimously with no discussion.
The regents', special meeting came
less than a week before their regular
monthly meeting at which they are ex-
pected to approve next year's tuition
Regent James Waters (D-Muskegon)
said in a telephone conversation Thur-
sday that it's unusual to have a special
meeting a week before, the regular
meeting. But Regent Paul Brown (D-
Petoskey) insisted that the meeting had
no special significance.
Roderick Daane, general counsel of
the University, said that he wrote an
opinion for the special session but
would not say what the opinion was
"I make ita policy not to comment on
closed meetings," said Regent Deane
Baker (R-Ann Arbor).
Quaddie construction
Monroe St. is being torn up behind South Quad in order to put in a cul-de-sac. The new setup will eliminate several
parking spaces but will improve access for delivery trucks.
Heart patient's condition mproves
Doctors at the University's C.S. Mott Children's Hospital who had died of meningitis. He is believed to be the nation's
yesterday upgraded the condition of the nation's youngest youngest heart donor.
heart transplant recipient from serious to fair, according to a The girl suffered from cardiomyopathy, a progressive
spokesperson. - disease which deprives the heart of its ability to beat.
Hospital spokesperson Suzanne Tainter said the two-year- Early last week the girl was moved from a private room
old Detroit girl's prognosis is now "favorable." back to the hospital's intensive care unit because she was
The girl, whose name has been kept secret at the request of showing signs of rejection. However, doctors say she is
her parents, underwent heart transplant surgery June 20 responding well to the anti-rejection drug treatments she is
when she received the heart of a three-year-old Michigan boy receiving.
Four to be charged in kidnapping of
From AP and UPI
LONDON - Two Israeli mercenaries and two
Nigerians yesterday faced charges of kidnapping in
the bizarre abduction of an exiled Nigerian Cabinet
minister found drugged and unconscious in a ship-
ping crate Thursday, police sources said.
Scotland Yard was invetigating whether the abdu-
ction was ordered by the Nigerian regime or was a
free-lance operation by mercenaries hoping to collect
a reward for returning the former minister, Umaru
Dikko, to face trial on corruption charges.
NIGERIA HAS denied it had a role in the incident,
despite the fact that the crate containing Dikko was
addressed to the External Affairs Ministry in Lagos
and sent by the Nigerian High Commission, or em-
bassy, in London.
Also, two London newspapers said in their Sunday
editions that two Israelis were involved and they
might be linked to the Mossad, Israel's intelligence
Scotland Yard refused to confirm the identities of
the four men or say if they would be charged. Police
originally detained 17 people, but eight were released
Friday and five more yesterday.
Dikko, one of Nigeria's most powerful officials until
a military coup overthrew the civilian government
six months ago, was recuperating but still too
"drowsy" to be questioned, authorities said.
See BRITAIN, Page 5