algf~ilign atly
Ninety-four years of editorial freedom
Vol. XCIV, No. 21-S Topigh
N. Y. firm
plans new
store in
The opening of another college
bookstore on campus may increase the
competition for students' textbook
dollars - but it probably won't start a
price war, according to local
Barnes and Noble, a New York firm,
plans to open a new store on the ground
floor of the Michigan Union this
December. The advantage the com-
pany will have to initially break into the
market will be its location, close to the
place the University Cellar moved out
of two years ago.
BARNES AND Noble has become a
major supplier to colleges around the
country with stores on 45 different
college campuses. Yet most of their
stores, like those at Wayne State,
Cleveland State and the University of
Akron, face no competition.
Still, Bill Maloney of Barnes and
Noble boasted that his company has
never failed to operate a successful
store in any city since their founding in
1873. Maloney said the new store would
*. be a "full line college bookstore," but
he did not elaborate on what they would
sell besides textbooks.
"The potential in Ann Arbor -is
great," said Maloney. "The increased
competition should be healthy and it
should be good for the entire student
SINCE FOLLETT'S got out of the
textbook business last summer, studen-
ts have been limited to shopping at
either Ulrich's Books or the University
Cellar. Now Barnes and Noble is at-
tempting to market amid the intense
competition for the student dollar.
"We think that the University of
Michigan is one of the top five schools in
See NEW, Page 5
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, July 8, 1984
Fifteen Cents
Sixteen Pages
Assocatred rress
Workers try to clear debris and cut their way into damaged cars to rescue survivors of yesterday's train wreck of the
Montrealer in Williston, Vt.
4, injures more than 100
From AP and UPI
WILLISTON, Vt. - An Amtrak
passenger train with 278 people aboard
derailed while crossing a washed-out
culvert yesterday, tumbling cars into a
streambed, killing at least four people,
injuring more than 130 and trapping
passengers in a crushed sleeping car.
Workers using a crane and blowtor-
ches rescued at least five people from
the crushed car, but an undetermined
number remained trapped inside more
than 12 hours after the accident.
Rescuers used stethoscopes against the
side of the sleeping car to detect
movement within, but they said there
were no signs of life.
NINE CARS of the 13-car Montrealer
jumped the weakened track around 7
a.m., officials said. Three cars were
mangled as they piled into each other
after plummeting down a 30-foot gully
in northwestern Vermont.
Three people were pronounced dead
at the scene, said state police. A fourth
person died at the Medical Center
Hospital of V ermont in nearby
the death toll was expected to go
higher once rescue worgers were able
to open up a crushed car at the bottom
of a three-car pile-up.
"BODIES WERE just falling every
which way. People were screaming for
help," said passenger Frank Coles of
New York City.
"We felta huge jolt. The track was all
bent up like a pretzel," said passenger
William Armstrong of New York City,
who as sleeping when the train
Helicopters and buses were used to
ferry out the dead and most seriously
See DEATH, Page 7
Cablevision to pursue pirates
Ann Arbor Cablevision has begun a campaign which.
it hopes will all but eliminate cable piracy by the end
of the summer.
Television and newspaper ads which began ap-
pearing last month aim to discourage residents of the
company's viewing area from using its services
"NOW IS AS good a time for (the crackdown) as
any," said Cablevision general manager Sharan
Wilson. During July, she said, people using services
they are not paying for will be allowed to come for-
ward without fear of prosecution and without any
liability for the services already used. Cablevision
plans to seek out and prosecute cable pirates in
The National Cable Television Business
Association estimates that the theft of cable equip-
ment and services costs the industry between $500
and $700 million a year.
"The whole emphasis of this campaign is to let
people know this is a crime, like going into the
market and stealing a carton of milk," Wilson ex-
WILSON LISTED four types of cable theft: tam-
pering with the receiving console; reactivating
discontinued service; intercepting a cable signal with
a dish antenna or with illegal wiring; and stealing
Cablevision equipment. About half of all cable theft
involves tampering, she said.
Ann Arbor presents particular difficulties, Wilson
said, because of its ever-changing population.
"I think you probably have more of the theft of
See LOCAL, Page 7
* The Jacksons opened their long-awaited Vic-
tory Tour in Kansas City yesterday. See Page
" A group of Salvadoran refugees came
through Ann Arbor last night on their way to
sanctuary in Detroit. See Page 3.
" President Reagan has broken one too many of
his 1980 campaign promises. See Opinion, Page
Los Lobos are a quartet which deserves
praise. See Arts, Page 10.
* Two Michigan graduates captured spots on
the Olympic team. See Sports, Page 16.
Sunny and warm with a high near 80.