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July 06, 1984 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1984-07-06

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, July 6, 1984- Page 3
State agreement
allows 'U' to
plan tuition bike

Laura and William Seeger of North Carolina visit with Ruth Deforage (in
wheelchair) on North University.

plan elosed

The regents will hold a special closed
meeting tomorrow at noon in order to
discuss a legal opinion on a prospective
case, according to Regent Thomas
Roach (D-Detroit).
Roach said that he had a legal
question on a prospective case and the
University decided to convene an
executive session to address the
question, but he would not elaborate
about the prospective case.
It's unusual to have a special meeting
a week before the regular meeting, said
Regent James Waters (D-Muskegon).

The state legislature has finally
reached an accord on its budget for the
coming year, clearing the way for the
University to finalize its own 1984-85
budget and determine the size of this
year's rise in tuition.
The budget, which is now awaiting
approval in the House, calls for a
payment of $182.1 million to the Univer-
sity, a $19 million increase over last
year's payment. The final figure was
reached after long negotiations bet-
ween leaders of the Republican-
controlled Senate and the Democratic
House over several controversial issues
in the state budget.
LAST MONTH the University regents
had to approve a resolution to continue
operations under the current budget un-
til the legislature set the University's
funding for the coming year.
The regents are expected to vote on
the tuition hike at next week's meeting.
The amount of the increase is still an
open question right now, according to
Richard Kennedy, vice president for
But Regent Paul Brown (D-Petoskey)
said that the meeting had no special
significance and that the meeting was
just scheduled at a time thpt was con-
venient to the regents and the Univer-
sity officials.
Roderick Daane, general counsel of
the University, said yesterday that he
has written an opinion for the executive
session but would not say what the
opinion was about.
The meeting will be closed to the
public under the open meetings act
because it involves a legal opinion, ac-
cording to a press release.
service desk for opening and closing
accounts as well as an automatic teller.
The new office of NBD will also have
provisions for arranging student loans.
"Our office in the Michigan Union
should be a good tool for acquiring and
retaining customers after graduation
and into their professional lives." said
THE NEW banking service stiffens
the competition with First of America
which currently has a 24-hour
See UNION, Page 7

state relations and secretary for the
A final decision on the tuition hike has
not been made, said Bob Sauve,
assistant to the vice president for
academic affairs.
THE BUDGET was passed by the
Senate Monday and the House is expec-
ted to pass the budget next Monday
evening, according to a spokesperson
for Speaker of the House Gary Owen
The higher education portion of
this year's budget is $846.6 million, an
11 percent increase over last year's
allocation of $761.2 million.
The State's appropriation will
represent more than 50 percent of the
University's revenue, according to
Kennedy. Last year, the appropriation
represented only 49.2 percent of the
University's revenue. -
surprised by
offer to be
University President Harold Shapiro
rejected a request-by Gov. James Blan-
chard to be a mediator in the talks in-
volving the fate of the Midland Nuclear
Power Plant two weeks ago.
The University issued a statement at
the time that said President Shapiro
didn't have enough time to become
familiar with the issues, but it seems
that President Shapiro was also sur-
prised by the request.
off guard," said Rep. Michael Hayes
(R-Midland). "Someone let the cat out
of the bag...it wasn't supposed to be
made public," he added.
"The talks at that point had reached a
stalemate," said Hayes. "We felt a
mediator could get the two sides talking
At the time, Consumers Power, the
builder of the Midland facility, wanted
to finish one of the two reactors, but a
group of state officials and utility
critics wanted to cancel the project.
HAYES WAS one of the represen-
tatives who asked Blanchard to request
Shapiro. Hayes said that Shapiro had a
good reputation and would have been
The trouble was that Shapiro found
out about the request the same day the
public found out about it, according to
"We had agreed to keep it under out
hats," he said.
When asked whether Shapiro had any
experience as a mediator, Susan Lip-
schutz, assistant to the president, said
"I can't comment on that."

Union renovation nears
The Michigan Union has moved one said were chosen because they are
step closer to the suburban shop- aimed specifically at students, include
ping mall look with the signing of ten- the Barnes & Noble bookstore of New
tative agreements with six merchants York and Sun Photo, National Bank of
willing to open up shops on the Union's Detroit-Ann Arbor, O'Hair Hair Styling,
ground floor. and Pronto Copying and Typing from
According to Union Director Frank Ann Arbor. The mall is scheduled to be
Cianciola, five Ann Arbor firms and a open by the time school starts in the
New York bookstore have agreed to fall.
move into the new retail mall in the Jim Cullip, branch administrator for
Union adjacent to the MUG restauran- the National Bank of Detroit-Ann Ar-
ts. bor, said his firm will offer a customer

'U' hospital charged with discrimination
By PETE WILLIAMS which was filed on March 21, 1983, a less Administrators in the hospital's per-
The University's C.S. Mott Childrens' qualified white woman was hired for sonnel and nursing departments - as
Hospital was charged with race the job. well as the hospital's public infor-
discrimination yesterday by the State Holmes said that an administrative mation office - were unaware yester-
Civil Rights Department. hearing would be held in Lansing on day of the pending charges.
Assistant Director of the depar- September 17 and 18 to determine if "It is news to me," said John Wood-
tment's Enforcement Bureau William discrimination was involved in the ford, of the Public Information Office.
Holmes said that there is "substantial University's decision. If the charge is Woodford said that he would look in to
evidence" to support DeVonna Bahta's upheld, the University could be ordered the case as soon as he could.
claim that she was turned down by the Civil Rights Department to hire University Attorney William Lem-
because of her race for a position at the Bahta with back pay. Holmes added mer said that he was familiar with this
childrens' hospital as a licensed prac- that the decision of the hearing referee particular case, but that it is only one of
tical nurse. could be appealed by either of the par- the many civil rights cases now pending
ACCORDING to Bahta's complaint, ties involved. against the University.

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