I OPINION Page 6 Vol. XCIV, No. 20-S 94 Years of Editorial Freedom Managed and Edited by Students at The University of Michigan Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily Editorial Board The Solomon shuffle Y ESTERDAY'S Supreme Court opinion upholding the constitutionality of the Solomon Amendment reached its conclusion in a way which must have surprised even the father of the amendment, Rep. Gerald Solomon of New York. The court embraced, along with other legal absurdities, the notion that the amendment isn't a punishment after all. The law, which denies financial assistance to college students who have failed to register for the draft, is in- stead an "encouragement." Apparently the court regards the law as a kind of reward-a present to young men lucky enough to come of age in this free country. The reward they've been given in this decision is the significant erosion of some of their most important constitutional rights. Contrary to explicit prohibitions in the con- stitution, young men now face heavy economic sanctions not for committing a crime, but for not reporting whether they have complied with the registration laws. Without a trial, their fate as criminals or non-criminals is determined on the basis of their forced testimony. The presumption of guilt is effec- tively shifted onto the defendant, the privacy of millions of citizens is invaded, and every non-registrant is forced to incriminate him- self. The court attempted to draw a distinction between the "punishments" imposed by un- constitutional bills of attainder, and the san- ctions imposed under the Solomon Amen- dment. Contrary to the court's logic, these "sanctions"-which can easily result in com- parative financial hardship for thousands of students-are not vastly different from the "punishments" imposed under the con- stitutionally forbidden bills of attainder. The principle difference seems to lie in a favorable judicial disposition toward a given gover- nment policy rather than in any con- stitutionally legitimate distinction. Friday, July 6, 1984 The Michigan Daily Wasserman MY RUNNIN&GNMAT tAM §oG SOEODY SNOULD BE R PERSON UNEXPECTED AND WITH {7OVEFNNT ATU'lTiON-6986N&. oXPno NC lJ BUTJ lCAN'T BE &oMIoNN Wo 0 S 601NG a 1 M0 I O lMIY V N 'To u?sTtO AO Mp coc .I Saving the peregrines: Money, TLC, and some pidgeons By Danie Lindley SANTA CRUZ, CALIF.-All creatures must adapt to survive, but for the peregrine falcon sur- vival may mean living in the places populated by its relentless enemy-human beings. As part of a program to save this fierce bird, scientists are introducing it in such unlikely perches as a bank in Los Angeles, bridges in New York, and an Altantic city casino. "It's been wildly successful," says Brian Walton, manager of the Predatory Bird Research Group here. "Almost every bird we've released in the city has survived." Walton, 32, is one of a collection of scientists, mountain climbers, and bird lovers helping the peregrine come back from near- extinction as victims of the pesticide DDT. WHEN RESCUE efforts were first organized 10 years ago, only two pairs of peregrines were known to remain on the West Coast, and the bird was con- sidered extinct east of the Rockies. At one time there had been some 500 breeding pairs in the West and 300 in the East. The peregrines display deadly efficiency. The diminutive falcon weighs less than a chicken, but with its incredible speed - it is the world's fastest bird-brawny legs, cruel beak, and huge talons, it can overcome victims twice its size. Last year hatcheries here, in. Colorado and in New York state, run by the Peregrine Fund, released 248 fledglings, thereby tripling the country's population. Most were restored to isolated; cliffs, but 50 birds were placed in a dozen U.S. and Canadian cities. THEY ALREADY have bred successfully in New York, Los Angeles, and Baltimore. In fact, some of their offspring have followed the time-honored tradition of moving to the subur- bs. Biologists say the urban setting has several advantages. City, falcons eat pigeons, which are' plentiful and practically devoid, of DDT. Nest atop skyscrapers are protected from the human' crowd, and city falcons need not worry about irate farmers or nearsighted hunters. And there is the public, relations element-their spec- tacular flight draws lunchtime crowds, and this has proved a boon to the Peregrine Fund, which is two-thirds supported by donations. IN SPITE of these successes the near-total ban on DDT and protection as an endangered species, the peregrine still needs help if the species is to reach a self-sustaining level. A host of widely used chemicals, free from pesticides to PCBs, as well as lead and mer- cury, have spread through the food chain, killing embryos, and DDT has been slow to break down. It still is used in Latin American countries to control malaria, and migratory birds which eat DDT-laced insects there are eaten in turn by peregrines here. DDT interferes with the ability to produce calcium, so affected birds lay eggs with shells so thin they cannot support the weight of a brooding peregrine. Other predatory birds-including ospreys, bald eagles and brown pelicans-are similarly harmed. "PEOPLE HAVE about the same level of DDT," explains Walton. "It's just that we don't lay eggs." The percentage of thin-shelled eggs laid in the wild has been declining, he says, "but this is the worst year we've seen in many, many years." No one is sure why this is so, though some suspect illegal use of.DDT. Scientists employ a variety of methods to encourage breeding-including some which strain decorum. FOR EXAMPLE, captive brood birds can lay and hatch three or four eggs a year, but the females sometimes beat up their smaller suitors. When this hap- pens, a lab assistant will woo the shrinking violet by donning a canvas hat with a special rubber ring for collecting sperm. The human makes courtship movements and cries, which stimulate the male to mount the hat. The sperm from the hat birds" then is used to inseminate the females. Working with peregrines may also mean risking life and limb. Trained gatherers-all skilled mountaineers-collect too-thin eggs in the wild. They leave plaster eggs to keep the adults on the nest, incubate and hatch the eggs at the lab, and then return the young birds to the nest. Scaling crumbly cliffs is not easy-but it becomes more ner- ye-wracking when anxious parents dive-bomb the egg thief. One climber broke his leg earlier this year and had to be taken out by helicopter. Some fledglings are set out to colonize deserted spots that har- bored peregrines decades ago. These are trained with the age- old methods of falconry. FOR A WEEK, the young are kept in a box and fed through a long tube, so they become ac- customed to their benefactor. Then they are set free, and their rations are gradually reduced so they will start to hunt. "They rely on instinct," Walton says. They also seem to learn by trial and error-peregrines have been seen swooping at targets like deer and great-blue herons. As in nature, about half die the first year. Some cannot hunt well enough, others have run-ins with electricalrwires, cars, hunters, and natural enemies like eagles and great horned owls. Walton, who worries that he is becoming more bureaucrat than biologist as he scurries for funds and programs, says he generally gets generous responses, though there are occasional complaints that his $300,000 annual budget would be better spent on humans. "The peregrine and the condor are going extinct directly as a result of man," is his reply. "There are going to be thousands of species going extinct by the year 2000. Most of them, we won't be able to help. I think we have a moral commitment to help those we can." Lindley wrote this article for Pacific News Service. I I 6 0 RE ac-,AIJ5 RUW,411,JC- MOITE 6